Archives for February 2014

Fancy This Fridays 165 and Features

It’s finally Friday! Happy weekend all!!! Hope you had the best week. In case you missed it this week was 20 Wishes Progress week at Truly Lovely. I shared my progress here, Kayli shared hers here and you can link up yours here. If you’re interested there’s a GIVEAWAY for those who write and share their 20 wishes for 2014 list with us! You could win a $20 gift card to Target!

Now onto the features from Fancy This 164!

First up, if you’re looking for a good flick to watch this weekend Karen of Future Expat has a list of Netflix Hidden Gems for you! She even breaks them down by category and gives a little description of each… Enjoy a fun movie this weekend without doing any work trying to choose one! 😉


Before sitting down to watch one of the above recommended movies, you should definitely whip up some of these Homemade Soft Pretzel Bites from Walking on Sunshine! They will make a perfect movie night snack!

pretzel bites cooked 9 promo

Or if you prefer a sweet movie snack, these 3 Ingredient Do Si Do Balls from Nic of Nibbles by Nic could not be easier! And they sound delicious!

do si do balls

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


Twenty Wishes Progress and Giveaway – February

The end of February marks our first 2014 Twenty Wishes Progress link up! First, if you haven’t written your list of 20 wishes yet and would like to join us, we would love to have you! Simply write your list and link it up here at the bottom of the post in the link up. For those of you that have been working on your wishes it’s time to report on your progress. You can see my progress here and Kayli’s here.

In the meantime here’s a button to add to your side bar to remind you to come back and link monthly, and to serve as a little encouragement to work on marking off your wishes!!

Truly Lovely


Just as a little reminder, the link up will be the last Wednesday of every month. Each month one or two of our ten hostesses will offer a little something as a giveaway for those that link with us. Your 2014 hostesses are…

Kassi & Kayli @ Truly Lovely
Nay @ Coffee-N-Ink
Kate @ Life as I Know It
Bethani @ The Texan Pantry
Kristine @ The Foley Fam
Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures


For this month’s giveaway Sarah of Purple Patch DIY is giving away a $20 Gift Card to Target! We aren’t requiring you to follow anyone, the only mandatory entry is linking up to this party with your list of 20 wishes or your 20 wishes progress . BUT the more you do the more entries you’ll receive and I can personally promise you if you do follow, like, etc and of these awesome ladies you WILL NOT be disappointed!
So, link your wishes and enter the giveaway through the Rafflecopter form below! The giveaway will end at midnight on March 13th. Can’t wait to see what you lovelies wish for!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Kayli’s Twenty Wishes 2014- February Progress

One month in! My February updates are in pink.

We hope you’ll join TOMORROW by linking up your own list of wishes.

1. Buy a pair of TOMS.

2. Take a cake decorating or chocolatier class. Or both.

3. Get a pink or purple streak in my hair.

4. Go to Julienne Jewelery.

5. Reread Harry Potter.

6. Donate Blood.

7. Switch my phone to Spanish for a full week.

8. Pay for a stranger’s order in the drive-thru.

9. Try archery.

10. Paint something. Anything!

11. Upgrade my phone.

12. Go out frequently with the girls, specifically to a Karaoke night at some point.

Doing good! No karaoke yet but we’ve done dinner a couple of times so we’re getting somewhere! :)

13. Move. Either to a new apartment or into a house.

14. Read The Complete Sherlock Holmes.

Started this! Hopefully I’ll finish it by summer!

15. Go to Graham’s.

16. Do the Color Run Kaleidoscope Tour.

Did this! We went in January and it was a blast! (As always)

Katie and I Color Run

Katie left, Me right
We party hard.

17. Set up and go on at least one double date. They’re so fun!

I went on a double earlier this month and it was awesome. Seriously though. But I’ll leave this uncrossed for now. 

18. Start a letter album for Klara.

19. Finish my quilt top.

20. Learn how to play Poker.

So far so good!!! I hope your first month was full of progress, and if not, you still have a bit. (:


Kassi’s 20 Wishes Progress – February

If you are unfamiliar with our Twenty Wishes Project here on Truly Lovely we want to invite you to peruse the prior link for the what and the why and then join us by writing up your 20 wishes list and coming back here on Wednesday, February 26th to link it up with us! For those of you already in on the fun, it’s time to share your progress for January and February!! Here’s mine for the first little bit of 2014!
Updates for January and February are written in red.

Kassi’s Twenty Wishes Progress – February 2014

1. Visit Disneyland with my little family.

2. Paint my master bedroom.

3. Plant an upside down Mulberry tree somewhere at my house.

4. Visit Build a Bear and build a bear for Klara. 
In January we made a visit to Build a Bear at the Chandler Mall. We had the best time picking out a little cowgirl bear for my Klara. You can read all about our visit here.

