Archives for February 2012

Ten Weeks of Thanks Week #4

Week number four is here, sort of a sad week, but it’s happy too. The topic is People Who Have Passed On
This week I’m only doing three. 

The first is Kassi’s mother in law. I love her and I miss her all the time. I didn’t get a chance to know her very well, but I still felt super close to her. And sometimes I think about her and know she’s watching out. She always made me laugh, and she could tell a mean ghost story. She makes me want to love life, she makes me want to laugh harder and take risks, because you only get so many chances while you’re here, and you never know when they’ll run out. But more than anything, she raised my sister’s husband. A pretty cool dude who takes amazing care of Kassi and gets great joy out of teasing me. I’m crazy thankful for that.

 Next is our grandpa, Granny’s husband. I never got to meet him, but I got to know him anyway. Through my Granny’s stories, through the look in her eyes when she talked about him. The love they have for each other is something that you could feel and see, without ever actually feeling or seeing it. My mom’s stories help too, she talks about all the fun stuff they used to do and things they used to talk about. I’m thankful that he helped give me the amazing life I have. That he gave to my mom the values and stories she would give to me. I painted a picture of him and my Granny a few years ago, and while I got to know his face, his thin brown hair, the light in his eyes, I got to know his heart, and I know he’s up there watching too.

Next is Granny. For those of you that don’t know- Granny really is the inspiration for this blog. She taught us to cook and bake and get crafty. When I was little, Granny would buy me coloring books and sketch pads, she’d save tissue boxes and paper towel rolls for me and would let me play with her scrap fabric. My Granny tapped into my creativity before I even knew that I had any. She was always encouraging me and teaching me new things. She wanted me to sing. She wanted me to paint, and try making dinner rolls on my own. She’s the lady I want to become. The one with a stash of cookies and dollar bills for any kids that might come along. Sewing and writing and loving everyone but always SO tough and so funny. I’m grateful she gave me her example. I’m grateful that she taught Kassi and I both how to be, and then gave us each other, so that when she couldn’t physically be there anymore, we could look to one another. I’m grateful that even though she knows we’re okay together, she still shows up in conversation, in a funny story, in the mixing bowl while we whip up something sweet, that’s her. That’s her showing us what to do, and loving us up close, even when heaven seems far away. 

Next week’s topic is Things in Nature
What about the world around you are you thankful for? Why?

Join , and . 

Happy Wednesday :)


Etched Glass Drink Set

Remember the I made?? Well I got a little braver and went a little bigger with this one and made an Etched Glass Drink Set for my friend!
*As first seen on The Simple Things. Thanks for letting me share, Angela!

etching glass
Etching glass REALLY isn’t that hard! It just takes a little bit of time and patience…
As well as the RIGHT etching cream!
First off, you’ll need the glass you plan to etch…
For this gift I chose a glass wine pitcher and four glasses. You can etch just about any type of glass though… For example you can to see those candle holders I etched awhile back…
You’ll also need etching cream. I have tried a few different kinds, but the EtchAll etching cream has worked the best for me so far.
Please keep your hands safe by wearing protective gloves and keep your table top safe by laying down at least a layer of newspaper.

You’ll also need the shape or words you plan to etch on the glass. I use sticky backed vinyl cut with my Silhouette SD for my stencils. This time around I cut out my gift receiver’s name for the pitcher, and ‘her’ glass, and some pretty swirly shapes that were included with my Silhouette software.

Glass etching is really as easy as sticking the stencils to the glass, smoothing it down… Then (while wearing gloves) use a small sponge (I used a makeup sponge) to apply* the etching creme inside the area you’d like to be etched… And wait.
*The key is by apply I mean really glob that stuff on there!
(The etching cream does come with directions for how long to wait, etc.)
Finally, you’ll peal the stencil off, rinse in cold water, and viola!
You have pretty, personalized, etched glass.

Just so you know… Sort of a disclaimer…
Etched glass is CRAZY hard to photograph! haha.
You can click the picture to enlarge it and really get a good look if you’d like. :)
Happy etching lovelies!! 

