Kassi’s 20 Wishes Progress – February

If you are unfamiliar with our Twenty Wishes Project here on Truly Lovely we want to invite you to peruse the prior link for the what and the why and then join us by writing up your 20 wishes list and coming back here on Wednesday, February 26th to link it up with us! For those of you already in on the fun, it’s time to share your progress for January and February!! Here’s mine for the first little bit of 2014!
Updates for January and February are written in red.

Kassi’s Twenty Wishes Progress – February 2014

1. Visit Disneyland with my little family.

2. Paint my master bedroom.

3. Plant an upside down Mulberry tree somewhere at my house.

4. Visit Build a Bear and build a bear for Klara. 
In January we made a visit to Build a Bear at the Chandler Mall. We had the best time picking out a little cowgirl bear for my Klara. You can read all about our visit here.

Klara's First Build a Bear

5. Send a handwritten letter, note or card to someone via snail mail once a month.
So far I sent two handwritten birthday cards in January and a handwritten Valentine card in February.

6. Save for and buy myself a tablet of some kind. Maybe an iPad or a Surface. I’ve always wanted one… 😉
I happened to mention to my husband that I wanted to save up for a tablet. I decided I wanted a Surface because they’re more like a little laptop and I thought that would be better for blogging. The morning of Valentine’s Day when I went in to turn on my work computer, I found a brand new Surface and a Valentine note from Nate sitting in my desk chair. Yep, I married a keeper!!! Any Surface users out there? What are your favorite apps, etc?


7. Complete my reading goal of 55 books in 2014.

2014 Reading Challenge

Kassi has
read 11 books toward her goal of 55 books.



8. Host and/or participate in a Google + Hangout with some bloggie friends.

9. Have the carpet in my house professionally cleaned. I know this sounds like an ought to do versus a want, but I ought to clean the carpets myself… I WANT to have someone else do it!! haha

10. Make over my guest bathroom.

11. Take Klara to The Color Run for her “second” time. Technically last year she was just riding in mommy’s tummy. This year I plan to take her in her stroller!
We did our second color run in Tempe, AZ back in January!! It was a blast just like last year and Klara did so well! You can read all about it here.

Klara and Mommy

12. Get a front screen door for my house.

13. Get together monthly with at least one friend. Dinner, shopping trip, lunch, etc.
In January my sister, sisters in law and I went to Tempe for The Color Run, we went out to the mall the night before, had dinner and did some shopping, so I’m counting that. 😉 February we went with the entire family to the steakhouse in town for my sister in law’s birthday. We took Klara with us and she got to have her first apple sauce and ‘meal’ in a restaurant. 😉

14. Visit here in Safford. I’ve wanted to go since they opened, but haven’t ever made it since it’s across town!


15. Figure out a system for organizing and saving the baby clothes and items that Klara has outgrown.

16. Get tickets for and attend the 2014 National Finals Rodeo.

17. Build a container garden of some sort for my backyard.

18. Pay off my credit card. I’m SO close!!! I’m sure I can have it all paid off by the end of this year.

19. Take a photography class or workshop.

20. Throw a surprise party for someone.

So not too bad for the first two months of 2014 right!?! Here’s to more progress in March!!! :) Again, don’t forget to get your list written and come back here on Wednesday (February 26th) to link it up with us!!! Past… There’s a giveaway if you share your 20 wishes list and/or progress so far!!! 😉

The Color Run AZ 2014

One of the wishes on my 20 wishes 2014 list was to take my daughter to her second Color Run. Technically her first time was as a passenger in mommy’s tummy. But this year she got to ride in her stroller!

Color Run

I got a rain cover for her stroller to keep the color from getting thrown in her face. When she gets older she’ll probably think the color is fun, but she’s too little to enjoy it this year.

We did the race with the same team as last year. My sister, Kayli, and sisters in law Brianne and Arina. The Color Run is a seriously good time!

Color Run 3

We went to the AZ Color Run in Tempe, AZ and got to run around Tempe Town Lake again this year. Here you can see some of the color stations across the lake.

Color Run 2

At the end of the race we had our own little color throwing ‘party’ because I didn’t want to take Klara into the big group of people by the stage. But it was still lots of fun!!

Color Run 4

Color Run 6

If you’ve never been to a color run, I highly recommend it!! It’s a great excuse to get into shape and a fun event to do with your family and/or friends.

So there we go, another of my 20 wishes marked off the list!

Klara and Mommy

How are your wishes coming along? Remember to come back with your progress the last Wednesday of this month, February 26th.


