Archives for June 2012

Fancy This Fridays #82

Good morning/evening/whatever time of day it is where ever you are!
So glad it’s Friday… This week seems like it went by fast, but only because I felt so busy! That ever happen to you?

So… a few things before we jump into the linky party…

Have you joined our Sittin’ in the Sun Summer Gift Exchange yet?
We’re co-hosting with the lovely Breanna of Counting Blessings!

We created and awarded The Modern Muse award this week with the sweet Mrs. White of Little Homemade Housewife. We would be so pleased if you would like to pass it on to someone spreading inspiration and happy in blogland!
See the deets here.

 blog award

AND Sunday is a new month! That means amazing new sponsors here at Truly Lovely!
We still have a few spaces available in all sizes! Use the code JULY20 to take 20% off any ad space as a sweet follower of Truly Lovely! 😉 Prices will be increasing for August, so we’d love to have you through July at the lower prices. 😉

Now onto Fancy This Fridays!!! What have you fancied up lately?? We’d love to see!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.

Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Have a lovely weekend dolls!

Bloggie Bestie – Leslie of Leslie Marquez Designs

Hi there pretties!
Today we’d like to introduce you to Leslie of Leslie Marquez Designs!
She has a fun DIY, crafty project for you dolls today!
Leave her some bloggie love below, then we’d love a visit at her place where I’m sharing a post today! 😉


Hello!!! To start, I want to thank Kassi and Kayli for giving me the chance to be a bloggie bestie (love the title, despite my spell checker going nuts.) I have followed this site for a good while and love reading it.  

My name is Leslie, owner of Leslie Marquez Designs. I am a Wife to my best friend, Mother to my 4 minions (ages 6,5,3, and almost 2), a crafter, jewelry designer, photography wannabe, legal secretary, and asylum warden. Just writing all that made me tired, I need more coffee! I blog about life with the minions, craft tutorials, and anything else I find on the web. 

I have a lot of wood. My co-worker is remodeling her house and always has an abundance of extra materials that she wants to get rid of. I thought, oooo, project!!! I have seen about doing image transfers on wood. So naturally, I wanted to try it. So, she brought me lots of wood, I got the materials, and got to work.

Pictures (Printed on regular paper using a laser jet printer, make sure you reverse the picture too)

Artist Gel Medium
Mod Podge

First, the wood I got is a bunch of 2×6’s. So they needed to be bolted together. So I asked the hubby. I have to refer to my husband all the time on matters of hardware. Thanks babe!! Anyway, I started out using plates to connect three together to make a flat surface. You can buy these anywhere and they are relatively cheap, a couple of bucks.

Once they are all bolted together. Flip it over, and get your Gel Medium. Paint a really good coat of the gel medium and place your laser jet printout face down on the gel medium.Smooth out the paper really well, you don’t want any bubbles or missing spots in the picture!!

Then, let it sit overnight!!

Once it has set up overnight, grab a towel, a bowl of water and get ready to get wet. Take the water and wet the paper, and I mean SOAK it…

Then, when its wet enought, the paper should start rubbing off. If it doesn’t rub off easily, then its not wet enough!

Elena loves the picture with the frog!

Once all the paper has been rubbed off, and you really want to make sure you get it all off or you will have white paper spots, paint a think coat of mod podge to seal it.  Let it dry and Voila, You have an awesome very large wood piece with pictures.


This is one of my favorite things in my living room!! Aren’t the minions cute!! I am in the process of making a bunch, my husband wants one for his office, but a smaller version, and of course, I am making one for my co-worker. I figure I owe her for all the wood.
Thanks again for allowing me to take over for a bit. I hope to do this again. I am learning everyday about the wonders of blogging. I think my husband might scream if he hears the words “I could totally blog about that” or “I should make that and turn it into a post.” again, but I am enjoying every minute of it. Later, Peeps!
We’ve all been there girl! My hubs is so over me turning something simple into a step by step blog post. haha!
Thanks so much to sweet Leslie for sharing with us today and for being the Bloggie Bestie at Truly Lovely this week!
Interested in sharing with our readers? Learn more on becoming a Bloggie Bestie here!
Have a lovely rest of your day dolls!

