Archives for May 2014

Fancy This Fridays #178 and Features

Happy, happy Friday!!! In case you missed it this is 20 Wishes Progress week!!! I shared my progress here. YOU can share your list and enter to win a $20 TARGET GIFT CARD here! We do hope you’ll join us!

Until then, let’s get to the features from Fancy This #177!

First up, these Ricotta Stuffed Tomatoes from Walking on Sunshine Recipes look and sound so delicious!!! Perfect recipe for summer!

Stuffed tomatoes promo

Next, Mellisa of The Life of a Craft Crazed Mom shared this super cute Vintage Bike Pallet! Would love to hang this in my house!

Vintage Bike Pallet

And finally, this Crochet Lace Layered Skirt from Cheryl at Sew Can Do is too cute! It would be the perfect warm weather skirt for dressing up!!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉 Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!! Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Twenty Wishes Progress and Giveaway – May

It’s time for our MAY Twenty Wishes Progress Link up!!! First, if you haven’t written your list of 20 wishes yet and would like to join us, we would love to have you! Simply write your list and link it up here at the bottom of the post in the link up. For those of you that have been working on your wishes it’s time to report on your progress. You can see my progress here.

In the meantime here’s a button to add to your side bar to remind you to come back and link monthly, and to serve as a little encouragement to work on marking off your wishes!!

Truly Lovely


Just as a little reminder, the link up will be the last Wednesday of every month. Each month one or two of our ten hostesses will offer a little something as a giveaway for those that link with us. Your 2014 hostesses are…

Kassi & Kayli @ Truly Lovely
Nay @ Coffee-N-Ink
Kate @ Life as I Know It
Chrissy @ The Brave Wanderer
Bethani @ The Texan Pantry
Kristine @ The Foley Fam
Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures


For this month’s giveaway you have the chance to win a $20 Target Gift Card from Katie of View From The Fridge!!!
We aren’t requiring you to follow anyone, the only mandatory entry is linking up to this party with your list of 20 wishes or your 20 wishes progress . BUT the more you do the more entries you’ll receive and I can personally promise you if you do follow, like, etc and of these awesome ladies you WILL NOT be disappointed!
So, link your wishes and enter the giveaway through the Rafflecopter form below! The giveaway will end at midnight on June 18th. Can’t wait to see what you lovelies wish for!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway





Kassi’s Twenty Wishes Progress – May

If you are unfamiliar with our Twenty Wishes Project here on Truly Lovely we want to invite you to check out the prior link for the what and the why and then join us by writing up your 20 wishes list and coming back here on Wednesday, May 28th (TOMORROW!!) to link it up with us! For those of you already in on the fun, it’s time to share your progress for May 2014!!!

Updates for May are in green. April are in pink. Updates for March are in blue. Updates for January and February are written in red.

Kassi’s Twenty Wishes Progress – May 2014


1. Visit Disneyland with my little family.
Only a few weeks to go!!! Getting so excited… Anyone been to Disneyland with an infant/toddler? What tips do you have for us?
Counting down the days now! Just over a month away!!!
Reservations have been made! We’re going to go with my husband’s family this coming summer! We’re nearly to the single digits for weeks until we head out for our vacation! 😉

2. Paint my master bedroom.

3. Plant an upside down Mulberry tree somewhere at my house.
I planted my Weeping Mulberry Tree the first week of May! Read all about it and my other tree here!
My tree came!!! It’s actually just a little guy, sitting on my living room coffee table. The hubs and I were both sick with colds all weekend, but hopefully getting it planted will be my first to do of May!! 😉

4. Visit Build a Bear and build a bear for Klara.
In January we made a visit to Build a Bear at the Chandler Mall. We had the best time picking out a little cowgirl bear for my Klara. You can read all about our visit here.