Klara's First Build a Bear

5. Send a handwritten letter, note or card to someone via snail mail once a month.
So far I sent two handwritten birthday cards in January and a handwritten Valentine card in February.

6. Save for and buy myself a tablet of some kind. Maybe an iPad or a Surface. I’ve always wanted one… 😉
I happened to mention to my husband that I wanted to save up for a tablet. I decided I wanted a Surface because they’re more like a little laptop and I thought that would be better for blogging. The morning of Valentine’s Day when I went in to turn on my work computer, I found a brand new Surface and a Valentine note from Nate sitting in my desk chair. Yep, I married a keeper!!! Any Surface users out there? What are your favorite apps, etc?


7. Complete my reading goal of 55 books in 2014.

2014 Reading Challenge

Kassi has
read 11 books toward her goal of 55 books.



8. Host and/or participate in a Google + Hangout with some bloggie friends.

9. Have the carpet in my house professionally cleaned. I know this sounds like an ought to do versus a want, but I ought to clean the carpets myself… I WANT to have someone else do it!! haha

10. Make over my guest bathroom.

11. Take Klara to The Color Run for her “second” time. Technically last year she was just riding in mommy’s tummy. This year I plan to take her in her stroller!
We did our second color run in Tempe, AZ back in January!! It was a blast just like last year and Klara did so well! You can read all about it here.

Klara and Mommy

12. Get a front screen door for my house.

13. Get together monthly with at least one friend. Dinner, shopping trip, lunch, etc.
In January my sister, sisters in law and I went to Tempe for The Color Run, we went out to the mall the night before, had dinner and did some shopping, so I’m counting that. 😉 February we went with the entire family to the steakhouse in town for my sister in law’s birthday. We took Klara with us and she got to have her first apple sauce and ‘meal’ in a restaurant. 😉

14. Visit here in Safford. I’ve wanted to go since they opened, but haven’t ever made it since it’s across town!


15. Figure out a system for organizing and saving the baby clothes and items that Klara has outgrown.

16. Get tickets for and attend the 2014 National Finals Rodeo.

17. Build a container garden of some sort for my backyard.

18. Pay off my credit card. I’m SO close!!! I’m sure I can have it all paid off by the end of this year.

19. Take a photography class or workshop.

20. Throw a surprise party for someone.

So not too bad for the first two months of 2014 right!?! Here’s to more progress in March!!! :) Again, don’t forget to get your list written and come back here on Wednesday (February 26th) to link it up with us!!! Past… There’s a giveaway if you share your 20 wishes list and/or progress so far!!! 😉

Fancy This Fridays and Features #164

Happy Friday friends!!! How was your week? In case you missed it I shared our 2014 The Color Run experience this week.

Don’t forget this coming Wednesday is 20Wishes Progress time!! There will be another awesome giveaway for those that linkup with us! If you haven’t shared your list yet, we’d love to have you join us!!

Now here are the features from Fancy This #163!

First up, Allison of I think We Could be Friends shared The Mighty Girl Book List for 2014. It’s a reading list for middle school aged girls with mighty female characters. Allison says she’s doing the list to introduce her girls to awesome girl role models. Now THAT is something we can get behind!!


Next, these pretty Romantic Lace Candle Holders from Christine at The DIY Dreamer would’ve been perfect for Valentine’s Day but really I’d love them in my house anytime!!

Romantic Lace Candle Holders

And finally, Twix Cookie Recipe!?! Yes please!!! Erika of Living Frugal with Erika shared her yummy recipe with us!


Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


The Color Run AZ 2014

One of the wishes on my 20 wishes 2014 list was to take my daughter to her second Color Run. Technically her first time was as a passenger in mommy’s tummy. But this year she got to ride in her stroller!

Color Run

I got a rain cover for her stroller to keep the color from getting thrown in her face. When she gets older she’ll probably think the color is fun, but she’s too little to enjoy it this year.

We did the race with the same team as last year. My sister, Kayli, and sisters in law Brianne and Arina. The Color Run is a seriously good time!

Color Run 3

We went to the AZ Color Run in Tempe, AZ and got to run around Tempe Town Lake again this year. Here you can see some of the color stations across the lake.

Color Run 2

At the end of the race we had our own little color throwing ‘party’ because I didn’t want to take Klara into the big group of people by the stage. But it was still lots of fun!!

Color Run 4

Color Run 6

If you’ve never been to a color run, I highly recommend it!! It’s a great excuse to get into shape and a fun event to do with your family and/or friends.

So there we go, another of my 20 wishes marked off the list!

Klara and Mommy

How are your wishes coming along? Remember to come back with your progress the last Wednesday of this month, February 26th.


