Archives for April 2013

Just a litte vent… Or two…

Hey there friends. Today I am coming to you with two very serious topics… The first… Why is there NOT a pregnancy section in each and every pharmacy!?! And the second… Why is it so hard to find maternity pants in a longer length!?!

OK, so maybe neither of those are that serious of a topic, but to preggo ladies with a cold or long legs it can be a dire situation. 😉 At least it was for me… Fairly early on in my pregnancy I received the flu shot, I know that can be a touchy subject with people, but my doctor recommended it, I’ve had the flu before and did not like it, so I chose to get the shot. Shortly thereafter the hubs caught a nasty flu/cold thing and honestly I wasn’t too worried. I just got the shot, I was feeling pretty good, so I just held out that I wouldn’t catch it.


20 week baby bump

But catch it I did… Ugh. I was tired, achy, had a horrible cough… My doctor gave me a list of medicines that are approved during pregnancy so armed with that list and a little internet research Nate and I headed to the pharmacy in town. I am not even kidding when I say we could not find a single thing that exactly matched the medicines on the list from my doctor. We finally found one thing that was fairly similar, so I took it to the pharmacist and asked if it was ok for pregnancy… He HAD TO LOOK IT UP! He had no idea… Then he tells me that it’s a level such on such on a level of something or other, which basically meant that yeah, it MIGHT be ok…

22 weeks

22 weeks baby bump

Such a pain in the neck! #firstworldproblems I don’t understand why there isn’t at least a small section especially designated for pregnant women at every pharmacy. Ok, I get that some doctors recommend certain medicines that others do not… So it might be hard to get a comprehensive list of items recommended, but there has to be an easier way to get a little cold relief while pregnant! Am I right!?! In the end I found some cough drops, drank a lot of fluids and basically slept for two days straight to feel better… and I finally did so take that for what it’s worth… haha.

{Please don’t take any of this too seriously… I don’t mean to offend anyone, it’s mostly the hormones talking… 😉}

Which brings me to my second vent… I’ve always been a long legged gal… I’ve had trouble finding jeans long enough for my legs as long as I can remember. BUT it’s completely doable. Maternity jeans on the other hand are a completely different issue!!! First of all, I put a plea out on twitter for someone to recommend some longer maternity jeans. I had a few good recommendations to check out. At least one person asked if I really needed jeans in the summer. In Arizona no less. And the answer to that is yes. With our lifestyle I wear boots a lot. My husband ropes a lot. Most of the time I need at least one pair of jeans to get me through just one weekend! So I was on the quest for one pair of long maternity jeans.

27 weeks

27 week baby bump

Long story short I FINALLY found some (shown in the photo above)!!! I looked online for days… I asked around. Finally I found on and decided I’d give them a try {FYI, that’s not an affiliate link or anything, I just like the jeans and wanted to share}. They were the longest inseam I could find (34.5) that weren’t over $100 for one pair of maternity jeans. Seriously! I won’t pay that much for a pair I’ll wear out much less a pair that I’ll only wear for the next three months!!! I normally wear a 36 or even 38 inch inseam, in case you were wondering. When they arrived I was pleasantly surprised to find that the 34.5 inches was plenty long enough! Even with boots! Happy day! But come on, there have to be more long legged ladies out there looking for longer maternity jeans, yes?? #preggoproblems

So what about you? Did/do you have any random vents associated with pregnancy??

{Again, please don’t take this as me being unhappy with being pregnant!! I am thrilled to be carrying my baby girl and experiencing everything that goes along with it. This is just a stab at a little preggo humor!}

Linking this here as a sort of WIW post….. ;)

pleated poppy

and here:

life rearranged

Fancy This Fridays #124 and Features

HAPPY Friday!!!

This week has been all about 20 wishes progress! You can see mine here, Kayli’s here and link up your own here. If you have yet to write a list, we say write one! Link it up here as well. 😉 Hope you’ll join us! It’s been a blast so far!

Onto this week’s Fancy This Fridays party and the features from last week’s party!

