Granny’s Wedding Quilts

Have we ever told you what an amazing woman our Granny was?
I’m sure we’ve told you about how she taught us to bake (both of us), to love to send and receive letters, how to grow things, to embroidery, how to sew and craft.
How she is one of the people in my life that I am most thankful for.

My husband, me and Granny at her 90th birthday party!

But one thing we haven’t shared about her was that she was a quilting extraordinaire! I remember watching her embroider and stitch each quilting square, then piece them together in her sewing room. I remember being at her house as just a tike and strangers would stop by to pick through her stack of baby quilts and purchase them as gifts or for their own kiddos.

Our sweet Granny passed away in 2010, but she had the foresight to make and leave wedding quilts for each of my mom’s children.
While I was home this weekend, we dug them out. Each one wrapped in a bag with our names on the one for us and our future spouse.

Blue Fan Wedding Quilt

She took such great care with these quilts. Mine has a blue fan pattern with lace around the middle of each fan.
It’s large enough to fit nicely on a queen sized bed.

In the corner of each quilt is a fun ‘Specially Created by Grandma‘ tag.
I vaguely remember her ordering these and showing just the tags to me once after they’d come in. She had said at the time, she couldn’t find any that said made by Granny, so these would do. (Granny is what everyone called her as opposed to grandma.)

sewing tags

I’ve been married over a year now and have my married home all set up… so I got to bring my wedding quilt home with me.
It’s a gift that my husband and I will treasure forever. A gift that my sweet Granny made and thought to leave even though she wouldn’t be here to give it to us herself. She instead left it in the care of my momma knowing that it would be shared when the time came.

My brother just got married in August, so we got his quilt out and shared it with my sister-in-law, Jessie. They are currently working on settling down, so until they have their permanent home ready she’s decided to leave it with my mom. A safe place to keep it until they’re ready to take it to their married home.

And just for fun, we got a picture of Kayli and her future wedding quilt! Someday when she’s married we’ll get it out again and pass it on from my Granny to her and her future husband.

My hope is that I can live to leave a legacy like my Granny did. A legacy that lives on even after I’m gone.

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