St. Patrick’s Day Burlap Wreath with Monogram

I guess I’m just in a wreath making mood… 😉 Did you see my Valentine/Spring wreath? Well here’s my St. Patrick’s Day wreath for March!

StPatricksDayBurlapWreath (1)

I followed this . I looked on Pinterest and found a couple of methods but that one looked the easiest and it worked fine for me! You can get the green burlap from any craft store. They even have it at Wal-Mart. I used a roll and a half because that’s what I had, but you could use more and make it fuller.

I got the M from the Wal-Mart craft section and painted it with Extreme Sparkle paint in Emerald. Love the glittery look! I embellished it with a few clover stickers, also from Wal-Mart in the cards section.

StPatricksDayBurlapWreath (2)

The whole thing took me less than an hour to make including drying time on the paint. Yay for quick wreaths and a rainy day project!!!

StPatricksDayBurlapWreath (3)

Do you decorate for St. Patrick’s Day?? I’ll be honest… this is my only decoration so far!! 😉

FYI, we’re linking this to these fun parties.

Rustic Valentine’s Day and Spring Interchangeable Wreath

Friends!!!! I’m still here, I know it’s been a LONG time, but sometimes, life just happens and the blogging doesn’t. But I am BACK today with a craft for you!

We have moved again, long story, ask me about it sometime, but long story short, we’re in a new place for awhile and our pretty red front door needed a wreath! Since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner that’s what I went with…

ValentinesDayWreath (6)

Materials needed:
Wreath form
Burlap ribbon
Pink Handkercheif
Glue Gun
Not pictured: Twine, scrapbook paper, alphabet stickers, glue dots

ValentinesDayWreath (1)

Step 1: Wrap your wreath form in burlap ribbon. I wrapped mine twice because you could see the form through the ribbon with just one layer. I also glued each end on to make sure the burlap stayed put with hot glue.

ValentinesDayWreath (2)

Step 2: Create your wreath hanger with the pink handkerchief. I just cut a strip from the square and glued it to the wreath form, then tied a bow at the end so it would hang from my wreath hanger correctly. Then I reinforced the glue with tacks to make sure it held.

ValentinesDayWreath (3)

Step 3: Embellish your wreath with flowers. Again, YAY for hot glue! I just glued each of my flowers to the wreath form.

ValentinesDayWreath (4)

Step 4: This was where I had planned to be finished initially, but decided the wreath needed a little something more to make it more holiday centric and just finished. 😉 So I cut some little pendants out of pink scrapbook paper with my Silhouette, tagged them with some black alphabet stickers and made a little LOVE banner! I strung it across the wreath with pink twine (glued the pendants on with glue dots) and gold tacks.

ValentinesDayWreath (5)

Step 5: Since I’m all about multi-purpose these days, especially after moving twice in three months… Less is more! I made a SPRING banner using blue scrapbook paper and different pendants that I can change out on the wreath after Valentine’s Day!

ValentinesDayWreath (8)

So tell me? What have you been up to these last few months?? Comment below with the link to one of your favorite posts as of late… I can’t wait to catch up with everyone!!!

FYI, we’re linking this to these fun parties.

It’s Christmas Card Time!!!

One of my favorite holiday traditions is making and sending Christmas cards to my family and friends. I love to receive them too… The ones with photos or a little recap of the year are definitely my favorite. Then I display them on the cute Christmas card display I crafted a few years ago as part of our annual holiday decorations.

The last few years I have had my cards printed at Shutterfly. Every year I choose some of my favorite family photos, upload them on the site, choose a fun holiday layout and my Christmas card shopping is complete.

I would love to have the time and patience to craft a unique holiday card for everyone on my list but I just don’t. That’s why I’m loving the ease of Shutterfly’s holiday cards. This year the layout I chose is called Scrap Happy. You’re able to choose the number of photos you want on the card, personalize everything with your names of course and really make it your own! You can even choose to have them addressed by Shutterfly and MAILED if you want!! Hallelujah can you say time saver?!?!

ScrapHappyI’m not including an actual photo of our cards yet because I haven’t sent them out… It is still a little early I guess since we haven’t even passed Thanksgiving… 😉 But it’s the PERFECT time to get YOUR cards ordered for this year!

Right now Shutterfly is offering free shipping on orders of $39 or more (just use the code SHIP39) and a whole slew of other special offers.

Do you send out holiday cards? Are you a craft your own or order online kind of person??

Disclosure: I received my holiday cards in exchange for sharing my honest opinion. As always the opinions I share here are 100% my own. If I didn’t really love it I wouldn’t share it with you. 😉

Happy Holidays from the Mortensens!!