First up P.J. at The Impulsive Crafter made this pretty painted lamp shade… It’s even made without a stencil! You’ll have to click over to check out the nifty method she used for getting the design just right!

painted lamp shade

Next up here’s a sweet tip for organizing your measuring cups and spoons, especially if you lack drawer space in the kitchen, from Robin at Fluster Buster!

organized measuring cups and spoons

And last but not least Marci of Stone Cottage Adventures shared the cutest burp cloth using a dyed cloth, some cute fabric and denim. She has instructions for dying the burp cloth linked right there on the post as well!

cute burp cloth

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Have the best weekend!!!

Kayli’s Twenty Wishes Progress Report – April 2013

Happy April! (: This month has been so fun- Kassi crossed off a few things, (Getting to see George Strait included.) And I’ve been a pretty happy camper lately, mainly because school is wrapping up for the year and I am SO excited for a break! Hopefully a lot of these undone wishes will get crossed off when summer finds its way back to me. 😉

And as always- remember that if you haven’t started yet- not a big deal! The point is for it to be fun and open- you can absolutely still join us! Just write up your list and grab a button here! If you’re looking for the link up, it’s still open here.

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely


Here’s how things are going with my list!

All progress/updates from the first month are in red, February updates are in purple, and April updates are in blue.

Kayli’s Twenty Wishes by December 2013

1. Grow a garden. (Like really grow one. Keeping the weeds out and tending it to it and all!)

2. Start playing the guitar.

3. Make and send valentines.

My roommate and I made some this weekend! So the sending part is stalling out a little bit. I WILL be sending them- they might be a few days late but they’ll get there! (:

Sent one or two. I’m just excited I actually made them!

4. Buy my first pair of converse.

5. Make meditation a habit. (Not necessarily the kind of meditation you’re thinking, just learning to be.)

I’ve started this one- it’s been sort of difficult because adding a new habit is hard- but I have time to improve.
I have to admit I’m not doing a very good job of this, but I’m trying- a little at a time. (:
Guys, why is this one so hard?! haha I always forget! I’m going to try breaking it down by week, we’ll see if things get any better by next month!

6. Finish an embroidery project. (Like pillowcases, or a dresser scarf or something.)

I actually finished my first pillowcase AND I’ve done another little small project- but I won’t cross this off until I finish my other pillowcase (:

7. Learn the alphabet in American Sign Language.

I started this one too! I had them all memorized for like a week and now I forget a few, so I still need to rehearse to keep it in my long term memory- but we’re getting there!

8. Reread the entire Harry Potter series.

Planning to start The Sorcerer’s Stone soon and work on this once school is out! :)

9. Paint again! (And maybe try something super abstract)

10. Sleep under the stars.

11. Read at least one C.S. Lewis book.

12. Buy 1 FULL outfit that I really love and maybe wouldn’t buy otherwise.

13. Get a professional best friend photo shoot done with Sara.

14. Go fishing in the evening off of the dock.

15. Do the Color Run!

All signed up and ready to go in January! (:
Went and LOVED it!!! It rained the whole time and it rocked. Seriously, there was color everywhere and music and people were dancing and yelling and it was THE. BEST.

16. Spend an entire day riding horses PURELY for fun- wherever I feel like going.

17. Throw someone a full on party- birthday or just because.

(I just changed this one because I like this wish better! You can see what I replaced it with by going to my original list here.)

18. Go to the Catwalk.

19. Learn to bake homemade bread!

20. Donate, even if it’s just a little, to a cause that I really believe in. (I’ll be doing lots of research for this one! (; )


And that’s it for this month! I am an advocate of baby steps! ha How is YOUR list coming a long?

Twenty Wishes Progress Link Up – April

Can you believe we are already 1/3 of the way through 2013!?!? It’s weird because in the grand scheme of things the months are seeming to fly by… In the smaller scheme, i.e. the we are expecting a baby in July scheme of things, the months seem to be crawling!! haha.

Regardless, today is link up your 20 wishes progress day!!! If you haven’t linked up your list yet, you can read all about why and what we’re doing with it here: 1 Year 20 Wishes project! It’s NEVER too late to get started!!! If you’ve already linked up with us, we are looking forward to seeing the progress you’ve made so far! So either way, grab a button and let’s recap April, shall we!?!