Fancy This Features #64

Today is just one of those Mondays. One of those, I gotta take a test and go to class and buy groceries but oh wait I locked my keys in my car, kind of Mondays. BUT it isn’t all bad. I get to do the features! :) 

So here are my picks:
The first is a SWEET Chocolate Kiss Applique Tutorial by Cheryl over at Sew Can Do. It’s super cute and even though my sewing skills are pretty limited, I think I could do this!! It would be way cute to use for throw pillows too.
Next up Crystal from Crystal and Co. shows us How to Never Have an Icy Windshield Again. In our part of the woods, it doesn’t get very cold, but our hometown does- and we get the occasional icy night. This is SOOOO good to know. No more walking outside and panicking when you’re already five minutes late and now you have to scrape ice for five more. This is a billion times faster, and I’d feel better about using this than the weird chemical stuff. Bonus! 
And finally some super yummy looking Mounds Inspired Cupcakes by Ami from Alililly. Yeah, I said Mounds. You know, those chocolately, coconutty, delicious candies…. but in a CUPCAKE. Let’s all just take a minute and think on that one…….. Mmm. :) So excited to try these! I’m sure they’re as sweet as the lovely lady who made them! 
And that’s it! Here’s a button for you lovely ladies.
Happy Monday!

Sponsor Truly Lovely in March

Because we’d TRULY LOVE to have you. 😉

A few lovely words from our current sponsors… 

From Ami at AliLilly – “I love being a Truly Lovely sponsor. Kassi and Kayli are both very supportive bloggers. I love the content of their posts. I love the meeting new bloggers from their weekly bloggy besties. I love that their blog posts aren’t always decor, DIY’s, or recipes but are often about them and life in general. I’m a very happy TL supporter.”

From I get a few hits from their site each month. And I truly appreciate all the effort that they are putting in for their sponsors with the tweets and monthly postings and shout outs. Thanks for your all hard work and dedication!!”

From Sponsoring Truly Lovely is, well, awesome!! Not only is Kassi a super sweet writer, but she takes time to connect with you. Just the other day I was checking my emails and buh-doop, instant message from Kassi. So sweet! She gets to know her sponsors, and really advertises your stuff. Every time I post an item from my shop onto my Facebook I swear she is right behind me sharing it on her own page. It’s really easy to work with the girls of Truly Lovely. I am, of course, awful with deadlines but Kassi is great at sending me reminder emails for posts and giveaways I’m involved in. It is really awesome how two sisters make this blog happen.”

From Bethani at Cheers, Bethani – “I love being a sponsor of Truly Lovely and getting to work with them every month.  I’ve been sponsoring for a few months now and have been thoroughly pleased with my overall experience.  Besides the feature posts every month giving readers insight into my blog & shop, they also do a great job of tweeting, facebooking and just giving little shout outs getting my name out there.  I totally recommend anyone looking for a site to “sponsor,” Truly Lovely is definitely one of those to consider.”

For more information on sponsoring Truly Lovely in March, . 
There’s only ONE large ad space left!!!
Medium and small ad spaces are still available, but going fast! 😉 

By the way… The WINNER of the DAY 4 Giveaway in our 500+ Followers Giveaway Celebration has been chosen… ! :)

Fancy This Fridays #64 and a WINNER!

Happy Friday pretties!!! 
Remember when I was in a tile coaster making faze? 
I made these . 
And these . 
Well, I made some more for a gift for my basset hound loving aunt and uncle… 
They were way too CUTE not to share… 
What do you think?? :) The coffee cup shape was free within my Silhouette SD software, I just added their names… and the cute howling basset hound was purchased from the Silhouette online store. 
For a full tutorial on how to make your own, . 

And just to up the cute factor… Meet the basset hounds… Ellie and Jenny. :)

They’re not spoiled at all… *wink, wink*. 

By the way… About that winner… The winner of the Day 3 500+ Followers Giveaway Celebration has been chosen… !!! 
An email will be sent shortly to the winner… 
If we don’t get a response within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen. 

So… what have YOU been up to lately?? 
We wanna see!!

Fancy This Fridays Party Rules!!!
1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself. 
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random. 
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blogOn your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Thanks for linking lovelies! Have a fabulous weekend!

Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap with Angela of The Simple Things

Hello lovelies! 
Today we’d like to introduce you to
Angela of The Simple Things!
She has a unique and tasty recipe to share with you all today! 
Be sure to leave her some bloggie love below, then I hope to see you over at her place where I’m sharing a fun tutorial myself! 😉
Here’s Angela!

Hello Truly Lovely readers!!
I am Angela with The Simple Things.
I blog about ways to simplify your life with SIMPLE recipes, gifts, crafts and organization tips and enjoying the simple things in my life.
I am blog swapping with Kassi today. 
Thank You for having me!
Please check out her fun gift idea post at The Simple Things too!
If you are like me, you enjoy an occasional Bloody Mary, but still have a large portion of the bottle of mix leftover. I stumbled across a recipe for a breakfast bake that called for Bloody Mary mix and it got me thinking about what else I could add the mix to. Since I happened to be making chili that week, the partnership was born! We are in the midst of winter here in Wisconsin (far away from the girls at Truly Lovely!) so this time of year, we enjoy a variety of soups to keep us warm.  Although this recipe is perfect for any weather.