The Modern Muse Award

Hey there dolls!
Today we’d like to share a little something fun with you!

Do you know Mrs. White of Little Homemade Housewife? She’s one of our newest bloggie friends!
We’ve joined together and decided to spread some positive support around blog land!!! To do so we created a BRAND NEW blog award of sorts.

Modern Muse Award

The Modern Muse award is for those blogs that are continually working to share inspiration throughout blog land!
Be it through tutorials, how tos, featuring other bloggers, consistently commenting, etc…

Each of these fun blogs is continually showing support for other bloggers including us here at Truly Lovely!!!

Today we’d like to award The Modern Muse to…. 

Amanda of Royal Daughter Designs

 Tico and Tina of The Beauty of One

 Alyx of Everyday is a New Adventure

 Megan of and here’s to you Mrs. Robinson

THANKS for being a POSITIVE inspiration to us and your other followers/readers/friends!!!!

So, the entire point is to keep the support and POSITIVE rolling!
Here’s where YOU come in!
First, please click over and check out the blogs we’ve awarded above… say Congrats and share some encouragement with them! 😉  Then click here to visit Mrs. White’s post to see who she awarded The Modern Muse award and share a little encouragement around with her awardees.

By now you will have spread encouragement and inspiration to over eight new blogs!
BUT you’re not finished yet….

Grab a button above and share The Modern Muse award with at least FOUR of your most supportive and encouraging bloggie buddies! To those we’ve awarded, we would love if you would be able to participate as well.
With this award there’s no need to share random facts, do weird posts, etc… Just grab a button and pass it on to someone that you feel deserves to be acknowledged for their happiness in this blog world of ours.

Let’s spread a little LOVE and SUPPORT around blog land, eh peeps! :)

And go!

Patriotic Firework Cake

Hey dolls! Sorry so late with the post today… We had two yesterday since we announced the Sittin’ in the Sun Summer Package exchange, (have you joined yet?), so I’m a little behind today!

Do you realize Independence Day is next week! Yes! Already!

 Here’s a delicious and patriotic 4th of July Firework cake to help you celebrate!

Firework cake

To make this fun firework cake you only need a few ingredients. 
White cake mix and all the fixings called for on the box (eggs, water, oil {or apple sauce})
Red and blue sprinkles
Two round cake pans
White icing

making a 4th of July cake

 Mix up the cake mix like normal, then pour half the mix into each of your round cake pans. Add red sprinkles to one of the cake mix filled pans and blue sprinkles to the other.
Stir the sprinkles around so they spread throughout the mix. The color will probably bleed, that’s ok!

making a red white and blue cake

Bake according to the cake mix instructions. Allow your two cakes to cool just for a minute, admire the firework quality they already have… 😉 then turn them out onto a plate to cool the rest of the way.
Turning them out before they’ve cooled completely works the best, FYI… don’t wait too long!

patriotic cake recipe

 Once they’ve cooled, completely, stack and then ice in the white icing. Sprinkle some red and blue sprinkles on top. More in the center and less on the edges makes a nice firework affect… just sayin’… 😉

patriotic cake

Cut yourself and a friend a slice of delicious patriotic firework cake!
Again, admire the fun firework affect in the middle and eat up!

4th of July cake

Thanks for baking with me today lovelies! :)

Do you have any special Independence Day traditions?
Any patriotic treats on your menu this coming week?

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. Hope you enjoyed this post! If so, we’d love if !

{Closed!} Sittin’ in the Sun Summer Package Exchange!

