Archives for August 2013

Fancy This Fridays #142 and Features

Happy Friday and Happy Labor Day weekend!!! It’s been a busy week on Truly Lovely this week! In case you missed it I shared the Rustic Mason Jar Centerpieces I created for my friend’s bridal shower. I’ll have more photos from that next week! I also shared a website for making fun personalized products and a sandwich that sounds AMAZING! To round out the week I talked about my skin post-baby.

We’ve also decided to re-open sponsorship on Truly Lovely starting in September. We are now offering only TWO options for sidebar ads, a swap ad and a sidebar banner ad. There are only three banner ads available to provide for maximum exposure and attention paid to the promotion of your site! There are still two banner ads available and a few swap ads! Check out our Advertise page if you’re interested.

So, what have YOU been up to this last week! Link up with us and share!!! In the meantime, here are the features from last week’s Fancy This Fridays party!!!

First up, speaking of bridal showers, Ashley of Ashley’s Dandelion Wishes shared a cute DIY bridal shower! LOVE this cute hitched banner!!


Next, Stephanie of The TipToe Fairy is running a series on flavoring cake mix cupcakes! These Root Beer Float cupcakes she whipped up sound delicious!!!


And finally, Ashley of With a Sparkle shows us how she organized her jewelry inside her closet!! Love the idea of having everything in one location!

jewelry organization

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!

Rustic Mason Jar Centerpieces

Disclosure: I received the materials for this project from Consumer Crafts as part of a campaign for The Blueprint Social.

This past Saturday I hosted a bridal shower for one of my best friends. The theme? Rustic but feminine. I have several fun photos from the shower itself to show you and I will sometime next week, but today let’s focus on the centerpieces!

rustic mason jar centerpieces

To make these centerpieces you’ll need:

jar centerpieces

Step 1: Measure, cut and glue burlap ribbon around the center of each mason jar. To glue the ribbon down I drew a strip of hot glue in the center of each jar, wrapped the ribbon around and drew another strip of glue over the top of the first strip.

mason jars for bridal shower

Step 2: Measure, cut and wrap a piece of the suede lace around the center of each mason jar, centered over the burlap. Tie the ends in a knot. I didn’t glue down the suede lace so I can easily change it out for future parties. You might use white ribbon for a wedding, pink lace for a little girl’s birthday, etc…

Mason Jar Centerpieces

Step 3: Place a bandana in the center of your table, center a mason jar on the bandana and fill the mason jar with baby’s breath flowers! Viola! Centerpiece complete.

Bonus Step: Use extra mason jars to hold utensils and extra bandanas as table decorations on the food table. Utilizing the extra materials ties the rest of the bridal shower decorations together.

bandana bridal shower

I may have even used extra materials to make a ‘bridal shower mason jar wishing well’ instead of a guest book for the bride! 😉 I hope you’ll stop back by next week to see that project!

Happy crafting lovelies!!

For more fun mason jar crafting materials and ideas check out Consumer Crafts on , , , and their blog! OR check out the links below for ideas from my fellow bloggers!

Happiness on a Bun!!

This post brought to you by Arby’s. All opinions are 100% mine.

With a new baby, working from home full-time, blogging, and just life in general I have really been crazy busy lately. When life gets that busy it's the little things that can really brighten my day and add a little happiness to an otherwise hectic week… Today's dose of happy? A trip to Arby's for their new Grand Turkey Club Sandwich!

Now that is happiness on a bun! Or more specifically, freshly sliced, hot roast turkey, melted Swiss Cheese, pepper bacon, leaf lettuce, tomato and mayo all served on a Harvest Wheat bun! Turkey clubs are one of my all time favorite sandwiches and the Grand Turkey Club has my name written all over it!

Just to add a little variety (because eating a turkey club every day of the week can be monotonous to some… haha) Arby's also has the Grand Turkey Ham Club! Again, it's piled high with hot roast turkey, melted Swiss Cheese, pepper bacon, leaf lettuce, tomato, mayo AND sliced ham on a Harvest Wheat bun. I'm thinking the Turkey Ham Club is more my husband's style!

Our little girl is finally getting to the age where we can take her out on the town. That calls for a family date night!!! I can already picture me with my Grand Turkey Club, the hubs with his Grand Turkey Ham Club… and Klara smiling and cooing in her car seat. A happy family outing!!! What!?! We're simple, we like date nights that include amazingly delicious sandwiches! Oh, and curly fries… Who can forget Arby's curly fries!?!