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely


You can see my April progress here.

We aren’t requiring you to follow anybody, visit anybody, or anything else really. The point is for you to have a place to share and work towards accomplishing those things you really want to do. Although, it would be SUPER awesome if you were to link up your list, then visit the others that have shared and offer a little encouragement. 😉 Just sayin…

OH! And if you’d like to invite your friends to join in, please do so! The more the merrier!!!

Kassi’s 20 Wishes Progress – April 2013

How are your 20 wishes coming along??? Have you written a list yet? If you have yet to join us, please check out this post for the what and why, then write up your 20 wishes and come back here on Wednesday, April 24th, to link up your list! There’s no time like the present to start working on those things you really want to do and try!!!

{April updates are this color and in italics! Progress for March are this color and in italics. Progress updates from February are this color and in italics. Progress updates for progress report one are red and in italics.}

Here’s a button for those of you that have yet to join and those of you that have yet to grab a button! 😉

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely


Kassi’s Twenty Wishes List for 2013

1. Read 50 books, just for fun, that I WANT to read. {So far I’ve read 22 books putting me 8 books ahead of and almost half way finished with my 50 book goal by the end of the year. I read the Beautiful Creatures series this last month and really enjoyed it if you’re looking for something fun to read in the young adult genre.}

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Kassi has
read 22 books toward her goal of 50 books.


2. Take a trip up Mount Graham. (I’ve lived here a year now, think it’s time to start checking out the local sites!) {Still haven’t gone, but the snow is starting to melt on the mountain, so maybe sometime soon!!}

3. Make a scrapbook of my trip to Australia. (I’ve had the photos since um… 2003…. oops….)

4. Participate in a Color Run! {You can see the full post on our Color Run experience here.}

5. Host a girlfriends’ dinner party in my home. Invites, menus, the whole she-bang!

6. Build my photography portfolio to include 10 different sessions. {Over the last couple of weeks I’ve photographed my first wedding and did my first maternity shoot to round out my goal of ten sessions!!! I’ve even photographed another family and had my first senior session this month!! That officially makes 12!!!}


7. Make a photography website and FB page with those 10 sessions. {I just launched my website!! I purchased the domain ( and set it upin March! I’m working on getting the 8 sessions 12 sessions I have added to the page. Be a dear and go check it out, yes? And maybe follow…. 😉} {Facebook page is done!!! Won’t you be a doll and like ?!? Oh, and check out my sweet new logo c/o while you’re there. 😉}

8. Attend an AZ blogger event.

9. Makeover my master bedroom.

10. Visit a winery and do a wine tasting.

11. Plant rose bushes in my backyard. {This is actually a goal in progress! I’ve picked out the spot to plant them. Just need the hubs to dig the holes (preggo girls aren’t so good at digging 27 weeks in…) and purchase the rose bushes.}

12. Take a 2 year anniversary trip just me and the hubs.

13. Private wish. (This is something I REALLY, really, REALLY wish for, so I don’t want to jinx it… When it does happen I’ll share what it is.) 😉

14. Makeover our guest bathroom.

15. Plant an upside down Mulberry tree somewhere at my house.

16. See George Strait in concert for his final tour. {On April 6 me, Kayli and our mom saw King George in Las Cruces! He was AMAZING! See the full post on completing this wish here.}

George Strait

17. Take a photography class or work shop. {This month I started the online photography certification course that I purchased a few months ago via Groupon. So far I’ve made it through the first lesson!}

18. Download a Book of Mormon reading app of some sort and read at least the first half! {I downloaded Book of Mormon Chapter Tap, it’s an app for $0.99 that lets you check of each chapter as you read through. So far I’m well ahead of schedule!}

19. Visit Build a Bear and actually build a bear.

20. Host a holiday for my family including a traditional dinner.

So there you have it! My 20 Wishes progress as of April 2013! Don’t forget we hope to mark all these wishes off by next December!
See you back here on Wednesday with your progress, yes? :)


Our Love Story: Part 1

Hey there pretties! Happy Monday!