Fancy This Fridays and Features #163


In the spirit of LOVE today could you please do me a solid? My husband and I are entered in a contest to win a photo shoot with one of my favorite photographers. Just . And like the photo of us, “Nate and Kassi” on Facebook.
Thanks friends!!!

In case you’re looking for a sweet treat to share with your loved ones last minute this Valentine’s Day, we’ve got you covered!!! Here are some yummy, pretty treats that are just the thing!

First up these Sweetheart Moon Pies from Brandyn at Southern Distinctions look delicious and oh so pretty!

Moon Pie 6

Next, Walking on Sunshine shows us how to make Chocolate Covered Heart Shaped Strawberries! So festive!!

chocolate strawberries plated promo9

And finally, these Double Chocolate Cherry Cookies from Joy at Yesterfood are just scrumptious!!!

Double Chocolate Cherry Cookies by Yesterfood

Here’s a Featured on Truly Lovely button for you three mentioned above! Hope you’ll grab one and share it over at our own blogs! 😉
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us lovelies!!!
Hope you have a safe and fun weekend!!!


WIWW: Logowear from CafePress

All the way back in August of 2013 I shared a post with you all about CafePress products and how you can design your own items through their website. Well, FINALLY here I am sporting the items that I designed and received from them!

CafePress Review

I ended up making myself a sweater with my photography business logo on the back and a burnout t-shirt with my logo on the front! It’s the perfect “uniform” to wear for photo sessions so that I look professional, but still laid back and comfortable.

Logo wear by CafePress

The camera was actually an image included in their design your own t-shirt tool. Then I just added in my logo and called it good! The screen for designing the shirts was so easy to use. It’s set up so you can easily see where the center is and get the best placement for your design or logo.

CafePress Review

CafePress has all kinds of products you can customize to your exact needs. T-shirts, bags, phone cases, mugs, etc! The options are limitless!

Linking this post to these fun WIW parties.

CafePress provided me with a gift certificate to spend on their site in exchange for a review. As always opinions shared here are 100% my own!

Klara’s First Build a Bear

One of the wishes on my 20 wishes for 2014 list was to take Klara to Build a Bear and make her her very own bear. I have always wanted to go and make one for myself. We never lived close to one, so I hadn’t ever had the chance… But during The Color Run weekend in January while we were in Tempe, we made a special trip to the Chandler Mall just to visit Build a Bear so I could make a bear for my daughter!

photo 1

With the help of her aunties Kayli, Arina and Brianne we chose a bear and got to fill her with fluff. We even picked out a little heart and helped Klara give it a kiss so it could go inside her bear.

We picked out a cute little country girl dress and hair bows. We also chose a pair of brown cowgirl boots for Klara’s cowgirl bear. You wouldn’t believe the deliberation that went into choosing her bear’s outfit! It was serious business! 😉

Mommy and Klara outside Build a Bear

Mommy and Klara outside Build a Bear

Klara already loves her bear. To be honest she was a little intimidated at first, but now she’s warmed up to her and I’m sure they’ll be the best of friends. 😉

photo 4

And it was just as fun getting to build a bear for my daughter as I always thought it would be! It’s definitely a fun outing I’d like to take her on again sometime when she’s older and can choose her own bear and accessories.

#4 on my 20 wishes list and #20 on my 30 Before 30 list are officially marked off! I obviously really wanted to do this since I had it on both lists! :)

Fancy This Fridays #162 and Features

Happy Friday and February from us to you!
We hope you’re having a great week and that you’re staying warm and safe in all of the crazy weather! There are tons of great recipes that would be perfect for a snowy day in from Party #161 (a couple of which will appear here due to their awesomeness.) There are also some great crafts to fill your time! So let’s get right to it!

First up is Krystle from Baking Beauty with a recipe for Buckeye Brownies. Excuse me as I mop up the puddle of drool collecting on the floor in front of me. I have a little bit of an….obsession… with chocolate and peanut butter. It’s a thing. These would surely satisfy my worrisome addiction totally normal cravings.

Buckeye Brownies

For all that jewelry you will surely be receiving for Valentines Day… here’s a cute and very functional DIY Jewelry Organizer from Katie at View From the Fridge.

Jewelry Organizer

And finally, there’s no better way to spread love on Valentines Day than with cookies and Stephanie from Two More Minutes has a great Mason Jar Recipe and a fun (and super cute) printable tag to go right along with it. Perfect!

Valentine cookie jar

Here’s a Featured Button for you lovely ladies! We hope you’ll grab it and share it on your own blogs!
Don’t forget each of these features gets pinned to our !! Check it out for past features and some fun ideas!!

Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Now onto this week’s party!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know…
Truly Lovely
Truly Lovely


Thanks for linking with us!

Hope you have the loveliest of weekends!