So… as promised earlier… We have a little something FUN for you today!
Along with the lovely Breanna of Counting Blessings, we are co-hosting a Summer Package Exchange!!!
Who doesn’t love getting a little something fun in the mail, all while making a new friend in the process!!!
So… we introduce to you… 



How it works: 

1. Sign up using the form below.
2. Breanna and I will match you with a partner.
3. Contact your partner and say hello! (This is not a secret exchange! It’s a get to know a new friend exchange! So email, tweet, FB, etc… Make a new friend!!!)
4. Send your partner their Summer Goodies.
5. Link-up and share your Goodies with all of us!

(The spending limit for this exchange is between $15 and $20 before Shipping Costs.)


 Dates to Remember:

Monday, June 25th: Begin signing up!
Monday, July 9th: Deadline to sign up.
Week of July 9th: We’ll contact you with your partner.
Friday, July 20th: Please have your packages mailed by this date!
Friday, August 3rd: Come back and link-up your Goodies!


Before signing up, please be sure to be following both Counting Blessings and …that’s it! :)


Oh, and if you’d like to help us spread the word…grab the image above with the code we’ve provided and place it on your blog! If you’d like, feel free to share the link with your blog friends an invite for them to sign up!
The more the merrier!

If for some reason the form is not appearing below this text,  to access the form directly through Google Docs! If you are able to fill out the form directly from this blog post, be sure to scroll the whole way to the bottom when you submit! There are a few questions that you’ll need to scroll for :)

If you have any questions just let us know in the comments below!

Fancy This Features #81

Hey dolls! Happy Monday! 

How was your weekend??

Right now I’m going to jump headfirst into this week’s features from Fancy This Fridays… We have a FUN announcement coming your way a little later, so hopefully you’ll stop back by and check it out here in a bit.
I’ll give you a hint… Do you like getting pretties in the mail? 😉


First up, how genius are these paper plate containers?! You know those paper plates that are a little too flimsy to really use as a plate, but you always end up with some at one point or another… This idea from Peggy at The Decorating Files is perfect for those!

Party Treat Boxes

Next up, if you’ve been hanging around Truly Lovely very long you KNOW how much I love to fancy up a plain ol’ candle… See here and here for reference. 😉 So I’m loving these map candles from Heidi at Decor & more.

 And finally, isn’t this wedding cake just gorgeous! Would you believe that it’s only about six inches tall?! For real! Click over to Malory’s (of Snips & Spice) mini cake post to see how she made this pretty!

tiny wedding cake

Thanks to all who shared their lovelies with us this last week!!! Hope to see you all back again this coming Friday!
Again, don’t forget every feature from Fancy This Fridays gets pinned to our .
If you have a sec we would love a Pinterest follow! :)

Here’s a featured button for you lovelies mentioned above! It links right back to this post so your readers will know where to find you! :)

Have a lovely week dolls!!!

OH!!! Almost forgot to tell you the winner of our June Sponsor Group Giveaway has been announced! Was it you??? 😉

Speaking of sponsors… we are accepting sponsors for July as we speak! Join our team here! We’d love to have you!

Gotta love a girl that loves her some Mexican food… or Chicken Alfredo… or Pizza!

Hello lovelies!!!

Remember June’s Sponsor Spotlight theme? – Don’t you think June is a great month to get to know a little more about the lovelies on our sidebar? I think so too! ;)
So I’ve asked our sweet sponsors to answer a few basic questions so we can get to know them better!
Hope you’ll take a second to see what you have in common with these lovelies, then click over and make a new friend!

Today we are pleased to introduce you to our Medium Ad Sponsors!!!

So all of these ladies chose either Mexican food, chicken alfredo or pizza as their favorite food…. I personally can’t be mad at that! haha! And for real, I would totally join any of these ladies for dinner anytime! 😉


Ami according to… Ami!!Hi!! I’m Ami, a SAHM, wife, daughter, grand-daughter, sister, auntie, friend and Jesus follower. I’m the author of AliLily. AliLily is a blog where I share what I have learned. I also share how I have learned it and from whom. I take you through step by step picture tutorials and recipes. I feature amazing tutorials, recipes and inspiration from other bloggers out here.