Only 5 shopping days left until Christmas now!!! Is it just me or has December flown by for anyone else?? Goodness. I barely got my Christmas cards in the mail day before yesterday… But while we’re talking Christmas cards, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from my family to yours!!!


I am SO pleased with the way our Christmas cards turned out this year!! I took the photo of my girl myself and ordered the cards from Tiny Prints. They seriously have SO many options to choose from. I made up at least three different cards with the same photo before being able to choose my favorite!

I love that you can choose to have rounded corners, plain square corners, or even choose another fun trim option. They have both folded cards and flat cards. This year I went with a flat card. They are perfect for sticking in an addressed envelope and calling it done! Saves tons of time in my opinion!


Plus the flat cards are easy to display on a hanging card display, fridge, etc. You know for those people like myself that display all the cards I receive at least until New Years! 😉

Granted, Christmas is only a few days away now, but you can definitely still send a card out for the New Year! I love to receive them even after Christmas. Always fun to find out what your friends and loved ones are up to and see a pretty face you recognize!

Your turn: Do you prefer a flat or folded card? Do you send holiday cards annually??

Disclosure: I received a set of Christmas cards from Tiny Prints in exchange for my honest review and promotion of their site. As always opinions shared here are 100% my own!


Thirty Thankfuls Part 2

Hey friends! How was your weekend?? It was COLD here! We finally used our heater for the first time this season!

See Thirty Thankfuls Part 1 here. In case you missed it, I’m sharing one thing a day that I am thankful for via Instagram the month of November. You can follow along at @Kassarie!

Day 11: I’m thankful for the veterans that serve our great country. People like my papa who served during WWII and those stationed away from their families today. I’m thankful for the military families who live without their loved ones while they’re away. Thank you all!!


Day 12: Today I’m thankful for chilled teethers. cut her first tooth a couple days before her 4 month birthday, the left bottom tooth, and this week she’s working on number two, the bottom right.


Day 13: I’m thankful for my sister, Kayli. If I could hope for my daughter to be like anyone, besides me , I would hope that she’s like her Auntie Kayli. She is the most morally sound person I know but completely accepting of others faults. She’s a book nerd, a baking fiend and an amazing friend. Plus she has a pure excitement for things like her first trip to the ocean.


Day 14: I’m thankful for my sisters in law! Arina is so fun to hang out with and since our husbands act exactly the same (they’re brothers) we can talk for hours! Brianne has been a blessing here lately especially serving as my photography nanny, taking care of Klara when Nate can’t and I have a shoot. Jessie is the perfect wifey for my brother and will be an amazing mommy to my nephew on the way. And Steph (not pictured), always cracks me up!


Day 15: I’m thankful is a healthy, growing baby girl!! Her 4 month birthday was last week, but I waited to get her stats at her dr appt yesterday. She’s cut two teeth, rolled over once, is trying to sit up on her own. She’ll let pretty much anyone hold her for a few minutes unless she’s teething and cranky then she only wants mom. Our sweet girl is such a happy punkin!!


Day 16: I’m thankful for old friends that I don’t get to see very often and that I can now introduce them to my daughter! {AND here’s to Jen kicking cancer’s bum!!!}


Day 17: I’m thankful for old friends that I DO get to see often! And I’m grateful that they love my daughter like family too!


Day 18: I’m thankful for Scentsy! I’ve been a Scentsy consultant for over 5 years! It’s a product I use everyday in my own home and that I’m excited to share with friends! Get your Scentsy for the holidays at Kayce’s online party!!


Day 19: I’m thankful my Jamberry sheets already came!! I just ordered last week and they’re already here! I’m hosting my own party right now if you’re interested. Buy 3 sheets get the 4th free!!


Day 20: I’m thankful for Klara’s swing!! She’s about to outgrow it and I’m so sad! She loves it! I can put her in it and wash dishes or eat my lunch… It’s really bought me a lot of baby entertainment time!


Your turn: What are you thankful for today??

Felt Jack O’ Lantern Treat Bag


This post was first shared over at Making the World Cuter last Halloween… I’m a contributor over there. If you’re interested you can see my other posts here.


One of my favorite holidays is right around the corner! As an October baby, I have always had a special place in my heart for Halloween. It could also be because my parents went out of their way to make it fun for me and my siblings…

So here’s a quick and easy craft to help you and your little ones get into the spirit of Halloween!

A Jack-o-Lantern treat bag!!!