So being that today is April 22, this is the date that Nate and I use as our ‘anniversary’. Not our wedding anniversary mind you, that’s not until July… But our anniversary of being a couple. Long story short the reason I say it’s the date that we use is because we dated off and on long before that date way back in 2006… Going back so far as 2004 even… but because it was so off and on *cough* we didn’t really know what date to use. 😉

As of today we have been ‘together’ for SEVEN years! 7. We’ve been married for 2 years on July 9th of this year and dated for four + years before getting engaged, five + before getting married. We actually met when we were just kids… In honor of our 7 year ‘anniversary’ I thought it would be fun to start sharing ‘Our Love Story’. :) In those 7 + years we’ve experienced lots of fun (and not so fun) things, traveled to all kinds of exciting places and made (and lost) so many new friends! So here goes, our love story, part 1.


Our Wedding – July 9, 2011

Nate and I met at the Luna Rodeo dance. The Luna Rodeo is an annual tradition to celebrate Pioneer Days in the small town where I grew up. Pioneer Days are a celebration of the first pioneers who moved to and settled our area. For years my parents were really involved with helping put on the rodeo, the dance, the parade. For as long as I can remember I have never missed a single year! {On a side note, I might actually miss it this year as little miss’s due date is July 18th… It’s the best reason I can think of to miss though! 😉} I’m not even sure exactly what year it was that we met… But it was about the time we were either 10 or 11 years old.


Kassi and Nate circa July 2006, the day after the Luna Rodeo (and several years after we actually met!)

His family owns a little vacation place in Luna and had been going to the rodeo for years. When we finally met at that particular dance, he had friends there (Jory, I think) and I had friends there (Priscilla and Fallon). I can’t tell you what he was wearing, what I was wearing, what songs we danced to… I can’t tell you that it was love at first sight. 😉 We were just kids…  I do remember that he was this really skinny, blonde kid and about as tall as me then… {He’s grown a lot since… but he’s still skinny and blonde… haha} And that we exchanged addresses and decided we’d keep in touch. I still distinctly remember standing outside the fire station (where the dance was held back then) waiting while he wrote his address on a piece of paper. His ACTUAL address. We didn’t even do email and what not then… Ah the 90’s… 😉

For years we wrote letters back and forth to one another. I saved a few that he’d sent me including some of his school pictures that I still have in a box in our bedroom. A few months ago while cleaning out a closet I found letters that I had written to him in a box of his stuff from when we moved into our new house!


I’ll be honest… I was blushing reading through those letters at how cheesy I was! ‘Sorry so sloppy’, remember that? Those were the days when playing basketball, showing pigs at the fair and running around with our friends was all that mattered. So that’s what we wrote about. We had a lot in common even back then… 😉

I’ve saved all of these old letters that I can find so that someday we can show them to our little ones and point out what big ol’ dorks mommy and daddy were throughout grade school and junior high… haha. Like I said, we wrote for years… But finally we grew up a little bit, started high school, made new friends, started dating boyfriends (on my part of course, haha) and girlfriends (his part!) and we just sort of stopped writing…

But you know the story doesn’t end there, so I hope you’ll stick around for part 2 to find out how we reconnected! 😉

Your turn: Have you written out YOUR love story? If you have I’d love to read it! Share the links in the comments below! Or if it’s short and sweet tell me in the comments. I’m a sucker for a good love story!

Fancy This Fridays #123 and Features!

Happy, happy Friday lovelies!!! In case you missed it this week we shared what baby Mortensen is going to be, Kayli and I wore a few fun tees from Old Navy, I shared a wish I marked off my list of 20 wishes and we introduced you to our girl, Bethani, who shared a yummy breakfast casserole recipe! It was kind of a busy week here, right!?! :)

What fun things do you have planned for the weekend??? I’m shooting my first senior picture shoot for a friend’s daughter tomorrow! I’ve been browsing posing ideas and what not on all week. And tonight the hubs, my mom and dad and I are going to a Marty Stuart concert here in town! Should be lots of fun!

So now that we’re all caught up… it’s on to the features from last week’s Fancy This Fridays linky party!