5. Send a handwritten letter, note or card to someone via snail mail once a month.
Mother’s Day covered this month. Not only my own mom, but the hub’s step-mom, my nana and aunt got one too!
I literally just sat down to write this post and realized I hadn’t sent a letter for this month! SO, I got out my cute stationary and sent a handwritten card to my friend Bethani in Texas, you might know her from The Texan Pantry. Girl, if you’re reading this, check your mail in a day or two! 😉
I sent a handwritten card and printed a few photographs to my grandpa for his birthday in March, when I called to wish him Happy Birthday he said he’d received the card and was happy to see I’d sent pictures of Klara too. 😉
So far I sent two handwritten birthday cards in January and a handwritten Valentine card in February.

6. Save for and buy myself a tablet of some kind. Maybe an iPad or a Surface. I’ve always wanted one… 😉
I happened to mention to my husband that I wanted to save up for a tablet. I decided I wanted a Surface because they’re more like a little laptop and I thought that would be better for blogging. The morning of Valentine’s Day when I went in to turn on my work computer, I found a brand new Surface and a Valentine note from Nate sitting in my desk chair. Yep, I married a keeper!!! Any Surface users out there? What are your favorite apps, etc?

7. Complete my reading goal of 55 books in 2014.
As of the end of May I’m at 26 books read!
So far I have read 22 of my 55 book goal, putting me five books ahead. I tried putting the widget in like I always do and couldn’t get it to work right… :( But you can see the books I’ve read here if you’re interested.

8. Host and/or participate in a Google + Hangout with some bloggie friends.
So I made an attempt at this one this last month… I tried hosting one during the afternoon on a weekday and had two girls log/attempt to log on. I discovered I can’t do a hangout on my Surface which is a HUGE bummer, so I had to use my phone. Google, please make an app for the Surface!!! Thanks. But in the meantime, friends, say hey to Megan of Shaping Up To Be A Mom! We “met” in “person” via Google+ Hangout! I plan to try hosting another hangout sometime soon with hopefully more attendees! If you want an invite, comment below. 😉

9. Have the carpet in my house professionally cleaned. I know this sounds like an ought to do versus a want, but I ought to clean the carpets myself… I WANT to have someone else do it!! haha

10. Make over my guest bathroom.
This is a work in progress. I already ordered a new shower curtain and floor rugs. When Kayli is here over her spring break she has promised to help me paint!

11. Take Klara to The Color Run for her “second” time. Technically last year she was just riding in mommy’s tummy. This year I plan to take her in her stroller!
We did our second color run in Tempe, AZ back in January!! It was a blast just like last year and Klara did so well! You can read all about it here.

12. Get a front screen door for my house.

13. Get together monthly with at least one friend. Dinner, shopping trip, lunch, etc.
We had a little BBQ at our house with my sister in law and her family this month. That’s going to have to count… haha. Its been a busy month!!
Klara and I were popular in April! We went on our first lunch date with Klara’s Aunt Brianne AND had a lunch date with our friend, Kayce! Yay for getting out of the house and seeing our friends!!!
This month Kayli and I went shopping here in town for some new TOMS shoes when the ones I ordered didn’t fit… FYI, be careful ordering TOMS online. The sizing can be really weird!!!
In January my sister, sisters in law and I went to Tempe for The Color Run, we went out to the mall the night before, had dinner and did some shopping, so I’m counting that. 😉 February we went with the entire family to the steakhouse in town for my sister in law’s birthday. We took Klara with us and she got to have her first apple sauce and ‘meal’ in a restaurant. 😉

14. Visit here in Safford. I’ve wanted to go since they opened, but haven’t ever made it since it’s across town!
Done!!! You can read all about our trip to Caboose Frozen Treats here! Oh, and bonus, here’s a picture of our whole group that the guy at Caboose took and shared on their Facebook page! Yep, that’s me holding Klara on the right… squinting into the sun… haha.

15. Figure out a system for organizing and saving the baby clothes and items that Klara has outgrown.

16. Get tickets for and attend the 2014 National Finals Rodeo.

17. Build a container garden of some sort for my backyard.

18. Pay off my credit card. I’m SO close!!! I’m sure I can have it all paid off by the end of this year.

19. Take a photography class or workshop.
At the beginning of March Kayli and I attending a photography workshop held at the local college by Impact Photography Group. They are a husband and wife team that is well known and highly popular in our area. We both learned a ton of good information and can’t wait to attend the next one they host. that I took the afternoon of the workshop putting to use some of the new things I learned while attending. It’s straight out of my camera, no editing involved other than adding my watermark. Yep, so worth it! If you’re interested in seeing more of my photography check out my website or .

