Archives for October 2011

Fancy This Features #48 and Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween lovelies!!! 
One of my favorite holidays for sure!!!
And the last of our Halloween features from Fancy This Fridays for 2011! 😉

First, from Orange it Lovely, check out this COOL cannibal pumpkin
Have to get more creative like this with mine next year! 😉

Don’t these Jelly Pop Pumpkins from Sew Can Do look yummy!! I bet the homemade version is TONS better than store bought, of course!

How fun is this Spider Web Table Runner from Freakin’ Craft!!! 
You could use her idea for any holiday!! Click over to see what she used!!!

Got a Halloween party to go to TONIGHT? 
You could whip up Shugary Sweets’ fun Halloween Spider Web Pretzel treats in a jiffy! Love the little spiders on top!

And one more… 
If you’re the spooky Halloween decoration type, you’ll love this skeleton display from Alderberry Hill! 

Here’s a featured on Truly Lovely button for you Halloween lovelies!! 
Hope you’ll grab one to share on your own blog! 


There are also a few fun Halloween features in my reader picks post over at Sugar Bee Crafts!
Even one or two that linked up here as well! Fun fun!
Hope you’ll pop over and check those out!

To everyone, 
Happy Halloween from Truly Lovely!!! 

Project Pink

Our hope is for all women to be aware of the risks of Breast Cancer. 
To be aware of how to take care of themselves. 
And to paint the whole world PINK!!!
Pretty girls in PINK!!! 

All photos were taken by Treehouse Photography on Kassi’s wedding day in July 2011. 


What’s in YOUR Bag??

Hello Lovelies! It’s Kayli! :)

So today I’m switchin it up a little with a post for a linky party!
If you haven’t heard of Nice Girl Notes, promise me that right after you read this, you will head over and check it out. Pinky promise and stamp it.
Pretty lady Roo is an amazing mommy of two with another on the way and SHE. IS. HILARIOUS. And ballin. I love her blog so much that I use reading it as a reward for getting homework assignments done. Truth. Maybe one of these days I’ll get brave and write some fun tutorials on social situations like she does.

Anyway, Monday she’s hosting a “What’s in Your Bag?” linky party. :) What better way to get to know someone than rifle through her bag right? I won’t even make you wait for me to leave the room, I’ll give you a quick peak right now!

My $12 bag full of goodness (what a steal right?!) and a cute stache pin that Kassi gave me. :)

All laid out….

  • My Planner- full up of assignments, events, birthdays, test dates and scribbles.
  • My copy of “For the Strength of Youth” -cause Heaven knows I need all the strength I can get :)
  • A copy of Eat Pray Love. I’m a weirdo and skip between books, so I’m trying to finish it finally.
  • A red Tootsie Pop from the coolest Honors English Professor ever. You think this is good? We usually get cinnamon cake and brownies cause “thinking burns calories” and she gives us extra credit for things like attending the haunted house in town. How can you not love her?!
  • A Card Stationary Set from the Hallmark Store. It’s in a cute matching box even! I love writing and mailing quick notes to all the lovely people in my life. Nothing beats snail mail.
  • A Jump Drive
  • Head Phones
  • My favorite pen. I got it from the Study Abroad Representatives. Which makes me feel sort of guilty because I have no intention of studying abroad… but it writes so smooth!
  • A Bracelet
  • Some Earrings
  • Barrettes
  • A Hair Tie
  • Warm Vanilla Sugar Lotion from Bath and Body Works (Forget you Laura Bell Bundy! It smells like happiness and snickerdoodles, Giddy on over it.)
  • An Umbrella- Not because I seriously think that I’m ever going to need it.. I live in the desert. BUT our Granny had this thing where she wanted everyone to always have an umbrella with them… and I know that the one day I decide carrying it is ridiculous will be the day it rains so hard that a four foot flood hits the border region.
  • Loose Change. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by not being able to find a parking spot so I just go for a meter… and apparently I enjoy frantically searching for quarters in the bottom of my bag.
  • My Wallet
  • An eInstruction Clicker for my favorite class, Sociology. My professor totally used Cordell Walker as an example for a test question. Yeah… that sort of says it all.
  • Gum
  • My Keys- complete with Zebra printed pepper spray from the big brother, and a cute “Sisters Always, Friends Forever” key chain from Kassi.
Man… could it be anymore obvious that I’m a college student?
I hope you enjoyed getting to see a little more of my world via purse.
So tell me… what’s in YOUR bag?