Find an Arby’s near you and plan your own  sandwich date night! Take the whole family, significant other, or just yourself but you're going to want to try Arby's new Grand Turkey Club!!

In the meantime, what is your all time favorite sandwich???

Personalized Products from CafePress

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of CafePress. As always opinions shared here are 100% my own!

Who doesn’t love taking a fun item and making it their own!?! I have always love personalized products… I like seeing my own name or my own ideas on something I use everyday. That’s where this new site I was just introduced to comes in. Meet CafePress! They are the “world’s largest selection of artist-designed t-shirts, clothing, accessories, housewares and gifts”.

You can choose from all kinds of pre-designed items OR use their amazing design tool to make and design your own items. For example, I used their design your own t-shirt tool and created a t-shirt for my photography business! How cool is that!?! It allowed me to choose from all kinds of graphics or upload my own images!

Womens_Burnout_TeeIf you’re not into completely designing on your own there are hundreds of custom products you can choose from and just add a touch of personalization, like a name. Things like tote bags, drink glasses, phone cases, even underwear!!!

phonecaseCafePress also has a huge selection of invitations. They have funny birthday invites, 1st birthday invitations, Christmas invitations and much more. They basically give you a fun idea and then you take your information like the date, venue, time, etc and fill it in! Easy, peasy!

I am excited to be able to review a product for them soon and I can’t wait to share that with you! In the meantime be sure to check out for your next unique gift idea, team t-shirt, or other fun personalized item!

A Place of Honor on My Vanity

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Clearasil, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #SuperFruits

A lot of things have changed since we found out we were expecting Klara. Almost everything changed for the better!! But there are one or two things that haven’t been so positive… Like my skin. While I was pregnant I really didn’t worry about it too much. I mean, let’s be honest, when you’re expecting your first little one there are so many other things that occupy your thoughts more than doing something about your suddenly less than stellar complexion! When Klara was just over a month old I decided it was past time to get my healthy skin back!

Allow me to introduce you to my new favorite skin care product… Clearasil’s NEW! Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Cleansers!

Clearasil Product Review

As you can see it has clearly earned a place of honor on my vanity! Historically I haven’t followed the most consistent skin care regimen. Back in high school I was one of those stereotypical pimple faced teenagers. I spent my primitive high school years trying every face wash I could get my hands on, committing to each one hoping for results… Then about the time I went into college my face decided to clear up for the most part with a stray blemish popping up only every now and then. So, I relaxed with my routine and tended to use whatever facial cleanser that happened to catch my eye in the store. Which brings us to the present and my post-pregnancy blemished face.

Clearasil Review

Yep, that’s me with no makeup on, a few unsightly blemishes and a glimmer of hope that this new Clearasil face wash would help my complexion.

You guys! I have been using the gel face wash shown above for almost two weeks now and I love it! The fruity scent is light and refreshing. My skin feels clean, but not dry after every wash and my blemishes are all but gone!!! Needless to say I’m sold! Me, again without makeup…

Clearasil After Photo

Post-baby skin (✓)!!! Now if I could just fit into those pre-pregnancy jeans! 😉

Want to try Clearasil’s NEW! Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Cleansers for yourself? The entire line can be purchased at Wal-Mart for less than $5! Oh and BONUS = Here’s a $1 off coupon just for you! 😉 So you can try your choice of the three cleansers for LESS THAN $4!!!! (Hopefully your Wal-Mart isn’t sold out of the other two kinds like mine was!!!)

Clearasil at walmart

Happy shopping lovelies!!

Fancy This Fridays #141 and Features

Happy Friday friends!!! Kassi here this week! Things have been crazy busy around here lately, thus the lack of regular posting. Kayli started school again yesterday. I’m hosting a bridal shower for one of my best friends tomorrow. Lots of crafting has been going on for that! So instead of sharing what we’ve been writing this week, we want to see what you’ve been up to!!!

Here are the features from Fancy This 140!

First up, I am really digging these Pom Pom Pens from Katie at The Crafty Blog Stalker! They’re colorful and fun, plus they use up your fabric AND washi tape stash!! Win-win!!

pom pom pen tutorial

Next, Debbie of Simple Joys of Home shares with us how to test an egg for freshness. I knew there were ways to do it, but have never really tried… Now I know! haha.

testing eggs for freshness

And to round out this week’s features, remember these fun bottle pendant necklaces from your teen/childhood years? I always loved these. Well, Artsy VaVa and her daughter, Carrie, created a Fairy Dust Bottle Pendant. So cute, right!? And a fun project to do with your kiddos!

fairy dust necklace

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!