20. Throw a surprise party for someone.

Again, don’t forget to get your list written and come back here on Wednesday (May 28th) to link it up with us!!! Past… There’s a giveaway if you share your 20 wishes list and/or progress so far!!! 😉

Fancy This Fridays #177 and Features

Happy Friday lovelies!! How was your week?? In case you missed it, I shared an inexpensive graduation gift idea this week.

We had some great links during the Fancy This #176 party last week, so let’s jump right in and see those features!

First up, I LOVE the idea of a Palette Wood Baby/Pet Gate from Dawn at I Think We Could Be Friends! We have two gates in my house for keeping our dogs out of the main living area when we need to, these pallet gates would look much nicer!

Pallet Wood Baby Gate

Next up, Iris from The Colored Married Life shared her idea for closet organization! This would make finding exactly what you need in the morning much easier! Plus, her blog is written in English and French!!! Way fun to read!

Closet Organization Idea

And finally, Creating Silver Linings shared a delicious recipe for a Lemon Ice Cream Sandwich! This sounds like a perfect recipe to start the summer!



Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉 Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!! Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Girls Graduation Gift Idea

A couple of months ago I was given my very first church calling! I couldn’t have been more excited to be called to serve the Young Women of my ward as the secretary. I always had the best time when I was involved with the Young Women’s youth group as a young woman myself and can’t wait to share my ideas and work with the young ladies in my area.

My first real task as secretary was to be in charge of the graduation gift for the two young ladies graduating high school this month. The caveat, something fun but nothing too expensive. We’re on a budget after all… My solution, a Cooking Gift “Basket” since the girls will be on their own in their very own kitchens for the first time.

Young Womens Graduation Gift Idea

Items for a Cooking Gift “Basket”:

  • Small white colander for the “basket”
  • Kitchen Utensils to fill the basket, I used a whisk, a spatula, an ice cream scoop, tongs, and a grater.
  • A brightly colored kitchen towel
  • A coupon folder for a recipe card holder. I cut each girl’s name in bright colored vinyl with my Silhouette and put it on their folder. Then we filled the folders with recipes from the other Young Women leaders.
  • Then top it off with a bright ribbon!

Girls Graduation Gift Idea

Both baskets together cost around $20. So that’s two graduation gifts for about $10 each! Plus, I think they’re so bright and fun. I would have loved something like this when I was graduating. What do you think??

Linking this to these fun parties.


Fancy This Fridays # 176 and Features

Happy Fridays lovelies!!! Another week gone, how was yours?? Mine went well, I shared my recommendations for this summer’s reading list if you’re interested.

We also had some fun link up at last week’s Fancy This #175 party!! Here are the features…

These Pipe Cleaner Dancing Princesses from Zing Zing Tree are just the cutest!!! They look so easy to make and would be fun for the little ladies in your life to play with!


Next up, Allie from Gator Mommy Reviews shared this yummy looking recipe for Smores Brownie Bowls! Don’t they look delicious!?


And finally, Maria of Krafty Cards, Etc. shared her idea for Recipe Organization. Something fun like this would add a pop of color to your kitchen, an added bonus to the organized recipes!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉 Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!! Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


My Brand New Trees!

I grew up in the mountains in New Mexico. Surrounded by towering pine trees, beautiful, green leafy trees… Trees of all kinds. Now I live in the desert of Arizona. Aside from the occasional Mesquite tree, there aren’t many naturally growing trees out here. Although the desert does have its own unique beauty I find myself craving the greenery and shade offered by a tall, leafy, green TREE! So much so that wish number three on my Twenty Wishes List for this year was to plant an Upside Down Mulberry Tree at my home.

Well, consider that a wish checked off! ✓ Yeah, she’s just a thin, little stick of a tree, but hopefully she’ll survive and grow to be a big, beautiful Mulberry.


