Sometimes Momma needs a break… #TLCVoxBox

All the mommas out there know that sometimes you just need a little something to help you catch a break… Sometimes it’s a little something to entertain the kiddos for a little while. Other times it’s a sweet treat for a date night at home with the husband. The #TLCVoxBox from Influenster that I received this last month included all kinds of fun things to help any mommy catch up, relax and just get a break!

First up, the contents of the box included: (For my .)

#TLCVoxBox from Influenster

  • Puffs To Go #PassthePuffs
  • Shell Fuel Rewards Network Card #FuelRewards
  • Avon ANEW Reversalist Express Wrinkle Smoother #AvonANEW
  • Ivory Bar Soap #SudLife
  • Breyers Gelato Indulgences #GelatoLove
  • Neosporin New To Go #NeoReady

The Puffs To Go were an instant hit! I received this box right before we left for our family summer vacation so I stashed the Puffs to Go in my backpack. It was so nice to have them on hand while we visited Disneyland and the beach. Several times somebody needed a tissue and I had one in my bag! Win! The tissues themselves are our favorite, the lotion makes them softer on stuffy noses!

After our vacation the hubs and I were excited to spend a quiet date night at home. Just the two of us and our daughter. We enjoyed some Breyers Gelato Indulgences while we watched a movie. I chose the Vanilla Caramel flavor… We LOVED it. SO YUMMY!!! I’ve even gone back to the store since then and we got the Raspberry Cheesecake flavor!

#TLCVoxBox Breyers Gelato Indulgences #TLCVoxBox Breyers Gelato Indulgences









Next up, the Shell Fuel Rewards Network Card! I was so excited to get this… There’s a few Shells in my area and I’ve been meaning to sign up for a card, so when one showed up in the mail inside the #TLCVoxBox I was pumped! It’s easy to activate and easy to use… AS long as your Shell is a participant in the program. Turns out the one near my house isn’t… Boo. So I don’t get to use the card very often, but when I do it’s exciting to think of the discounts!

#TLCVoxBox Shell Fuel Rewards Network Card

I’ve been using the Avon ANEW Reversalist Express Wrinkle Smoother for a few weeks and I have to say it’s a nice way to instantly reduce the look of wrinkles! Don’t hate, but I don’t have many wrinkles at this point in my life, so it’s not something I use everyday… But if I’m getting ready for a special occasion or know there will be photos taken, I am all about it! The photo on the right below is even a little before and after once I applied my makeup and the ANEW.

#TLCVoxBox Avon ANEW #TLCVoxBox Avon ANEW Before and After









Luckily, I haven’t had many opportunities to try the Neosporin Neo To Go spray! Nobody wants ouchies, am I right?! But I did have one little incident while cleaning kitchen knives. I recorded a little video about it if you’re interested… You can see that here: Neo To Go Video. It did seem like the pain was squashed pretty quickly and the little cut I got healed nicely! Two thumbs up!

Last but certainly not least is the Ivory Bar Soap! We used it to do a fun little activity! Did you know there are TONS of uses for Ivory Soap besides just the bath tub?! I have a whole if you want to check it out. We chose to make “soap clouds” in the microwave, then use the clouds to make mini colored soaps! Klara thought it was crazy we kept pointing for her to look in the microwave. She’s too little to understand the awesomeness, but I’m sure in a few years she’ll think it’s cool. 😉

#TLCVoxBox Ivory Bar Soap

So there you have it! My thoughts on the #TLCVoxBox from Influenster!

Tell me, have you ever used any of the products mentioned above? What are your thoughts? Do you have any fun Ivory Soap ideas we need to try???

WIWW: Logowear from CafePress

All the way back in August of 2013 I shared a post with you all about CafePress products and how you can design your own items through their website. Well, FINALLY here I am sporting the items that I designed and received from them!

CafePress Review

I ended up making myself a sweater with my photography business logo on the back and a burnout t-shirt with my logo on the front! It’s the perfect “uniform” to wear for photo sessions so that I look professional, but still laid back and comfortable.

Logo wear by CafePress

The camera was actually an image included in their design your own t-shirt tool. Then I just added in my logo and called it good! The screen for designing the shirts was so easy to use. It’s set up so you can easily see where the center is and get the best placement for your design or logo.

CafePress Review

CafePress has all kinds of products you can customize to your exact needs. T-shirts, bags, phone cases, mugs, etc! The options are limitless!