Connect with Ami:

* Blog * * * * 


 Jerri of Simply Sweet Home

Meet Jerri!!!I’m Jerri from the blog Simply Sweet Home. I post recipes, product reviews, giveaways, and basically everything from home decor to fashion. I also have an Etsy shop called Simply Sweet Creations, where I sell handmade jewelry.  And of course, I’m a loving wife and cat mommy!

Find Jerri:

* Blog * * * *


Kristine of The Foley Fam

About Kristine!!!Hi all! I’m Kristine! Wifey to Nate, Momma to our M&M girls, and owner of The Foley Fam {unedited} blog and ! I started making hair pretties when I was preggers with our first daughter. I love creating things with my hands and seeing others enjoy and use my pieces is so humbling and rewarding for this “stay at home” Momma. If you need some Eye Candy I’m your girl! I blog to share pictures of our cute girls & mostly my extraordinary thoughts about our ordinary days here at The Foley Fam household. I love living life and blogging about it, so if that sounds like your cup o’ tea hop on over to our place and be sure to let me know I sent you! XOXO 

Kick it with Kristine: 

* Blog * * * *



A little about Celia!!!I am about to marry the love of my life this October!! My blog is a personal – lifestyle blog. You can find me talking about future wedding plans, family, friends, food, new makeup/nail polish finds. Whatever my heart fancies. I love football and I love to eat. I am also a Fit Fluential Ambassador!

Befriend Celia:

* Blog * * *


A few words from Veronica!!!Hi! My name is Veronica and I blog over at Life In The Thrifty Lane about thrifty finds, crafts, recipes and much more. We moved from Italy 5 years ago. I really like it here and I actually see more of my friends and family now than back in Italy because everyone wants to come visit us now that we are in Las Vegas! LOL Last year I also opened my little Etsy shop, , (named after my daughter’s nickname) where I sell magnetic tie backs for curtains, hair accessories and little gifts.
Shown here with

Hang with Veronica:

* Blog * * * *


Meet Brittany!!!I just recently started my blog (last month) after following (and being inspired by) so many blogs for the past year.   Second Hand Solace is about my experiences as I buy only second hand clothing this summer, and is mostly about thrifting but I’m hoping to expand it to include some of my other hobbies as time goes on.  As far as about me personally, I’m a senior at Mansfield University of PA studying music education.  I’m a violin major but I play sousaphone in the marching band. I also love crafting, outdoorsy type things and shopping.

Befriend Brittany:

* Blog * * *


 We hope you’ll take a second to click over and check out these sweet ladies. They are all AMAZING bloggie friends! You”ll love them! We promise!!!

Have a lovely rest of your weekend!! 

Sponsor Spotlight – Nicole of This Little Momma

Happy Saturday pretty friends!!! 

Remember June’s Sponsor Spotlight theme? – Don’t you think June is a great month to get to know a little more about the lovelies on our sidebar? I think so too! ;)
So I’ve asked our sweet sponsors to answer a few basic questions so we can get to know them better!
Hope you’ll take a second to see what you have in common with these lovelies, then click over and make a new friend!

Today we’re excited to introduce you to another of our XL ad sponsors for June!

Here’s a few words from the lovely Nicole…I started my blog in 2009 to document our home renovations for our family. Flash forward to 2011 and I felt the urge to blog again. I blog about anything and everything. I love fashion, diy, and design but my most important role is a mother to my sidekick, L. My hopes is that he will be able to look back at this little blog someday (ya know since I don’t scrapbook). I’ve made the decision after much prayer to change the name of my blog so I can separate my personal blog from my business. Oh and did I mention I’m a blog designer??”

Kick it with Nicole:

* Blog Design Blog * Brand New Personal Blog * * *

Enjoy the rest of your weekend pretties! OH and go enter our June Group Giveaway if you haven’t had the chance yet! :) Lots of awesome prizes to be won!