Lovely Christmas Cards from Shutterfly

OK… So I know we’re not even quite past Halloween yet… 
And I LOVE Halloween, I do. 
But we are less than TWO months away from Christmas!
Holy, reality check.
That means there’s lots to do, lots to buy, lots to bake… 
All before Christmas rolls around! 

Our 2010 Christmas Card
On that note… I am SUPER excited about Christmas cards this year!
We ordered our greeting cards from Shutterfly last year, and I LOVED them. 
I used some of our engagement pictures and sent them out to a few family and friends. But this year… It’ll be the first time we can send out cards from The M’s. My new last name!

So naturally, we’ll be ordering our cards from Shutterfly again and there are a few of their Christmas photo cards in particular that are calling my name!

Wouldn’t this one be fun to highlight the name change! 

Or this one would look really nice with a certain wedding picture I have in mind… 

This one would look lovely with a wedding picture and our M inside the wreath!

Oooh! Or this one!!! 

There are so many different holiday cards to choose from at Shutterfly! 
You’re sure to find one that fits your tastes and highlights your reason for the season! :)

And while you’re there check out their fun selection of personalized photo gifts!! 
I just might get some of these lovely initial notepads to send notes to friends and family for the rest of the year!

So what about you?? Are you sending Christmas cards this year?
Or maybe a Christmas newsletter??

P.S. Fancy This Fridays is . 
Or just scroll down to link up your lovelies!!

*I was not monetarily compensated for this post. I did receive a promotional code from Shutterfly for 25 free cards, but all opinions shared here are my own!

Fancy This Fridays #48

Call for NOVEMBER sponsors yo! 😉 
Cause you know… Kayli looks super gangsta in her pink bridesmaid dress, right!?! 😉
We now have TWO different ad sizes available, 
both at EXTREMELY affordable rates. 
Yep, that deserved capital letters. :) 

You can check out all our stats
We would be most excited to have you and share you with all our friends!!!
Just email us to inquire! 

Time to link up lovelies!!! 
What have you been up to this last week of October???

Fancy This Fridays Party Rules!!! 

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself. 
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random. 
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog
On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. 
We don’t mind… 
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link
Just pop over and say Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely. 
That would rock. :)

Have a lovely weekend friends! 
Hope to see you back here on Sunday as we Paint the blog world PINK!!! :)

Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap with Heather from A Mom Without Facebook

Good morning sweet friends!!
Yep…. You read that right…. this week’s Bloggie Bestie is 
Heather from A Mom WITHOUT Facebook!!
She is an absolute doll and really shares an intriguing story as to why she vowed to give up Facebook for a year, and how that vow changed over time! 
Please read til the end, you’ll be so glad you did! :) 
Then leave her some bloggie lovin’ and pop over to her place where I’m guest posting today! :)

Take it away Heather….
I’m absolutely honored to be here today. This is actually my very first guest post. Can we say rookie?! Rookie I am, but I am quickly learning and falling in love with this little blog world. So here goes.. and I’m sorry if this is longer than the typical “guest post.” I do hope you stay with me.

My name is Heather Hawthorne and I blog over at A Mom Without Facebook

I used to be a sports writer for my local paper, here in San Diego, covering everything from the X-Games to high school football, but when motherhood hit, climbing bleachers up to press boxes with a baby bump was just not in the cards. My writing was going to have to take a backseat. 
My amazing husband and I own a family auto repair shop and I also run my own spray tanning business along with being a mommy – the most important hat that I wear.

I started this blog in January of this year when I felt the Lord more than nudge me to put a halt to the biggest time waster in my life. Facebook. Not just for a small fast, but for an entire year. Funny thing was I felt compelled to blog about the journey. I remember putting up my last post on Facebook even asking for advice on what blogsite to use to start. I had never read blogs. Ever. Completely freaked out, because Facebook was part of who I was, I stepped out in faith and started. Ahh… it felt good to write again, I had to admit. So then I attempted to explain myself to my family, friends, and most importantly to my Facebook community where I had well over 900 “friends.” I posted my first blog post on Facebook afraid of what everyone was going to say. I got a mix of responses and then the very next day shut down my personal page. I had no idea where I was going, but trust me, it has been an amazing journey so far.. let me give you a glimpse..
At first I was a tad prideful, I’m not gonna lie. I really didn’t like a lot of things about Facebook, so I posted about them and how I was so happy to rid myself of Facebook. I knew Facebook wasn’t the “devil” but I also had this love/hate relationship when I thought about it. I posted about how much more spare time I had and how I was cooking more meals… bragged about how productive I was being. I quickly felt another tug at my heart that this was not the way I should respond. The Lord was the one that even put this conviction in my heart to start blogging, and if I’m going to listen to His calling, then I’m gonna darn well give Him the credit. So my blog was taking a new turn. As I was on this journey I was going to be writing and giving God the glory. I barely even knew what that meant. Slowly I was beginning to blog more about my faith, and not be afraid to get vulnerable. I went through some trials and some people close to me went through some trials and although not going into explicit detail, I poured out my heart into these posts. God was working on me.