Linking this post to these fun WIW parties.

CafePress provided me with a gift certificate to spend on their site in exchange for a review. As always opinions shared here are 100% my own!

A Place of Honor on My Vanity

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Clearasil, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #SuperFruits

A lot of things have changed since we found out we were expecting Klara. Almost everything changed for the better!! But there are one or two things that haven’t been so positive… Like my skin. While I was pregnant I really didn’t worry about it too much. I mean, let’s be honest, when you’re expecting your first little one there are so many other things that occupy your thoughts more than doing something about your suddenly less than stellar complexion! When Klara was just over a month old I decided it was past time to get my healthy skin back!

Allow me to introduce you to my new favorite skin care product… Clearasil’s NEW! Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Cleansers!

Clearasil Product Review

As you can see it has clearly earned a place of honor on my vanity! Historically I haven’t followed the most consistent skin care regimen. Back in high school I was one of those stereotypical pimple faced teenagers. I spent my primitive high school years trying every face wash I could get my hands on, committing to each one hoping for results… Then about the time I went into college my face decided to clear up for the most part with a stray blemish popping up only every now and then. So, I relaxed with my routine and tended to use whatever facial cleanser that happened to catch my eye in the store. Which brings us to the present and my post-pregnancy blemished face.

Clearasil Review

Yep, that’s me with no makeup on, a few unsightly blemishes and a glimmer of hope that this new Clearasil face wash would help my complexion.

You guys! I have been using the gel face wash shown above for almost two weeks now and I love it! The fruity scent is light and refreshing. My skin feels clean, but not dry after every wash and my blemishes are all but gone!!! Needless to say I’m sold! Me, again without makeup…

Clearasil After Photo

Post-baby skin (✓)!!! Now if I could just fit into those pre-pregnancy jeans! 😉

Want to try Clearasil’s NEW! Daily Clear Refreshing Superfruit Cleansers for yourself? The entire line can be purchased at Wal-Mart for less than $5! Oh and BONUS = Here’s a $1 off coupon just for you! 😉 So you can try your choice of the three cleansers for LESS THAN $4!!!! (Hopefully your Wal-Mart isn’t sold out of the other two kinds like mine was!!!)

Clearasil at walmart

Happy shopping lovelies!!

WIWW – Sweater Dress from Old Navy

Hi there dolls!

I haven’t done a What I Wore Wednesday in quite a while… This working from home thing has really taken a toll on my every day style… Good news is I’ve been working out more, but the bad news is I wear a lot of work out clothes and sweats versus actually dressing up everyday. Oops. 😉

So for this week’s WIWW, I figured it was time to really get dressed up! The weather is finally getting cooler here in AZ… Not much cooler mind you, but cooler than it has been, so for the CrowdTap and Old Navy Spice up Your Style campaign I chose a pretty striped sweater dress.

Crowdtap campaign

I’ve got to say I’m pleasantly surprised with how much I like my sweater dress. I’ve never owned one before so I was a bit afraid it would be itchy, uncomfortable and unflattering, but I discovered the exact opposite. Paired with some fun tights and my tall fall boots this dress makes a cute but cozy fall/winter outfit!

sweater dress and riding boots

I added the black belt to give the dress a little more shape.
So, what do you think??

With the campaign I received two dress coupons. This time I gave the other one to my sister in law, Stephanie.
Here she is rocking the dress she chose! Too fun, right!?!

{Pardon the cell phone pic…} She lives several hours away from me, but we still wanted to shop together, so we did… via phone and picture messaging…
Have you ever shopped with a friend miles away via phone…? It’s kind of fun! 😉

Have you tried any of Old Navy’s new dresses?
What’s your favorite style?

Fall outfit from Old Navy

Happy shopping lovelies!

Disclosure: I received two dress coupons in exchange for this post via Old Navy and Crowdtap. As always opinions shared are 100% my own!

Linking to these fun what I wore link ups!

pleated poppy

Girls’ Night Out with Primp & Prep

This post brought to you by Hpnotiq. All opinions are 100% mine.

Girls’ night out has always been an important event on my calendar!
Every girl needs time with her girlfriends. Time to chat, primp, drink a fruity cocktail, dance with their hair down, music up! A huge part of girls’ nights with my friends, especially during college, was a yummy drink.
Hpnotiq was and still is our go to!

girls night out

I’m super excited to help one of my favorite drinks announce their new website!
Introducing Primp & Prep with Hpnotiq!!!