The first week of May I dug the hole myself and planted my itty bitty Weeping Mulberry Tree. Turns out that’s what they’re really called… I first saw one at my aunt and uncle’s house and LOVED it! A full grown Weeping Mulberry Tree will make a perfect place for Klara to play when she’s older!


For my Mother’s Day gift this year my husband took us to the local nursery where we picked out a second tree for the front yard. This time a two year old Fruitless Mulberry Tree. They’re supposed to mature quickly and make a great shade tree. Win-win! He dug the hole for me this time… Thank goodness cause just the first little hole took me forever… haha. And planted my Mother’s Day tree!


This was my first official Mother’s Day since last year I was pregnant with Klara, but the hubs gave me a present that year too, because he rocks! 😉 I just want to say I am so thankful for this little girl that made me a momma. Love her and her daddy to pieces!

What did you get for Mother’s Day??

Summer Reading List Recommendations

Do you like to read? I am an avid reader… I’ve even spoken about it before on the blog, like here where I talk about getting your children to love reading. I read at least one book every two weeks. And that’s at the VERY least, sometimes, depending on the book and what’s going on in my life it’s more than that. My secret lately? I got a reader app on my cell phone. I sit and read while I’m feeding my daughter, or waiting on the hubs. I even sneak a chapter with my phone on dim right before I go to sleep.

I’ve read several really great books lately. Some newer releases, some older favorites, but all books that if you haven’t read them yet, I’d highly recommend adding them to your summer reading list. If you have read them, I would love to know your thoughts!!! There’s a little something for everyone, so if one genre doesn’t suit your fancy,  keep reading there are more options!!!

Here is my summer reading list recommendations for 2014!


  • The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg
    SUCH a good book. I just happened upon it in my free library app and adored it. It starts off a bit slow with getting to know the main character, but you’ll understand why the further in you get. Based in the present day it flashes back to the 1940s. A time when our country was at war and women were a little less valued for their talents then they are now. You’ll fall in love with the characters and enjoy each surprising twist this story takes.
  • Wild by Cheryl Strayed
    After losing her mother to cancer, Cheryl finds herself living a life she doesn’t want. Based on a true story, she recounts how she decides, plans for and ultimately hikes the Pacific Crest Trail on her own. Turns out she isn’t as prepared as she thought. Honestly, I have no compassion for the terrible life choices she made before the trail, even if she lost her mother. Everyone loses someone at one point or another. That doesn’t mean you get free rein to be a bad person… BUT I am seriously impressed with her for sticking with the trail and coming out a better person on the other side!!!
  • The Heist by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg
    Fans of the Stephanie Plum novels, you’ll love the first book in Evanovich’s new series. It follows an FBI agent, Kate O’Hare who is forced to team up with the criminal she’s been chasing for years to catch an even bigger criminal. Kate is fiesty, Nicolas Fox, the criminal is even feistier! It’s the perfect summer evening read!
  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke
    If you’re looking for a fluffy, just for fun series with some yummy recipes included, this is the one you’ll want to read! I’ve read through to the 17th book and enjoyed every one. It’s based on Hannah Swenson, a bakery owner in a small town that turns into a accidental detective. I get a little annoyed with Hannah’s love life, two boyfriends, really?!? And her cat gets on my nerves… haha but overall it’s just a fun, light read to enjoy poolside.
  • A Wife for Mister Darcy by Mary Simonsen
    Lovers of Pride and Prejudice, will love this alternate take on the love story of Elizabeth and her Mister Darcy. It’s really a what if scenario of if this had happened during the story instead of this what would have turned out. Really enjoyed it!!!
  • Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson
    Another book I just happened upon in my free library app, but really enjoyed. It’s about an English gentleman who has lost his wife, has a son that things he’s becoming an invalid, but through it all he has a wry sense of humor, traditional attitude and a sweet side. He begins spending time with Mrs. Jasmina Ali, also a widower, but someone society considers to be an outsider and a foreigner. All in all, it’s a sweet love story of a couple that makes it against the odds.
  • The Black Ice by Michael Connelly
    Sequel to Connelly’s The Black Echo (so read it first if you haven’t yet), Detective Harry Bosch is at it again. His unconventional methods and pension for doing what he wants gets him into a lot of trouble, but they also help him solve the case. This is one of those murder mysteries that although realistic, didn’t scare me to death to read alone at night. It involves the death of a cop Harry knew, drug dealers and rings from Mexico to California and a detective who won’t let it go… But that’s for the better.

