Granny’s Wedding Quilts

Have we ever told you what an amazing woman our Granny was?
I’m sure we’ve told you about how she taught us to bake (both of us), to love to send and receive letters, how to grow things, to embroidery, how to sew and craft.
How she is one of the people in my life that I am most thankful for.

My husband, me and Granny at her 90th birthday party!

But one thing we haven’t shared about her was that she was a quilting extraordinaire! I remember watching her embroider and stitch each quilting square, then piece them together in her sewing room. I remember being at her house as just a tike and strangers would stop by to pick through her stack of baby quilts and purchase them as gifts or for their own kiddos.

Our sweet Granny passed away in 2010, but she had the foresight to make and leave wedding quilts for each of my mom’s children.
While I was home this weekend, we dug them out. Each one wrapped in a bag with our names on the one for us and our future spouse.

Blue Fan Wedding Quilt

She took such great care with these quilts. Mine has a blue fan pattern with lace around the middle of each fan.
It’s large enough to fit nicely on a queen sized bed.

In the corner of each quilt is a fun ‘Specially Created by Grandma‘ tag.
I vaguely remember her ordering these and showing just the tags to me once after they’d come in. She had said at the time, she couldn’t find any that said made by Granny, so these would do. (Granny is what everyone called her as opposed to grandma.)

sewing tags

I’ve been married over a year now and have my married home all set up… so I got to bring my wedding quilt home with me.
It’s a gift that my husband and I will treasure forever. A gift that my sweet Granny made and thought to leave even though she wouldn’t be here to give it to us herself. She instead left it in the care of my momma knowing that it would be shared when the time came.

My brother just got married in August, so we got his quilt out and shared it with my sister-in-law, Jessie. They are currently working on settling down, so until they have their permanent home ready she’s decided to leave it with my mom. A safe place to keep it until they’re ready to take it to their married home.

And just for fun, we got a picture of Kayli and her future wedding quilt! Someday when she’s married we’ll get it out again and pass it on from my Granny to her and her future husband.

My hope is that I can live to leave a legacy like my Granny did. A legacy that lives on even after I’m gone.

Linking this here and here and .

Ten Weeks of Thanks – Kassi’s Week 4

Hello there friends!!!
So Miss Kayli is off enjoying her Spring Break… And as such is taking a break from the computer! Can you blame her… she’s still in her first year of college… I got tired of the computer when I was in college too! haha.

SO, I’m going to use her break to catch up on MY Ten Weeks of Thanks! She’ll be back next week with her week 7… which will give YOU plenty of time to get YOUR post(s) ready if you’d like to link up with us. :) Week 7’s topic is Places, so next Wednesday, if you want to share what PLACES, anywhere in the world, that YOU’RE thankful for… we’d love to have you!

Until then, here’s my week 4 – People who have passed on that I am thankful for… And as always, this is only a select few… The list of people I am thankful for could go on and on… You’ll notice my list is . Over the last two, almost three now years we lost three people very close to us. So it’s them that I’ll be sharing today.

Granny. One of my most favorite people in the entire world! I remember once when I was just a tyke, and it only happened that ONE time… I was being naughty and got a spat on the bum from my Granny. I’m not sure who was more shocked, me, her or the people who saw it happen… She and I were tight. She never really got mad at me.
I was born just over a year after she lost my grandpa (). My mom always said I came at a time when she needed someone to love more than anything. And she loved me like crazy. And I her. When I graduated from college I moved home to care for her. She lived with my parents then. That is a time in my life that I will truly cherish forever.

My mother in law. Oh this lady… She could crack you up like none other! And she always had my back. Which was awesome being that I married her son… She would say, “If you guys ever break up, we’re keeping you.” :) She said that about all of her daughters in law. There’s three of us and a daughter and every one of us has a house full of trinkets and treasures thanks to her. She loved to yard sale and would always bring everyone a little something home…. You know… like a set of couches. 😉

We lost her in a car accident in 2009. That was and still is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through in my entire life.

Grandpa S. My husband’s grandfather. My mother in law’s dad. We lost him just a year shy of my mother in law. A spunkier cowboy you have never seen! He made it as a team tier in the National Finals Rodeo several times. As far as I know his love of roping and riding is where my husband got his love from. We are lucky to have a few photos of them roping together. When I met him he was one of the first people to include me. The hubs and I dated for over five years before we got married. But being married didn’t matter to him… I was already a part of his family.


Tell us lovelies… WHO are YOU thankful for?

If you have sometime today or in the next few days, here are the linkups (and their topics) in Kayli’s Ten Weeks of Thanks Series thus far. We would absolutely LOVE to hear what/who you are thankful for. :) By the way, some of the links had closed… But I’ve re-opened all of them until April 1st if you’d like to join in anytime before then… :)

And don’t forget, next week’s topic is PLACES.

Be thankful friends!