Primp & Prep is a brand new, one stop shop for your girls’ night preparations!! They have everything from beauty tips to cocktail recipes!
There’s even tips for all you single ladies on how to snag the hottest guy in the bar! 😉


One of my favorite features on the website is a built in Pandora music player featuring fun dance tunes to play while you and your girls are getting ready to go out!
Just imagine you and your girls mixing up a fun drink featuring Hpnotiq or the new Harmonie liqueur and jamming to some fun songs while you get ready for a night on the town!! How fun is that!?!


Before you had to either get ready in silence… which is beyond lame… or have someone keep changing the music to keep things upbeat. The Primp & Prep Pandora station does that for you. :)

I’ve gotta say I am really excited to try the new cocktail recipes as well! Like I said, my friends and I are already  fans of Hpnotiq and can’t wait to try Harmonie!

Reviewing Opportunity :: (P) Primp & Prep with Hpnotiq! :: SocialSpark

What about you?? How do you and your girls get ready for Girls’ Night Out?

If you have a few minutes to check out the Primp & Prep website, I’d love to know what you think and what your favorite feature is??
Also, I’d love to hear your favorite Hpnotiq drink! I’m a fan of cranberry juice and Hpnotiq. 😉

Have fun lovelies! And please drink responsibly!!!


Hey there lovelies! 

Lately there’s a few things that I’ve been loving around this amazing blog community of ours. Thought it would be a good idea to take a day and share with you a few things I’m positive you won’t want to miss!


 I adored this post about making love an action word… Bonus? It includes my most favorite scripture…. maybe that’s cliche, but I don’t care. haha.

SO, SO excited and happy for this sweet girl!

Know anyone getting married? !

Did you know you can have culture shock in…. America. Totally can. And living without Mexican food?! I would never!

This chick has an AMAZING shoe collection… Color me jealous!!! 😉

 Here’s a few fun ideas of activities to do with your kiddos this summer!

Speaking of fun activities do you have a fun list like this? We’re thinking of hosting a sort of Bucket List link up soon… Maybe you should start one! 😉

Isn’t this bow holder ADORABLE!?!?! You can .

I’m not a huge fan of mushrooms, but I can see this recipe making a mushroom lover’s week!

This sweet lady has the cutest little girls!

I’ll take a few of these no sew extender slips… One in white and one in black!
K, thanks. 😉

Can you believe this outfit cost $5!?!?!

Do you ever feel like this with your BFFs?

 I was abruptly made aware of a CRAZY way someone can steal and use your photos! I had no idea things like this were happening! Watermark your pics peeps! Especially those of the kiddos!

The fourth of July is coming up! Help your little miss !

While you’re at it, !

I WILL be drinking my  HOT AZ summer!

Have a lovely rest of the week dolls!!!

McCormick Grill Mates BBQ and Pool Party

Hi there friends!

This Memorial Day weekend we celebrated with a BBQ and Pool Party!
The star of the show…. McCormick’s Grill Mates new spices and seasonings!

 The McCormick Grill Mates kit that I received via CrowdTap included:

  • Party Booklet
  • Grill Mates® Spiced Brandy & Herb Marinade
  • Grill Mates® Slow and Low Memphis Pit BBQ Rub
  • Grill Mates® Montreal Steak Seasoning Blend
  • Grill Mates® Molasses Bacon Seasoning Blend
  • Grill Mates® Brown Sugar Bourbon BBQ Sauce

We invited family and friends over to enjoy a delicious dinner and take a swim in our new pool!
My husband had to work that Saturday… (BOO!) but I had plenty of help preparing the food!

The meal included steaks, beef ribs, beef & shrimp kabobs as the main entrees.
My father in law and brothers in law manned the grill outside while the ladies prepared everything else in the kitchen.


Adding Brown Sugar Bourbon BBQ Sauce to the ribs

My favorite dish was definitely the beef and shrimp kabobs. Seasoned with the Spiced Brandy and Herb Marinade from McCormick Grill Mates, they had a strong, delicious flavor!!

McCormick Grill Mates

Preparing the Spiced Brandy and Herb marinaded kabob meats

 The steaks were seasoned with the McCormick Grill Mates Montreal Steak and Molasses Bacon seasoning.
SO delicious! All of the seasonings added the best flavor to the meats!