So there you have it. A few of my recommendations for this summer’s reading list! I have several other reviews of books I’ve read lately and in the distant past on my Goodreads account if you’re interested. If you have an account add me as a friend! I’d love to see your reviews as well!

If you have read any of the books I shared here, I would love to know your thoughts! In the meantime, tell me, what book would YOU recommend I read this summer?

Fancy This #175 and Features

Happy Friday friends and Happy Mother’s Day weekend!!! In case you missed it, we have a GIVEAWAY going on right now for a $50 gift card. There’s also the GIVEAWAY for the Twenty Wishes link up where you can win a Starbucks gift card. Both have relatively low entries, which means better chances to win!!!

I also shared the first of Klara’s Quiet Book pages that I whipped up.

Last week we had a ton of amazing links! SO it was hard to narrow down the features, but here they are, the features from Fancy This #174.

First up, how cute is this DIY Cardboard Sewing Machine from Cassie at Little Red Window! The detail!!! I would have loved this as a kiddo!!!


Next, this DIY Kids Teepee from Emily at Emmie Loves… is TOO ADORABLE! I want one for my daughter!!!

DIY Kides Tepee

And finally, it’s the perfect time for a pretty spring/summer wreath for your door! Love this DIY Bloom Wreath from Erika at Living Frugal with Erika.


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉 Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely

Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!! Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Felt Purse Quiet Book Page

I’ve been thinking for awhile that my daughter needed a Quiet Book to use for things like Church or waiting in the dr’s office. In case you’re unversed, like my husband who said upon hearing I planned to make a quiet book, “Cool. What’s that?”, a quiet book is a book of “games” and activities for little ones that don’t make any sound. Again, perfect for those quiet places like church or riding in the car for vacation!

So, I did some research, enter Pinterest, and found there are several kinds of quiet books. Fabric, felt, combination, etc. I decided to make mine entirely out of felt. I’m using a sheet of felt for each page thus cutting down on the need to cut and sew fabric. And I’m using felt for most of the activity pieces. I pinned several fun page ideas, asked friends for ideas and decided on the pages I wanted to make and what I would need.

Felt Purse Quiet Book Page from Truly Lovely

Today I finished the first page for her book and thought I’d share each page with you all as I go along, culminating with the book as a whole as well as some fun ideas I found along the way when all is finished. So, here’s the first one, a Felt Purse Quiet Book page.

The only materials you need for this page are felt for the page, the purse, the flap and the goodies for inside the purse. You’ll also need Velcro dots for the flap fastener and yarn to attach the goodies going into the purse.

I just hand drew the purse onto the felt and cut it out. Then you’ll sew the flap down onto the felt. You could just hot glue it too if sewing isn’t your thing. It gets attached first so you can fold it over the purse body to make the flap.

How to Make a Purse Quiet Book Page

Then you’ll sew the purse body to the page, fold the flap over and attach your Velcro dots to the purse and flap to make your closure.

I also sewed on a cute felt “button” for the front of the purse flap.

Making a Felt Purse Quiet Book Page

I cut out some green felt for “paper” money, orange felt for quarters, pink felt for a hand mirror and purple felt for Chapstick. You know, the necessities every girl needs. 😉 I just drew on each piece with a permanent marker, then cut a small hole to attach a piece of white yarn. The other end of each piece of yarn was sewn inside the purse so that when she’s playing with the pieces they won’t get lost!

Felt Quiet Book Purse with goodies inside

And that’s it! I think it took me about thirty minutes to make the entire page. At that rate surely I’ll get the entire book finished before we go on vacation in a month… Hopefully. 😉

Did you make/buy/receive a quiet book for your children or when you were a kid? What was your favorite page?

FYI, we’re linking this to these fun parties.