On day 284 of being Facebookless I finally had my “aha! moment” with God. You can read this whole post here, and I encourage you to do so. It has brought me so much clarity. 

This is a bit of what I learned in that aha! moment…
Looking back, it’s funny how I used the word time waster. I think that was my clever way in my mind of shifting the blame of my own lack of self-control and instead, acting as the victim in many ways and saying Facebook was responsible.
For me, this issue with self-control has been long time coming… I have dealt with drinking more than I should, to being addicted to ephedra {diet} pills..among other things. Once I “managed” those issues myself, my lack of self-control showed up in different ways. Facebook being one of them.
I learned that in abstaining from what I felt was my “time waster” was actually more of a self-righteous act of sin management. That may sound harsh and you may be asking… what do I mean exactly? Well, let me give you a few examples that were given to me…
Say your husband has a problem with looking at pornography. While abstaining from it is a good thing hands down, it doesn’t stop the deeper issue of lust and discontentment that drove him to fall into that in the first place.


Working out and eating healthy is good, but it won’t stop you from dealing with insecurity. We will just find another thing about ourselves that we aren’t satisfied with. 
We make these checklists of “dos and don’t” in order to keep our sin at bay. I know the word sin scares some people. Some people don’t like to use the word. I don’t really like it either. But I think that is normal. We are supposed to hate sin. ☺ Sin is the falling short of the glory of God that we all have in our lives. It’s okay to talk about it! 
“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:24. 
I realized in my first months of blogging that I did start to grasp the understanding that it wasn’t about Facebook in general, it was about my heart. I knew that, but I still wasn’t sure if I felt a change. The thing is, we can’t make this change our-self.
You can’t free yourself. It will only last a matter of time.
Rules can’t free you.
Practical tactics can’t free you.
Checklists can’t free you.
Methods, techniques, and boundaries can’t free you.
Different circumstances can’t free you.
Wherever you go, there you are.
People and situations do not determine our behavior; they provide the occasion where our behavior reveals our hearts. – Paul Tripp 
Only Jesus can. He already died on the cross bearing the burden of our sins. It is finished.
It comes down to this…

I don’t want a life that is just about self improvement.  
I want a life that is about glorifying God because only there will I find true freedom. 

Now that is something to “like”

Right now that’s what I truly feel in my heart. I feel free from the burden of self-control. I feel like I could get back on Facebook and with the Lord at my side I would be a different person. Not sure if I will, but I’ll cross that road when my 365 days are up. ☺
I encourage you to think about things that you spend your most time on…are they becoming idols? Is it really a deeper issue? Check yourself and ask God if there is something He wants to show you… somewhere He wants to do a work in you. It’s worth it. I promise. ♥
♥Heather Hawthorne

LOVE it! Told you it’d be worth it to read the whole thing. 😉 It was, right!?!?
Thanks so much Heather for sharing with us today and for being this week’s Bloggie Bestie!
Have a lovely day friends!!! And really think on Heather’s request there at the end. I will be. 

Halloween Spider Web Candles

Halloween is now less than a week away!
Here’s a quick, easy Halloween craft for those last minute decorations!! 

Spider Web Candles

I bought two white candles at Wal-Mart. 
Then used my Silhouette SD to cut out two spider webs in black vinyl. 
The spider web is another FREE shape included with the software. 

Carefully stick them onto the candles and smooth all edges. 

Done! Quick and easy! And so cute!

What are you scaring up these last few days before Halloween lovelies?? 

By the way… I am guest posting over here today! 
It’s not my usual crafty post either… This time I’m talking….
MARRIAGE!!! Hope you’ll stop by and say hello!

Linking this here and here and .
P.S. Thanks to Kara for letting me share this here first! :)

Painted Pyrex

Hello friends!! 
A couple weeks ago my sweet friend, the new Mrs. Knight, got married. 
The same sweet friend who did MY hair at my wedding!
So I wanted to make her something special for a bridal shower gift. 