Fancy This Fridays #81 – InstaFriday

FRIDAY! Whoot! Kayli is coming to visit me this weekend!!!
What are your weekend plans?

For May Kayli and I both did the Photo A Day Challenge from FatMumSlim… We both completed the entire thing! I may or may not have been behind a day at one point, but caught up eventually… 😉
So far we’re both plugging along with the June challenge as well… So here are a few for your viewing pleasure.
You can follow along with @Kassarie or @KayliRayli via Instagram.

 From a low angle

Day 11. From a low angle – Nephew Chancey riding the hub’s heel horse, Dan the Man. 😉

Day 14. Time…. for a second pair of TOMS! What color should I get?

Day 16. Out and about looking for elk… We found TONS. With babies! (while visiting the fam in NM!)

Day 10. Best part of my weekend was making pink lemonade cupcakes then sending one in my manly husband’s lunch all packaged in this cute cupcake on the go holder my mom gave me. Awesome!


Day 15. Neon yellow toes!

Day 2. An empty loop makes for a grouchy cowboy!


I’m linking my Instagram pics up here! Hope you’ll join us! :)

life rearranged

Now… onto the party!!! What have you been fancying up as of late? We’d love if you shared a post or two with us!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.

Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Thanks for linking lovelies!!! Have a FABULOUS Friday and enjoy your weekend! :)

By the way… This GIVEAWAY ends soon!

Bloggie Bestie – Britney of Live Out Loud

Hey dolls! Let’s welcome a fun new Bloggie Bestie!
Britney has been our blog friend for a long time now… And she rocks! :)
By the way, I’m sharing over at her place, Live Out Loud today… hope you’ll stop by!
Take it away Britney!!!


Well hello there followers of this cool blog, aka Truly Lovely.  I am so excited to be a bloggie bestie here, it has been a dream of mine for like ever!  Kassi and Kayli’s new tag line…..
Making bloggers dreams come true one post at a time!  {Kassi here, LOVE IT!! 😉} Thank you girls for having me here today.

My name is Britney, you can call me Brit, B, babe, hottie, hottie B, whateve I am easy.  You can find me here, blogging about stuff and life.  I know they, they as in the expert bloggers, say you should pick a theme and ride it out, but that doesn’t work for me or my blog, so you will find pretty much anything and everything that I find interesting on that day.  Like a buffet of blog posts, AYCE, of course.

My family and I recently moved to Singapore and I have been experimenting with new Asia like recipes, and I was so excited to share some thing new and fabulous with you on here today, but this got in the way.

That is my MIL, my little J, and me on an elephant in Thailand.  We just got back, and by just I mean 4 days ago.  My kids have eaten Mac-and-Cheese for dinner the last four nights.  Although I do make a mean Mac-and-Cheese, I doubt that you would appreciate a tutorial on it.  Instead how about I tell you about my addiction to dipping fruit in chocolate.  I will dip pretty much anything and everything, fruit related, in the dark sweet goodness.  Here is my latest creation.

Pear, pineapple, and banana, on a toothpick because I’m fancy like that.  I could break it down, but I won’t insult your intelligence.






Easy as that.  Not quite an Asian master piece, if you want of of those, check this out, but it is what I can muster the energy to do,  and here is a confession, it wasn’t even originally my idea.  I saw it here first.  Of course, they used strawberries, I would love to use strawberries, but since all the strawberries here come from the USA, and that means they are super expensive.  Greedy Americans, keeping all the berries for themselves.  Since I slacked on this post, maybe my kids will have something other than noodles and powder cheese for dinner, maybe not though.

A huge thanks to Kayli and Kassi for letting me and my elephant invade their space!  I hope to see you all over here soon.  We can swap recipes and compare cleavage pictures.  What, you don’t do that.  Oh, just the recipes then that will be fun too.  Later gators!  XOXO


Isn’t she awesome! :) She’s been sharing some really sweet posts about Singapore here lately… This one and this one are some of my favorites!

Hope you’ll check out Britney’s blog and let her know we sent you! :)