Spice Up Family Nights with Mexican-Themed Bingo

This is a guest post.

Most people know about Cinco de Mayo. What some don’t realize is that it is in fact not Mexican Independence Day. Cinco de Mayo celebrates the Battle of Puebla. Mexican Independence Day is actually on September 16th, which also kicks off the Hispanic Heritage Month. Those who want to spice up their September with a bit of Mexican flavor can join in the celebrations with a Mexican-themed bingo party.

Bingo has long been one of the go-to activities for family get-togethers. Now’s the perfect time to throw a bingo party, what with the recent surge in the game’s popularity. Be it at churches, clubs, or binguez, more and more people are once again coming together for a night of bingo.

There are a lot of things you can do to make your Mexican-themed family bingo night special without breaking the bank. Most of the bingo equipment you need can be made at home. You can even have a pre-bingo night DIY day and have everyone join in. Here are a couple of great resources that you can use:

1. DIY bingo bag on Cutoutandkeep – All you need is a pattern, fabric, and some sewing tools. For extra flavor, use brightly-colored fabric printed with geometric designs.
2. DIY bingo cards on Tip Junkie – You can find a whole slew of printable bingo cards here. You can stick with the classic numbered bingo cards, but you can also substitute the numbers with Spanish words and pictures. That way everybody learns something while having fun.
3. DIY bingo ball and mixer – For the balls, all you need are ping pong balls and a marker. The cage requires a bit of work, though. Here’s a tutorial on eHow.

When your bingo equipment is done and ready to go, don’t forget to prepare some Mexican food as well. If you don’t know any taco, nachos, or enchilada recipes, don’t order take-out just yet. Stick to the DIY spirit. You can find a whole load of great recipes on the net. Just have fun with it and make sure you enjoy your Mexican-themed bingo night.

Fancy This Fridays #140 and Features

Hey everyone! It’s Kayli- back for another week of Fancy This! It’s almost time to head back to school so we’re soaking up what’s left of summer and I’m trying to get every last bit of fun in that I can :) In the meantime- I get to party with all of you! #luckygirl So let’s get started!

First up is Paula from Beauty Through Imperfection with 5 smart ways to resist sugar cravings. Guys, this is awesome. I love sugar all year but we all know that Fall makes things a little trickier with all of the cookies and the caramel apples and the candy corn… real talk. It’s an issue. But these suggestions are great!


Along those same lines, Marci from Stone Cottage shared a fun idea for a Snack Craft. Portion control! ha! I love it- and they’re super cute. Way more fun and much healthier than sticking your arm in the box and grabbing handfuls. #guilty


And finally, a cute Pincushion from Danielle at Peanut Life Adventures. I’ve been using my sewing machine A LOT lately and this easy access cushion would be great to have! Cute and functional- my kind of project. (:


And there you have it! We hope you lovely ladies will grab and share a button.

Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


We hope you have a great weekend! (:

Duck Tape® Back to School Bag

This post brought to you by Walmart. All opinions are 100% mine.

It's that time of the year yet again… Time to get the kiddos ready to go back to school! When I think of the items on a traditional school supply list Duck Tape® doesn't normally come to mind… BUT after doing a little Pinterest research I discovered that Duck Tape® can be used for all kinds of back to school crafts! Plus you can buy Duck Tape at Walmart while you're purchasing all of your other school must haves!!!

Since my daughter is only 5 weeks old we have quite a while before we have to worry about sending her off to school, but if she were headed to school this year I would LOVE to help her create a fun Duck Tape® school bag to carry her other school supplies in!

Duck Tape Back to School Bag

You can find the entire tutorial for this cute Duck Tape® bag on the Little Birdie Secrets blog. It looks easy enough to recreate and only requires a few materials. A plastic bag for the lining, some fun designed rolls of Duck Tape® and scissors.

Just think how durable a bag made of Duck Tape® would be compared to a run of the mill, fabric school bag. Your kiddos are gauranteed to stand out with a school bag unlike anyone else's because Duck Tape® comes in a variety of styles and colors! There's no chance of getting their bag mixed up with another kiddo's in the rush to leave school at the end of the day!

While you're at it you could use the left over Duck Tape® to customize their pencil cases, lunch boxes, even pens and pencils! Now that I think about it Duck Tape® sounds like a necessary school supply item to me!! 😉 Again, don't forget to add it to your back to school shopping list and pick up a few rolls at Wal-Mart!!