McCormick Grill Mates

McCormick Grill Mates

The only downside was that I had planned on dining out in the backyard, but the wind picked up too much for that… So inside it was. But that was OK too. 😉

McCormick Grill Mates BBQ

We just moved the tables and chairs inside to the living room and carried on! :)

It was the perfect Saturday afternoon with family and friends! 
We laughed, we ate, the kiddos swam…

McCormick Grill Mates

Thanks to McCormick Grill Mates and CrowdTap for the AMAZING seasonings and marinades!
As always, all opinions and thoughts expressed here are my own.

Thanks also to my AWESOME family! They grilled, helped with dinner, indulged all the photo taking!!!
Thanks to Tammy for taking photos by the way!!!  Love you all bunches!!!

Tomorrow I will be sharing the dip and fruit kabobs over at our girl Ricki’s place, so be sure to stop by and check out that out!

Linking this here and here and .

P.S. We’d love if ! Thanks lovely!!

Sponsor Spotlight – Creations by Sasha

Hi there friends!!! Hope you are enjoying this lovely weekend!!

While you’re vegging out on the couch with the laptop today, take a second and meet our sweet friend…

Sasha of Creations by Sasha!!!

As we wrap up May, the month for mothers, Sasha has shared a photo of her and her mother.
Miss Sasha has a lovely blog and shop where she showcases her home decor, scrap-booking and gift items.

This month she is offering a 40% discount off several pretties in her shop!
You can also get a 10% discount just by signing up for her newsletter!!

Those discounts can be applied to lovelies like this Definition of Love Canvas. This pretty CAN even be personalized!!!

Creations by Sasha

Connect with Sasha:

* Shop * * *

Hope you’re having a relaxing Sunday!!! :)

Sponsor Spotlight – Nadir of Stitch Sense Design

Happy Saturday friends!!!
Today we have a lovely spotlight post for you dolls from our girl,

Nadir of Stitch Sense Design!


Here’s Nadir…. 

Hey everyone!
I’m SO excited to be back with Truly Lovely as a May Sponsor!
In honor of the month of May being all about our mamas I wanted to share a little about my mama & I. :-)

My mom has always been a firm but loving confidant in my life. She had a hard job raising 3 girls on her own but she couldn’t have done a better job in my humble opinion. :-) Although we butt heads at times (more so when I was a teen!) I’ve always looked to my mama for sound advice & wisdom. She’s most definitely one of my heroes & I look up to her so much & am so thrilled to be able to have such a close relationship with her now.

Here is one of my favorite pics of us from when I was young…. (on the left above)

And one of mom & I on the most special day of my life….

I hope you stop my  or blog sometime to view some of my everyday happenings & newbie listings in the shop ….

Connect with Nadir:

* Blog * * * *


Check out my review of a brand new item coming to her Etsy shop here! :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend lovelies!!!

WIW – Crochet Headband from Stitch Sense

Hi there friends… Has the shock worn off yet from yesterday’s confession? 😉
Or maybe you weren’t even shocked at all….
I’m sure I’ll be hearing about it all weekend regardless {family in town}… but that’s ok. haha.

So, you know our rocking sponsor, ?
Of course you do! Cause you know ALL of our lovely sponsors over there on the left, yes? Awesome!
She sent me a to review recently!
I’ll be honest, I’m not a big headband wearing girl…
Like I told Nadir, it’s not because I don’t like how they look, I’ve just never really had any!

I can honestly say I am so glad she sent me this little lovely to try! It goes perfect with several outfits! The pink/purple tones are great paired with almost anything!

I’ve worn it twice just this last week!
The first day, with curled hair, to a team roping with the hubs and some friends.
I got several comments on how cute it was! The hubs even liked it and he’s usually hesitant whenever I try something new “fashion-wise”. 😉

The second time I wore it to work with a more casual outfit and straight hair.
Having a cute headband really gives an everyday outfit more of a polished, ‘I actually tried’ look.

This headband specifically features three hand crocheted rosettes in light pink and purple colors. It’s available, among other choices, in the . Nadir will also gladly create a for you in the colors of your choice!
I’d love to have a few more in varying colors to create other fun looks!

My thanks to Nadir for the lovely headband!
As always all opinions and thoughts about products featured on Truly Lovely are strictly my own!

Linking to these fun parties by the way! Hope you’ll check them out! :)

pleated poppy