First up Amanda from The Little Giggler shows us how to make these fun Mommy and Daddy dolls! I know a few kiddos who would LOVE dolls made of their favorite people!

Mom and Dad dolls

Next, these rustic wedding signs from Sara at Thrifty Treasures would be fun for the two weddings I’m in this September. I talked about that here if you’re curious. 😉

rustic wedding signs

And last but not least of course Kristin from Craftiments shared her fun Glow In the Dark Jelly Fish craft! It’s a fun idea you could do with the kiddos this weekend!!!

Kids Glow in the Dark Jellyfish Craft 1

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Have the best weekend!!!

We’re having a….

I’ve been putting off sharing ‘publicly’ baby’s gender for a couple of reasons.

First we wanted to tell our family and close friends. ✓ That’s done.

Second when we went to get our sonogram I was only just under 17 weeks. Some say that’s a little early to be completely certain, so I was waiting for our second sonogram just in case… But I decided if I get another sonogram and for whatever reason it’s different, I’ll just tell you then. 😉 The sonogram tech was 99% certain anyway. She even told Nate that she could be wrong… But she wasn’t. haha.

So blog friends, officially now you know, we are having a….


Yes, that’s baby girl Mortensen’s cute little foot in the sonogram photo! I have others, even one where it’s obvious she’s a girl. The sonogram tech even wrote GIRL on the photo! But sharing her uh-huhs on the Internet didn’t seem all that classy… 😉

A few days after the sonogram that fortune was in my fortune cookie! Perfect timing, right!?!

If you follow me on Instagram (@Kassarie) or you might’ve guessed it already anyway… I’ve shared a few of the cutest little onsies our friends got for us after finding out.

One for mommy… {Thanks Kayce and Dusty!!!!}

baby girl

And one for daddy…. {Thanks Tracey!!!}

daddy is a team roper

Even in our announcement post, you might have noticed that the little boots for baby were red, cowgirl boots. So far I’ve restrained from buying all the cute little dresses and outfits I’ve seen. The boots have been my only purchase for baby girl Mortensen. It has been tough though especially with her Auntie Kayli sending cute pictures of the sweetest outfits she finds in different stores… 😉

We have decided on her name, but unless I change my mind we don’t plan to share it until later on. {With these preggo hormones running rampant mind changing is a very real possibility… haha.} The sisters in law dubbed her baby Kate {Kassi + Nate} until we shared her name with them a few weeks ago. Her name won’t be Kate, but for now we’ll say it does start with a K like her mommy’s. So if you have any guesses, I would love to hear them??? 😉

presents from Chile

Baby girl presents brought all the way from Chile from her Papa Mike!

We had originally planned on having a gender reveal party or something cute and fun, but when it came down to it getting everyone together for something like that wasn’t easily done and we were just way too excited to share. So we did. :) Most of our family found out via phone call or text message and we’ve told a few close friends as we’ve seen them since then.

I am THRILLED we are having a girl!!! I know it’s completely cliche to say that I didn’t care either way when we found out we were expecting, but at that point in time I really didn’t… The hubs was hoping for a boy… The team roper in him was hoping for a little partner I guess. But I say little miss has every opportunity to be a kick a$$ team roper just like her daddy!!! And just as good or better than any boy! Am I, right!?! 😉

So a girl it is… Bows, lace and horses! So excited for our little cowgirl to get here in July!!!

Linking this here:

life rearranged

WIWW: Old Navy Women’s Best Tees

Happy Wednesday friends! It’s been awhile since I’ve done a WIWW post… My preggo outfits lately consist of about four different bottoms these days and just various shirts. The bottoms are a pair of jeans, a pair of capris, some bermuda shorts and a pair of shorts. Every once in awhile I might wear a skirt… Rarely though. haha. Since my bottoms are pretty stagnant, it was the perfect time to add some new shirts to the mix to amp up the old wardrobe!

Enter Old Navy Women’s Best Tees! I received a coupon for two free tees for me and two for a friend via Crowdtap. Naturally I shared the other coupon with my sister, Kayli. We even got to shop at Old Navy together this time around while we were in town for the George Strait concert!

