DIY Baby Closet Dividers

Today I have the very first baby craft I did for our little miss… Hope you enjoy! 😉

Ever since we announced that we are expecting and the gender of our little one, we’ve been receiving some of the cutest baby clothes from our friends as gifts. I’ll be honest… there for awhile I had them all stuck in a box and stored in our bedroom. Then we got a changing table for baby’s room so I moved the box in onto the changing table… That’s the way things have stayed for months. Every time we get something new it just got added to the pile.

At about 30 weeks into this pregnancy I decided it might be a good time to get baby’s closet set up and organized. I have a friend that just had a baby boy a few months ago and she said she had trouble keeping track of what she had in what sizes… My solution was to google baby closet dividers. Sure you can buy them at Wal-Mart for a few bucks, but they lack personality… So… I made my own!

DIY Baby Closet Dividers

The materials needed for this craft include:

  • Wooden door hangers
  • Your choice of craft paper (I used some pretty rose scrapbook paper I found at Wal-Mart.)
  • Mod Podge
  • Brush
  • Small paint brush and paint to match your scrapbook paper
  • Baby clothes hangers

materials needed for baby closet dividers

Step 1: Trace your wooden door hanger onto a sheet of the craft paper. Lesson learned here… those wooden hangers are not all cut exactly the same… Each one needs to be traced or you can end up with paper that doesn’t fit your door hanger. Then just cut out your tracings with scissors.

making baby closet dividers

Step 2: I painted the sides that wouldn’t be covered with paper just to add a fun pop of color. You don’t have to do this step… you can definitely leave it as just the wood grain. Another lesson learned here… Two paint bottles make a great drying ‘rack’.

how to make baby closet dividers

Step 3: Next decoupage the papers onto your wooden door hangers using a brush and Mod Podge.

diy baby closet dividers

Step 4: I designed sizes on my Silhouette SD software. NB for New Born, 0-3 for zero to three months and so on up to 18-24 months. I cut them out on white vinyl to make stickers for each divider. If you don’t have a cutting tool you could just as easily cut out sizes and Mod Podge those on as well, or purchase number stickers from the craft store to use instead.

diy baby closet dividers

Step 5: Hang your new baby closet dividers in baby’s closet then fill closet with adorable baby clothes organized by size!!!

baby closet divided by sizes

So tell me friends? What is your number one or most favorite baby organizing tip? Links would be appreciated too!

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. Hope you enjoyed this post! If so, we’d love if !

Greeting Card Keepsake Book

Hey dolls! Happy Wednesday! This week my niece and nephew are visiting for their Spring Break. They are 11 and 9 years old, so it’s been lots of board games, fun movies, going out to eat and what not. While I’m off entertaining kiddos I have an easy but awesome organizational craft for you!!!

We all receive greeting cards for various holidays, then there’s those sweet cards you got last year for your birthday, or when you had your baby, or any other special occasion really. If you’re like me you want to save those sweet mementos from your loved ones, but there’s not a whole lot of space for that so they end up tossed in a box in the closet not to be seen until the next occasion when you add a few more… So, why not make a Greeting Card Keepsake Book and actually save those cards in an organized way!?!

what to do with old greeting cards

It’s really a simple project. I made mine just sitting on my couch while watching an episode of Pioneer Woman. 😉 I used the cards we received at our wedding and my bridal shower. Yes, that was nearly two years ago now… oops… I separated the cards from the envelopes and then threw the envelopes away. They take up a lot of space FYI.

Then I used a hole punch to punch two holes in each card. I purchased a set of book binder rings, found in the office section of my Wal-Mart and bound the cards together. See?! So easy! Now I have two little books from my wedding and bridal shower of sweet notes from our dearest friends and family! You know, instead of a stack of random cards just floating around in a box that nobody ever gets to enjoy!

Your turn! What do you do with your old cards? Do you stash them in a box? Toss them right away?? It took me forever to get around to doing this easy project, so trust me, I won’t judge! 😉

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. Hope you enjoyed this post! If so, we’d love if !