Klara’s First Build a Bear

One of the wishes on my 20 wishes for 2014 list was to take Klara to Build a Bear and make her her very own bear. I have always wanted to go and make one for myself. We never lived close to one, so I hadn’t ever had the chance… But during The Color Run weekend in January while we were in Tempe, we made a special trip to the Chandler Mall just to visit Build a Bear so I could make a bear for my daughter!

photo 1

With the help of her aunties Kayli, Arina and Brianne we chose a bear and got to fill her with fluff. We even picked out a little heart and helped Klara give it a kiss so it could go inside her bear.

We picked out a cute little country girl dress and hair bows. We also chose a pair of brown cowgirl boots for Klara’s cowgirl bear. You wouldn’t believe the deliberation that went into choosing her bear’s outfit! It was serious business! 😉

Mommy and Klara outside Build a Bear

Mommy and Klara outside Build a Bear

Klara already loves her bear. To be honest she was a little intimidated at first, but now she’s warmed up to her and I’m sure they’ll be the best of friends. 😉

photo 4

And it was just as fun getting to build a bear for my daughter as I always thought it would be! It’s definitely a fun outing I’d like to take her on again sometime when she’s older and can choose her own bear and accessories.

#4 on my 20 wishes list and #20 on my 30 Before 30 list are officially marked off! I obviously really wanted to do this since I had it on both lists! :)

Thirty Thankfuls Part 2

Hey friends! How was your weekend?? It was COLD here! We finally used our heater for the first time this season!

See Thirty Thankfuls Part 1 here. In case you missed it, I’m sharing one thing a day that I am thankful for via Instagram the month of November. You can follow along at @Kassarie!

Day 11: I’m thankful for the veterans that serve our great country. People like my papa who served during WWII and those stationed away from their families today. I’m thankful for the military families who live without their loved ones while they’re away. Thank you all!!


Day 12: Today I’m thankful for chilled teethers. cut her first tooth a couple days before her 4 month birthday, the left bottom tooth, and this week she’s working on number two, the bottom right.


Day 13: I’m thankful for my sister, Kayli. If I could hope for my daughter to be like anyone, besides me , I would hope that she’s like her Auntie Kayli. She is the most morally sound person I know but completely accepting of others faults. She’s a book nerd, a baking fiend and an amazing friend. Plus she has a pure excitement for things like her first trip to the ocean.


Day 14: I’m thankful for my sisters in law! Arina is so fun to hang out with and since our husbands act exactly the same (they’re brothers) we can talk for hours! Brianne has been a blessing here lately especially serving as my photography nanny, taking care of Klara when Nate can’t and I have a shoot. Jessie is the perfect wifey for my brother and will be an amazing mommy to my nephew on the way. And Steph (not pictured), always cracks me up!


Day 15: I’m thankful is a healthy, growing baby girl!! Her 4 month birthday was last week, but I waited to get her stats at her dr appt yesterday. She’s cut two teeth, rolled over once, is trying to sit up on her own. She’ll let pretty much anyone hold her for a few minutes unless she’s teething and cranky then she only wants mom. Our sweet girl is such a happy punkin!!


Day 16: I’m thankful for old friends that I don’t get to see very often and that I can now introduce them to my daughter! {AND here’s to Jen kicking cancer’s bum!!!}


Day 17: I’m thankful for old friends that I DO get to see often! And I’m grateful that they love my daughter like family too!


Day 18: I’m thankful for Scentsy! I’ve been a Scentsy consultant for over 5 years! It’s a product I use everyday in my own home and that I’m excited to share with friends! Get your Scentsy for the holidays at Kayce’s online party!! http://kassi.scentsy.us/


Day 19: I’m thankful my Jamberry sheets already came!! I just ordered last week and they’re already here! I’m hosting my own party right now if you’re interested. Buy 3 sheets get the 4th free!! http://kristagonz.jamberrynails.net/party/?uid=dd75a840-8756-453d-88c6-2925961f77f1


Day 20: I’m thankful for Klara’s swing!! She’s about to outgrow it and I’m so sad! She loves it! I can put her in it and wash dishes or eat my lunch… It’s really bought me a lot of baby entertainment time!


Your turn: What are you thankful for today??

Kassi’s 20 Wishes Progress – April 2013

How are your 20 wishes coming along??? Have you written a list yet? If you have yet to join us, please check out this post for the what and why, then write up your 20 wishes and come back here on Wednesday, April 24th, to link up your list! There’s no time like the present to start working on those things you really want to do and try!!!