There were so many colors and styles to choose from. In the photo below I’m browsing the section of Perfect tees {at 25 weeks preggo in case you were wondering… ;)}. I ended up choosing a blue Perfect Tee and a grey Vintage tee.


Kayli, shown below browsing the Vintage tee section, chose a Perfect tee and Vintage tee as well.


All of the best tees are made of the softest fabric. There aren’t any tags in the back, they’re just printed inside underneath the back collar. I don’t know about you, but I hate tags that rub my neck, so this was a HUGE plus!

I got the hubs to take some photos of me wearing my medium grey colored Vintage tee last week. Not sure what smile I’m working with there… haha. But these were when the baby bump was in between 25 and 26 weeks.

Old Navy Best Tees

Then on Sunday I wore my blue (called Royal Rowena on the website) perfect tee to do a family photo shoot. It was the perfect shirt for an afternoon of shooting photos outside… I was comfortable, not too hot, and the shirt, just a size large fits nicely over my baby bump at 26 weeks and a couple days. {If you wanna see a few of the photos I took, check out my .}

Old Navy Womens Tees

And here’s Kayli in her olive green Vintage tee.

Here she’s wearing her Apple of My Eye red Perfect Crew Tee. Kayli’s thoughts on her new Old Navy tees -> She purchased the v-neck shirt in a smaller size than the perfect tee and decided that was a good call. Both shirts don’t stretch out much like some t-shirts will, so she was impressed with that. Also, she feels like they are nice enough to go out in but comfy enough to play in. :)

Your turn: Did/Do you have a sort of uniform while pregnant? Mine is tees and comfy denim bottoms for the most part…

OH! And while I was browsing the Old Navy website for links to our new shirts I discovered that all of the Old Navy Best Tees are on SALE right now! Wouldn’t want you to miss that! 😉

Linking this here:

pleated poppy

A Finale Concert aka Another Wish Marked Off!

On April 6 I was able to cross off #16 of my Twenty Wishes list!

16. See George Strait in concert for his final tour.  Back when they first became available, several, several months ago… Whenever that was, haha. I purchased three tickets to the concert. One for me of course, one for Miss Kayli for her birthday and one for the hubs. About a month ago he decided to gift my mom with his ticket for her Mother’s Day present.

So the three of us, Mom, Kayli and I got to see George Strait in his finale tour in Las Cruces, NM! {Pardon the bad cell phone photos…}


We were WAY back in the nosebleeds section! I’m talking like 5 rows from the back wall!! Give or take a row… BUT we still had the best time!

Martina McBride opened the show. It was the second time I’d seen her… Funny story, she was the very first headliner concert I ever went to back during my State Fair days at the New Mexico State Fair! Still so fun to watch! And really, if you’re looking for a girl power/mom power/woman power song… She’s your girl!! Perfect for girl’s night!


Any fan of George Strait has probably heard this before but his concerts aren’t overly technical or require many theatrics. He just stands up there with his guitar making sure to play at each side of the stage a fairly equal amount of time. And really I couldn’t imagine it any other way. His music speaks for itself. This was ALSO the second time I’d seen George. The first time was also at the Pan Am Center in Las Cruces, NM when I was a freshman in college. More songs this time around but still the same ol’ classic George Strait!

George Strait

At one point Martina McBride came back out and they sang a few duets including ‘Jackson‘, originally done by Johnny and June Cash. So good! The crowd loved it!
They also had a military support association there that night that gave a brand new home to a deserving veteran and his family! Very cool to watch.

Martina and George

On a different note, sitting through nearly four hours of concert was hard on this preggo body… Throughout I was so grateful anytime they had something happen where I could stand up and stretch for a minute! We’ll just say my back and shoulders were glad when the concert was finally over…. Even if I wasn’t necessarily.

I even got Kayli to take a 25 weeks belly shot for you after we got back to the hotel… This is my super tired from the George and Martina concert look!

George Concert

I am so glad I got to go with my mom and sister and that we got to see George during his big finale tour! We had the best time and the best weekend! And like I said… that’s another wish marked off! Boom!

Your turn: Who’s your favorite singer or band? Have you seen them in concert?