Guest Bedroom Reveal

I’ll just go ahead and apologize for skipping around with my projects… 😉
Like Mandi says, don’t judge me! haha. Life gets busy and you move on from one thing to another and before you know it, you haven’t blogged about what you said um…. that you would blog about… Oops.

SO here it is…

The Guest Bedroom Reveal!!

Before (view from the door) and After!

I still feel like it’s a work in progress. Aren’t our homes just one big continual project anyway… :) You know, someday I’ll get a new bed frame, someday I’ll add a headboard… That kind of thing. But regardless, right now, as it is, I’m happy with it.

So… I would LOVE to know what you lovelies think???

You can see we got rid of that entertainment center and replaced it with a small dresser that belonged to my .
The first TV was a hand me down, so we just handed it down again and put the one that used to be in our bedroom in there.

Don’t mind those weird off color spots in the corner of the photo below… That was just my camera picking up the glare I guess…
The painting in this photo was in the hub’s childhood bedroom. It really plays up the gray color of the wall!  The two photos on the right are of my husband (as a kiddo) with his mom and grandpa and then of us with my Granny.
I spray painted the frames as decorations for our wedding, then they found a permanent home in here.
The Scentsy Plug-In is Santa Fe… It has a turquoise center which matches the bedding.

This was the first room I ever painted at all really. The first room I painted entirely by myself.
I talked more about . Sure, there were some painting newbie mistakes, like how the mirror in the corner leaves scratches in the paint…

Probably should’ve done another coat. Or used primer or something… But oh well. You live you learn, right!?! :)

 I talked about . The wall hanging in this photo was a Christmas gift from my friend Meghan.
It’s that Mother Teresa poem, ‘Do It Anyway’ with a photo of a daisy. It was the MOST thoughtful gift… The poem was a favorite of my Mother in Law, and I love gerbera daisies.

The tutorial for the . I bought the teal colored sheets on sale at Wal-Mart for $12! The white pillowcases came from there as well. The comforter was on sale + a wedding gift card from JCPenney netted me that white pretty for $17!!! Originally priced at $110!!!

I won the horse photo print in a blog giveaway from  and spray painted the frame an off white. The mirror in the corner also belonged to my mother in law (as well as the small dresser).

I’m not sure of the overall cost since I worked on this for short spurts at a time over several months. But it wasn’t much! We only bought paint, the curtains and the bedding! Everything else is hand me down, gifted or won! Now that’s MY kind of room makeover!!!
Thanks for checking out our guest bedroom! I would love to know your thoughts!

Linking this here and here and .
My entry into Strut Your Stuff sponsored by Appliances Online and the Bosch Washing Machines



  1. that color is amazing! I love it with the white, so crisp and clean looking! cute pillows, too!

  2. Oooh, I love the way it turned out!!! Looks great!

  3. This is looking so good Kassi! I really like the bright turquoise accents, I also like the fact that it is not so cluttery! I think a bedside table with a fun lamp would be a good addition as well…. if there is room, I can’t really tell!

    • THANKS Miss Carlee! I do agree… I am a nightstand person. Gotta have my water and a book right by the bed… So a nightstand is in order. Just gotta find one!! Thrift stores here we come! :)

  4. Love your redone guest room! The wall color is great and love the white bedding with turquoise accents.

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  5. Katherine says:

    LOVE the color and OMG the turquoise pillow accent is perfect. I was kinda diggin the flowers in the before pic though :)

    • :) That was RIGHT after our wedding, so there were flowers EVERYWHERE!!! There’s actually a vase of them on that little dresser sort of behind the tv still! :) I just need another side table or something in there to display them!

  6. It looks lovely! It’s cozy and I am sure your guests will love it. :)

  7. HIII I think it looks really great…The color scheme is nice while maintaining a nice “AHH” feeling when you walk in to set your eyes on the room!! I am totally partial to gray though! Love the color you used on the wall :)

  8. Love how simple things can change the room’s look.. The color looks nice and neat.. Thanks for linking up at friday fun party.. :)

  9. This room is gorgeous! You did a great job…can I come stay? Hahahahaha. Just kidding. It is seriously gorgeous. Anyone would be lucky to stay there.

    • Kassi @ Truly Lovely says:

      THANKS! :) Yep, all it needs now is guests!! So, you know, the next time your in SE Arizona…. 😉

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