{April updates are this color and in italics! Progress for March are this color and in italics. Progress updates from February are this color and in italics. Progress updates for progress report one are red and in italics.}

Here’s a button for those of you that have yet to join and those of you that have yet to grab a button! 😉

Truly Lovely

Truly Lovely


Kassi’s Twenty Wishes List for 2013

1. Read 50 books, just for fun, that I WANT to read. {So far I’ve read 22 books putting me 8 books ahead of and almost half way finished with my 50 book goal by the end of the year. I read the Beautiful Creatures series this last month and really enjoyed it if you’re looking for something fun to read in the young adult genre.}

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Kassi has
read 22 books toward her goal of 50 books.


2. Take a trip up Mount Graham. (I’ve lived here a year now, think it’s time to start checking out the local sites!) {Still haven’t gone, but the snow is starting to melt on the mountain, so maybe sometime soon!!}

3. Make a scrapbook of my trip to Australia. (I’ve had the photos since um… 2003…. oops….)

4. Participate in a Color Run! {You can see the full post on our Color Run experience here.}

5. Host a girlfriends’ dinner party in my home. Invites, menus, the whole she-bang!

6. Build my photography portfolio to include 10 different sessions. {Over the last couple of weeks I’ve photographed my first wedding and did my first maternity shoot to round out my goal of ten sessions!!! I’ve even photographed another family and had my first senior session this month!! That officially makes 12!!!}


7. Make a photography website and FB page with those 10 sessions. {I just launched my website!! I purchased the domain (www.kassimortensenphotography.com) and set it upin March! I’m working on getting the 8 sessions 12 sessions I have added to the page. Be a dear and go check it out, yes? And maybe follow…. 😉} {Facebook page is done!!! Won’t you be a doll and like ?!? Oh, and check out my sweet new logo c/o while you’re there. 😉}

8. Attend an AZ blogger event.

9. Makeover my master bedroom.

10. Visit a winery and do a wine tasting.

11. Plant rose bushes in my backyard. {This is actually a goal in progress! I’ve picked out the spot to plant them. Just need the hubs to dig the holes (preggo girls aren’t so good at digging 27 weeks in…) and purchase the rose bushes.}

12. Take a 2 year anniversary trip just me and the hubs.

13. Private wish. (This is something I REALLY, really, REALLY wish for, so I don’t want to jinx it… When it does happen I’ll share what it is.) 😉

14. Makeover our guest bathroom.

15. Plant an upside down Mulberry tree somewhere at my house.

16. See George Strait in concert for his final tour. {On April 6 me, Kayli and our mom saw King George in Las Cruces! He was AMAZING! See the full post on completing this wish here.}

George Strait

17. Take a photography class or work shop. {This month I started the online photography certification course that I purchased a few months ago via Groupon. So far I’ve made it through the first lesson!}

18. Download a Book of Mormon reading app of some sort and read at least the first half! {I downloaded Book of Mormon Chapter Tap, it’s an app for $0.99 that lets you check of each chapter as you read through. So far I’m well ahead of schedule!}

19. Visit Build a Bear and actually build a bear.

20. Host a holiday for my family including a traditional dinner.

So there you have it! My 20 Wishes progress as of April 2013! Don’t forget we hope to mark all these wishes off by next December!
See you back here on Wednesday with your progress, yes? :)


Our Love Story: Part 1

Hey there pretties! Happy Monday!

So being that today is April 22, this is the date that Nate and I use as our ‘anniversary’. Not our wedding anniversary mind you, that’s not until July… But our anniversary of being a couple. Long story short the reason I say it’s the date that we use is because we dated off and on long before that date way back in 2006… Going back so far as 2004 even… but because it was so off and on *cough* we didn’t really know what date to use. 😉

As of today we have been ‘together’ for SEVEN years! 7. We’ve been married for 2 years on July 9th of this year and dated for four + years before getting engaged, five + before getting married. We actually met when we were just kids… In honor of our 7 year ‘anniversary’ I thought it would be fun to start sharing ‘Our Love Story’. :) In those 7 + years we’ve experienced lots of fun (and not so fun) things, traveled to all kinds of exciting places and made (and lost) so many new friends! So here goes, our love story, part 1.


Our Wedding – July 9, 2011

Nate and I met at the Luna Rodeo dance. The Luna Rodeo is an annual tradition to celebrate Pioneer Days in the small town where I grew up. Pioneer Days are a celebration of the first pioneers who moved to and settled our area. For years my parents were really involved with helping put on the rodeo, the dance, the parade. For as long as I can remember I have never missed a single year! {On a side note, I might actually miss it this year as little miss’s due date is July 18th… It’s the best reason I can think of to miss though! 😉} I’m not even sure exactly what year it was that we met… But it was about the time we were either 10 or 11 years old.