Here is my super SIMPLE Recipe for Bloody Mary Chili:

1 lb ground turkey or ground beef
1 C fresh mushrooms rinsed or 1 can mushrooms drained
2 cans chili beans (not partial to a specific brand)
2 cans fire roasted tomatoes (not partial to a specific brand)
Bloody Mary Mix (I used  Zing Zang brand, nonalcoholic)
Brown the beef or turkey and drain

Then add all ingredients to a crock pot. Set on high for 3-4 hours or low for 6-8 hours.
I like to top my chili with cheddar cheese and sour cream. 
Then, enjoy!

Thanks so much to Angela for sharing this yummy idea! 
Even though I’m sure it MUCH warmer in AZ than in WI this is still a recipe we’ll be trying out ASAP! 
Hope to see you over at The Simple Things! 😉
Have a lovely day dolls!
Happy Cooking!!!
By the way! The Day 2 Winner of our 500+ Followers Giveaway Celebration has been chosen!!!

Ten Weeks of Thanks – Kassi’s Week 1

Ok… So I’m a little behind… 
But you didn’t think for one minute I wasn’t going to join in on my sister’s linky party, did you?!? 
So here I am! Finally. Sorry bout that… heehee. 
 I’m going to follow Kayli’s lead and choose five things I’m thankful for to go along with each topic. 
So this week, I’m thankful for these physical abilities

Sight. I’ve worn glasses since I was in about 5th grade I think it was… Contacts since about 6th… Without one or the other I am a complete wreck! Like I can BARELY see anything… So near sighted it’s ridiculous!
My give me sight. Sight to see my sexy hubs. Sight to read the Hunger Games books (which I LOVED!!). Sight to see what I’m typing as I go along writing this blog post… You know, all the good things in life. 
Typing. Yep, that’s totally a physical ability. All day long I sit at a computer for my 8-5 job. I type emails, blog posts, tweets, etc. I’m pretty proficient at it thanks to my mom who realized what an important skill it was going to become and taught me at an early age… Typing is a key essential to being able to do my job. Typing is also essential to Truly Lovely… another thing I don’t know what I’d do without! 

Dancing. I’m with . Dancing is one of the funnest past times I can think of! Turns out I got lucky… Hubs is a great dancer! I wouldn’t say it’s his favorite thing, but he doesn’t mind taking me anytime I want to go… and we have a lot of fun together doing so. 

Dancing with our wedding party. 
Running. I hate it. Absolutely. I ran track in high school and hated every stinking step I had to take to get around that track. But let’s be honest… it keeps you healthy. It keeps you looking good. AND it can save your life as you run away from something scary… SO I am thankful I can run. 

Riding. I grew up learning to ride a horse with my Papa and my dad. Riding horses is a huge part of my family’s history, past and present. It’s what we do. Then I found and married the hubs. Riding horses to rope is his thing. If I couldn’t ride I’d be very left out, now wouldn’t I… 
Click here for the links ups for ,  and .  
We’d love for you to join us! :)
Be thankful lovelies! 

A Few of the People I Adore. Ten Week of Thanks Week #3

I hope you’ve been enjoying all the giveaways going on here! :) Lots of excitement! My journey to being thankful rolls on though, regardless of how hard it’s been for me to share. I hear that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. This week’s topic is people who are alive and kickin in your life right now. :) So here are just a few of the lovely souls who graciously share themselves with little old me.

The first is my big brother, Toby. Toby is… awesome. He’s just the best big brother ever. When we get to hang out, we watch The Big Bang Theory and joke and look up random topics and I make him cookies. He makes me feel better about life, and I like to think sometimes I return the favor. We’re just a good time. And he’s super protective and supportive. I’m grateful for him because I know that I could make the worst choices in the world and be a total bum and he would still believe in me. 

Next are my sister’s sisters in law. That might seem sort of random, and I know that technically this isn’t one person- but whatever. I love them. They’re such amazing examples to me.  Arina has the kindest, most genuine heart of anyone I think I’ve ever met, and she’s so talented. Steph is so easy to love, she cracks me up and never ceases to make me smile. And Brianne is the most thoughtful, giving person in the world. They’re kind and beautiful and amazing wives and even more amazing mothers and I adore each one of them.
Next up is my cousin and lovely friend, Katie. She’s so awesome. We always have the best adventures running around in the summer. (and if we get a chance, in the fall, winter and spring.) We play cards and bake cookies and go to the park and look for cows in the dark and sing. You will never come across a happier, sweeter person. It’s never a dull moment. I’m thankful for her because she’s so kind and loving and such an amazing example. And she’s crazy courageous.