For some more back to school inspiration be sure to follow @DuckBrand on Twitter!

My Hospital Bag

So… I’m one of those weird people that likes to really research things and make extensive lists especially when it comes to packing. I was the kid that would write out a checklist of what to pack before going on a school trip. Really.

You know those crazy lists of random things they give you before Girls Camp that most people are annoyed by?? Yeah, I loved those! I was in packing list heaven! So obviously when it came time to pack mine and Klara’s bags for the hospital I went all out! I asked for help on what to bring on Instagram. I pinned tons of ‘what to pack’ posts on Pinterest. I made a list and checked and rechecked it.

what to pack for the hospital

I even had high hopes of taking a photo of our completely packed bags ready and waiting beside the front door… But then I went into labor two weeks early and that didn’t happen… We barely talked ourselves into taking the bags with us because I wasn’t sure I was in labor!!! haha… So instead, here’s a list of all the things I packed, needed and didn’t need.

Klara’s Hospital Bag:

  • I was told not to bring diapers and wipes because the hospital provides those and they do, but I still brought a few anyway. At one of my showers I received a SafeFit Portable Diaper Changer. Moms to be… If you aren’t gifted one, they are entirely worth the purchase! It makes organizing the diaper bag so easy! And they’re really handy for just grabbing out of the diaper bag for a quick change, or carrying along with you for a walk. Highly recommended!! I fixed mine with diapers, wipes and baggies (for dirty diapers) and stuck it right in the center pocket of Klara’s bag.

portable diaper changer

  • Two going home outfits. A cute little dress with bloomers and a onesie/pants outfit in case the weather was rainy or something. Plus it’s just fun to have a couple of options.
  • Hair accessories to match her outfits. {I didn’t actually use these because the hospital put a cute little flower in her hair.}
  • A couple of burp rags. You can never have too few of those… Never know when you might need to wipe up something.
  • Swaddling blankets. I packed two, these are our favorite! They come big enough to actually swaddle your little one, some that you buy at the store don’t… And they’re a light weight muslin for the hot AZ weather.

And that’s it… That’s all we needed and didn’t even need all of it. If you’re like us and don’t live far from the hospital, you don’t need much. If you live further away you might pack a little heavier for baby.

My Hospital Bag:

  • A lightweight robe. It’s nice to cover up when you have company and it’s good for keeping you warm in the chilly room.
  • Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, tooth brush… your normal shower necessities. One thing though… Don’t forget your razor! I didn’t pack mine and went to the hospital with harry pits and legs (TMI, sorry) and really wished I would have taken one! Remember we were caught off guard and went in early, so don’t assume you’ll have time to shower and shave before going to the hospital!!!
  • I really recommend taking one of those hanging makeup bags with all of your bathroom necessities in it! There’s not a whole lot of room in a tiny hospital bathroom, so it was nice to be able to hang my bag on the towel rack and have everything right there, easy to grab.
  • Nursing tanks! I didn’t have these prior to going into labor, so my mom went and bought me one while I was in the hospital. I have since bought more and wear them practically everyday! So much more comfortable than a nursing bra and they keep your tummy covered while nursing!

nursing tank

  • Hair ties! You probably won’t want to take the time to straighten or curl or do whatever to your hair while in the hospital. I didn’t! So it’s nice to just throw it up in a ponytail or bun. You’ll feel like you tried, but won’t waste the time really trying…. hahaha.
  • Going home outfit. I wore a big t-shirt and workout sweats. Comfortable, but a tad better than just pajamas.
  • Some people recommend packing a change of clothes and shower necessities for dad, but we didn’t. We live about 15 minutes from the hospital so Nate just went home to change and shower. BUT I would seriously consider packing dad a sweater. Nate did stay over night with us at the hospital and he was freezing his bum off… Just a thought!

So, that’s what I packed and what I used. Lots of ‘what to pack’ lists suggest bringing entertainment and snacks. I didn’t have them ready before I went into labor, but my labor was so quick it didn’t matter. There was no walking around the hospital, or waiting periods in the room for us so we didn’t need them. After Klara was born there were people in and out to visit, I was sleeping or nursing so I didn’t really need any entertainment afterwards either. The TV in the room sufficed. Oh, and I packed everything in a carry-on sized rolling suitcase, which worked out perfectly!

Your turn: What was the number one thing you were glad you packed when going to the hospital, or what was something you wished you’d taken??

Check out where we link up on our Party With Us Page!