Kassi and Nate circa July 2006, the day after the Luna Rodeo (and several years after we actually met!)

His family owns a little vacation place in Luna and had been going to the rodeo for years. When we finally met at that particular dance, he had friends there (Jory, I think) and I had friends there (Priscilla and Fallon). I can’t tell you what he was wearing, what I was wearing, what songs we danced to… I can’t tell you that it was love at first sight. 😉 We were just kids…  I do remember that he was this really skinny, blonde kid and about as tall as me then… {He’s grown a lot since… but he’s still skinny and blonde… haha} And that we exchanged addresses and decided we’d keep in touch. I still distinctly remember standing outside the fire station (where the dance was held back then) waiting while he wrote his address on a piece of paper. His ACTUAL address. We didn’t even do email and what not then… Ah the 90’s… 😉

For years we wrote letters back and forth to one another. I saved a few that he’d sent me including some of his school pictures that I still have in a box in our bedroom. A few months ago while cleaning out a closet I found letters that I had written to him in a box of his stuff from when we moved into our new house!


I’ll be honest… I was blushing reading through those letters at how cheesy I was! ‘Sorry so sloppy’, remember that? Those were the days when playing basketball, showing pigs at the fair and running around with our friends was all that mattered. So that’s what we wrote about. We had a lot in common even back then… 😉

I’ve saved all of these old letters that I can find so that someday we can show them to our little ones and point out what big ol’ dorks mommy and daddy were throughout grade school and junior high… haha. Like I said, we wrote for years… But finally we grew up a little bit, started high school, made new friends, started dating boyfriends (on my part of course, haha) and girlfriends (his part!) and we just sort of stopped writing…

But you know the story doesn’t end there, so I hope you’ll stick around for part 2 to find out how we reconnected! 😉

Your turn: Have you written out YOUR love story? If you have I’d love to read it! Share the links in the comments below! Or if it’s short and sweet tell me in the comments. I’m a sucker for a good love story!

A Finale Concert aka Another Wish Marked Off!

On April 6 I was able to cross off #16 of my Twenty Wishes list!

16. See George Strait in concert for his final tour.  Back when they first became available, several, several months ago… Whenever that was, haha. I purchased three tickets to the concert. One for me of course, one for Miss Kayli for her birthday and one for the hubs. About a month ago he decided to gift my mom with his ticket for her Mother’s Day present.

So the three of us, Mom, Kayli and I got to see George Strait in his finale tour in Las Cruces, NM! {Pardon the bad cell phone photos…}


We were WAY back in the nosebleeds section! I’m talking like 5 rows from the back wall!! Give or take a row… BUT we still had the best time!

Martina McBride opened the show. It was the second time I’d seen her… Funny story, she was the very first headliner concert I ever went to back during my State Fair days at the New Mexico State Fair! Still so fun to watch! And really, if you’re looking for a girl power/mom power/woman power song… She’s your girl!! Perfect for girl’s night!


Any fan of George Strait has probably heard this before but his concerts aren’t overly technical or require many theatrics. He just stands up there with his guitar making sure to play at each side of the stage a fairly equal amount of time. And really I couldn’t imagine it any other way. His music speaks for itself. This was ALSO the second time I’d seen George. The first time was also at the Pan Am Center in Las Cruces, NM when I was a freshman in college. More songs this time around but still the same ol’ classic George Strait!

George Strait

At one point Martina McBride came back out and they sang a few duets including ‘Jackson‘, originally done by Johnny and June Cash. So good! The crowd loved it!
They also had a military support association there that night that gave a brand new home to a deserving veteran and his family! Very cool to watch.

Martina and George

On a different note, sitting through nearly four hours of concert was hard on this preggo body… Throughout I was so grateful anytime they had something happen where I could stand up and stretch for a minute! We’ll just say my back and shoulders were glad when the concert was finally over…. Even if I wasn’t necessarily.

I even got Kayli to take a 25 weeks belly shot for you after we got back to the hotel… This is my super tired from the George and Martina concert look!

George Concert

I am so glad I got to go with my mom and sister and that we got to see George during his big finale tour! We had the best time and the best weekend! And like I said… that’s another wish marked off! Boom!

Your turn: Who’s your favorite singer or band? Have you seen them in concert?

The Color Run – 2013

Something I’ve wanted to do for a really long time, basically since the day I first heard they existed, was participate in The Color Run. It was one of the wishes I added to my list of 20 Wishes as something I really wanted to try. So this year I watched the website until it was time to register for the Arizona run, I recruited my sister and sisters in law for my team and we all signed up!