She had a set of Pyrex bake ware on her registry… 
But naturally, they needed a little Truly Lovely spiffying up. 😉

This was a project that plagued me for weeks.
I had two FAILED attempts before I found something that worked, and turned out the way I wanted.

First… Don’t buy this stuff. It doesn’t look like glass etching at all.
More like gunk just globbed on there. Unless that’s the look you’re going for of course…
And it my case it wasn’t… So off it came!

Second… If you’re going to paint glass… You have to be very careful and very patient.
Otherwise it leaks and streaks and just looks yucky.
Those pictures up there really don’t even do justice to the craft fail that they actually were… haha.

Mrs. Knight’s kitchen and home in general has a western/country look and feel to it.
Her kitchen is red and brown.

So, in the method that worked out the way I wanted, I used brown glass paint and Silhouette cut vinyl stencils to add her new last name to a set of Pyrex dishes. 

What saved me SO much time and trouble was using a foam sponge (makeup dept.) to dab the paint onto the glass dishes instead of using a paint brush. 

Foam sponge and after math of my other attempts… :)

I also used the stencils as the INSIDE of the letters so that it didn’t have to look so precise. This is one of those projects where exact perfection isn’t going to happen… BUT that was perfect in this case leaning toward my rustic-y theme.

Following the directions on the paint I used, I let the painted dishes dry for several hours, then cured them in the oven. 

In the end… I really like them! 
I think they have a rustic-western-y quality to them. 
Plus, they’re different, and personalized. Can’t go wrong with that! 

All wrapped up and ready to be boxed and sent to the bridal shower! 
Mrs. Knight says she likes them too! 
Guess all that crafty trial and error was worth it!
P.S. I’m sharing a quick and EASY Halloween craft over here today! 😉
P.P.S. Linking this here and here and .
P.P.P.S… I am sharing my picks from the Take a Look Tuesday party at Sugar Bee Crafts over here today too! :) Check out Mandy’s blog by the way… I LOVE it! :)

Fancy This Features #47

Hey, hey lovelies!!! 
Another week!
And the last week before Halloween at that!! 

Before we get to the FUN features from  
(say that three times fast…)
Just wanted to let you all know that on Sunday, October 30th, I’m participating in this!!!
You should too! 😉

Now onto the features!!! 

First… Completely unrelated to Halloween and Fall, and all that… 
But completely AMAZING!!!
This lovely beach inspired bathroom makeover from 
Lynda at Something Created Everyday
Check out that suitcase shelf!! And the thrifted mirror is perfect for the space!!!

Another unrelated to Halloween and Fall… haha. 
But absolutely fantastic!!!
She’s a contestant in this season’s So You Think You’re Crafty and she has done an AMAZING job on ALL of her projects!!! 
Be sure to click here to vote
There’s only four contestants left!!! 

And finally…. Because it IS the week before Halloween… Couldn’t leave you without sharing some FUN Fall decorating ideas on the cheap! 
Summer at Made By Munchie’s Mama, decorated her office, but these ideas can be applied to any room in the house or at work!!! 

Thanks to ALL who linked up for this last week’s Fancy This Fridays party!!! 😉 
Here’s a featured button for you lovelies mentioned above! 
We would be honored if you would share it with your readers!


Have a FABULOUS, FUN, FRIGHTENING, FANCY week before Halloween!!!

Like us on !
Follow us on !
Follow us on !!! :) 

Fancy This Fridays #47 and a WINNER!

Happy Friday Lovelies!!! 

A couple of things before we get to the Fancy This Fridays party…
Did you know Truly Lovely is a sponsor of the I am blog’s Take a Stand in October campaign?

You can submit photos of your shoes as you “Take a Stand” against cancer. 
Proceeds from the event will be donated to Stand Up 2 Cancer

This was my entry! And this was my bloggie friend Vicki’s entry… 
There are lots of fun ones, you should definitely check it out! 
AND get behind an AMAZING cause!!!


Next… A HUGE thank you goes out to our sponsor Digital Scrapbooking Albums for offering a giveaway of a 249 page premade digital scrapbook bundle!

THANKS also to all who entered the giveaway and helped to spread the word!
We have the BEST readers and bloggie friends here at Truly Lovely!!! :)

The winner of the giveaway is….
Who is…. 
Email on the way! 
If you do not respond within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. 

Now… Onto the party! :) We’re so glad you’re here!!! 

Fancy This Fridays Party Rules!!! 

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself. 
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random. 
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog
On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. 
We don’t mind… 
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link
Just pop over and say Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely. 
That would rock. :)

Have a LOVELY weekend sweet friends!