Then there’s Laci. (far right) We’re sort of a trio, Katie and Laci and I. The three cousins. :) We’re a little wild when you get us all together, but we always have SO much fun! I’m so thankful for Laci because she understands me. Even when I get all philosophical and get all these crazy ideas and ask wild questions, she doesn’t look at me like I’m nuts. She gets it. We don’t get to see each other often, but when we do we stay up until four in the morning and laugh and talk and tell scary stories and make up games. We scheme and have the greatest inside jokes, and I know she’s always there. I could never thank her enough for the amazing example and support she’s been for me. 
And finally, my beautimous, wonderful sister. Kassi is my best friend. She’s who I turn to EVERY day. She’s the one that tells me to suck it up or that it’s okay to be sad. She pushes me and never lets me take the easy way out. I honestly cannot imagine life without her, I don’t know what I would do with myself. She cuts my burdens in half and doubles my joy. She teaches me to be a lady, to be a friend, to be kind, to be confident, to take life head on. How could you not be grateful for that? And what kind of sister would I be if I didn’t tell her? :) 

So those are my five. :) Next week’s topic is People Who Have Passed On. They might be gone, but that doesn’t mean they don’t live on in the way they changed your life. Who are they, and why are they on your list?
I hope you’re having a fantastic week and that you count today as another blessing. 

Painted Gift Tins

Today I’m going to share a fun gift ‘wrap’ idea with you!!!

Painted Gift Tins!

My mom received a huge stash of those Christmas cookie, treat tins from a friend awhile back… It was actually her idea to paint the tins and add some vinyl cut outs to fancy them up! (Obviously where we get a lot of our craftiness from, thanks Mom!!!)
We laid them all out on some newspaper outside and spray painted each tin with a couple of coats of paint.
We used a few different colors and let them dry really well…



Once the tins are painted and dry, it’s time to embellish.
I made this small light pink tin into a birthday gift ‘wrap’ for my niece.

I used white vinyl cut out in her name and some flowers plus little acrylic diamonds to pretty it up.
If you use the sticky back vinyl you can stick the cutouts on just like stickers.
The little jewels were attached with hot glue.

If you don’t have sticky backed vinyl, you can just use regular stickers too! 😉
I filled the tin with several little treats tied it with a ribbon and gave it to our niece for her birthday.
She loved having her own little tin she could fill with her treasures!

We have since made several of these for different gifts… You can use any shape or size of tin and decorate with paint, vinyl, stickers, anything you have on hand to fancy it up!

Happy Crafting!!!
Linking this hereherehere and .

Fancy This Features #63

Happy Monday lovelies!!!
We have a HUGE announcement we’d like to share with you today… 
We have started the move to WordPress!!!
We are working with the very lovely Sara of Lady Jane Designs and can’t wait to get everything moved over!!

That said… You’ve probably heard that Google Friend Connect will be no more for non-Blogger blogs starting in March… We’d love for you to follow us in some other form so you won’t lose Truly Lovely once we make the move… Options to follow include:

Via Email:

Enter your email address:

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Follow me on Hellocotton

<——- There’s also Linky Followers, on our sidebar… Or any of these options. :)

So… we are excited to make this blogging transition and hope you’ll be there with us! :)

NOW! Onto the features from Fancy This Fridays #63!!!

How ADORABLE are these baby boots from Rose at A Rosie Sweet Home!?! 
She even made her own pattern!!! SO CUTE!!!

We ADORE this pantry makeover from Ashley at Domestic Imperfection
You’ll want to click over to see all the usable space she came up with!!! 
Just look at that awesome before and after!!!

We barely got a McAlister’s right before I finished my grad program and had to move… But I enjoyed it while I could and the tortilla soup was one of my favorites!!! This recipe from Donna at Loopy Loop Creations is sure to remind me how yummy it was!!! 

Here’s a featured on Truly Lovely button for you lovely ladies mentioned above. 
Also, if you were featured over on the , please grab a button!!!


Thanks for linking lovelies and thanks in advance for choosing to stick with us as we make this big blogging move!!! :) We are SO grateful for those of you that choose to read and follow along with Truly Lovely! 
It’s because of you that we have decided to continue to try to grow this blog the best we know how!!!
So again, thanks!!!

By the way, our 500+ Follower Giveaway Celebration is STILL OPEN for entries!!! All the !