We headed down to Tempe the night before the race to check in and get all our goodies (t-shirt, sweat band, back numbers). And we all bought a pair of their snazzy $5 colored sunglasses of course. 😉 The atmosphere the night of the check in was so lively and fun. They had loud music playing, colorful tents set up and the line walked you through a sporting goods store so you could buy new running shoes or clothes before the big day.

Our Color Run Team

On our way to the location in Tempe it rained the whole way the morning of the race… We were seriously starting to stress out a little bit thinking that maybe the run would be canceled because of the rain. But we got there a little early (our run was the middle heat) and discovered that The Color Run does not stop for a little bit of rain… The race will go on!!!

We arrived all spiffy clean and white… I put my cell phone in the small plastic bag that our Color Run ‘tattoos’ came in. It was the perfect way to keep my phone with me, but still clean and dry throughout the race… It was also the reason that some of our photos look kind of fuzzy… They were taken through the plastic bag. 😉

The Color Run - Before

By the end of the race we were no longer so spiffy clean and white… But it was SO SO much fun! They set up different color stations and as you run through there are volunteers that throw colored powder on you. Because of the rain that day the powder stuck really well… I think we had even more fun because it was wet and muddy along with everything else!

The Color Run - After

I think the blue color station was our favorite because it happened to be in kind of a dip along the sidewalk. That dip meant a DEEP, WIDE puddle to run through while they through blue powder on you. Hilarious!!! The Color Run 2013

When you’re finished racing there’s a big dance party kind of thing afterward where you can get free bottles of water and snacks, then dance around throwing colored powder on everyone nearby. LOTS of fun, I tell ya! 😉

If The Color Run comes to your area I really recommend it! We had the best time and can’t wait to do it again next year! OH, and just an FYI, the color stays in your shirt even after it’s washed. It just dulls a bit over time, so it makes a fun keepsake of the day! It does wash out of your shoes though unless their super white to begin with… Dark shoes are a much better option. Just a little tip for you. 😉

My other tips if you plan to participate in The Color Run:

  • Bring a change of clothes and shoes for afterward, especially if you have to drive a long way home to shower… At least you will be dry.
  • Bring old sheets to cover the seats of your vehicle if you don’t plan to change right away… otherwise your car will be colored too.
  • Bring a towel! We really needed to dry our faces and what not after the race and had nothing!
  • Don’t worry if it rains! The Color Run team holds races in the rain all the time and it didn’t even faze them… Plus made it more fun for us!

So there’s a check mark for my 20 wishes list! Have you been working on your list lately?? Have you ever run in a Color Run, Mud Run, etc??

Facebook Imposter

Hey dolls! Happy Monday!

So I have a wild story to share with you today… Last night I received an interesting phone call… It came from an Oklahoma phone number, intrigued I answered it.

The woman on the other end informed me that someone is using my photo on a fake Facebook account… Basically she said the person using the account has been harassing her via Facebook, so she looked up the photo some how on Google and found my Scentsy website. {How I have NO idea, if anyone knows how that works, I would LOVE to hear about it!!!}

Long story short I looked up the account this morning and sure enough, she’s using the photo OF ME from my Scentsy website as her profile picture. I have reported the account to Facebook and hopefully they’ll remove it. UPDATE: Facebook removed the account!!! Win!!!

Anyway, I’ve heard of this kind of thing happening but have never experienced it first hand. Just thought you all might like a heads up… I’ve even heard of people recreating accounts using photos and your actual name… I think it’s a good idea to search your name every once in awhile… just make sure nobody is wrongly impersonating you!

Be aware friends… The Internet can be a wild world these days!!

Your turn: Do you have any experience with Facebook or other online imposters?? How did you deal with the problem?

Our little secret….

So… I’ve been keeping a secret. A little tiny one. The secret has slowly been leaking out. Well… slowly depending on who we told… A little more quickly thanks to a few over zealous friends… 😉

Maybe you’ve noticed our blog posts aren’t as frequent here. Or that I’ve been spending a little less time on Twitter and Facebook and what not… Well, I think my little secret is a pretty good reason.

I posted the photos on my personal Facebook earlier, so really, all that’s left to tell is you, my bloggie buddies. Honestly, I am just as excited to share with you lovelies as I have been people I know in real life!!!

cowgirl baby announcement

That’s right peeps… Mommy’s (Kassi), Daddy’s (Nate) and Baby Mortensen!!! :) Our little secret is due July 2013!!!

Our family is growing and we are so, so excited!!!

country baby announcement