DIY Halloween Treat Bag

Materials needed:

  • Felt – I used a sheet of orange and just a little bit of green (for the stem)
  • Clear plastic wrap
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun and a stick of glue
  • Yarn


First, you want to trace your pumpkin shape onto the orange felt. I just folded my sheet in half and traced on one side, then cut out my shape to have two sides of the pumpkin. You’ll also want two pieces of green for the stem. (I just cut two rectangles.)

Pumpkin Treat Bag

Felt Jack O Lantern

Next, you’ll want to draw on your Jack ‘o Lantern face. (The kiddos can help with this one, unless you’re making it as a Halloween surprise!) And cut it out with the scissors. You only want the face on one side…

Halloween Treat Bag

Because the other side needs a slit in the back so you can stuff goodies inside later on…

DIY Halloween Treat Bag

Now, cut a sheet of the clear plastic wrap, I doubled mine over for extra strength and hot glue it to the inside of the jack ‘o lantern side. This makes it so you can see through the face at the goodies in the treat bag! Trim any excess.

DIY Jack O Lantern Bag

Make sure the ‘stem’ is on the inside and hot glue your two pumpkin sides together, front to back. Glue shut all the way around.

While you’re waiting for the hot glue to dry well, take three strands of yarn and braid a strip for your ‘handle’.

Halloween Felt Bag

Hot glue your braided handle to the back of your pumpkin.

DIY Halloween Felt Bag

Now you can stuff your Felt Jack ‘O Lantern Halloween treat bag full of treats! Candy is always nice… but glow sticks, spider rings, and other small toys would be fun too!

DIY Halloween Candy Bag

For a fun new Halloween tradition, hang your treat bag on the kiddo’s bedroom door for them to find and enjoy! If you have a little doggie to guard the goodies until the kiddos find it… even better! 😉

DIY Halloween Treat Felt Bag

Your turn: Do you have any fun Halloween traditions that you do with your kids or family??

Happy Fall pretties!!! And Happy Halloween!

Check out where we link up on our Party With Us Page!

DIY Halloween Fabric Table Topper

Hey dolls! It’s been awhile since I shared a tutorial for anything… This baby momma business really changes the way you spend your time. :) And that’s perfectly ok with me! I love every minute of it… But I DO happen to have a sewing tutorial to share with you before Halloween rolls around! So here we go…

DIY Halloween Table Topper

The fabric for this table topper came from Joann’s. I chose four different Halloween fabrics for the top of my table topper and I used some purple fabric from my stash as the bottom. Then I cut a long triangle out of cardboard for my ‘stencil’.

Step 1: Cut three triangles of each Halloween fabric.

Halloween Table Topper Tutorial

Step 2: Sew each of the triangles together alternating the direction in which they’re pointing to keep a fairly straight strip of fabric. To do this I laid two triangles together one on top of the other. Have the designed face of the fabrics touching while the base of one triangle meets with the point of the other. {Hope that makes sense… If I can clarify something just let me know in the comments.}

DIY Halloween Table Topper 2

Then sew the two together, again, with the design facing inward you’ll be sewing along the underside of the fabric so that each of the seams is on the underside of the topper when you’re finished. The finished strip of triangles will look like so… This is the top side of your Halloween table topper.

Halloween Fabric Table Topper

Step 3: Trim down the two end triangles so that your top strip becomes an even rectangle.

Step 4: Cut a rectangle of your bottom fabric to match the top fabric (the sewn together triangles). Pin the bottom fabric and top fabric design faces together. In other words, pin them together insides out.

Sewing a Halloween Table Topper

Step 5: Sew around your two pieces of fabric, sewing them together. Leave a small opening so you can turn them right side out. Then sew the opening closed.

Step 6: Top stitch around the edge of your table topper. I did a zig zag stitch in bright purple thread to match my Halloween fabric.

Tutorial for a Halloween Table Topper

Step 7: Top your table with your new Halloween Fabric Table Topper! Preferably paired with a fun No Tricks Just Treats Jar! 😉

Halloween Table Topper

So tell me lovelies, have you decorated for Halloween yet? DO you decorate for Halloween? It’s one of my favorite holidays to decorate for! As soon as October 1st rolls around my decorations are out!!! 😉

Happy sewing and happy decorating!!!

Check out where we link up on our Party With Us Page!

4th of July Cakes – A Round Up!

Well, tomorrow Independence Day is finally here!! For whatever reason I LOVE a festive cake during the fourth! A couple of years ago Kayli and I attempted a flag cake (the kind where you cut into it and see the flag on the inside, so fun!!) Last year I created a firework cake and this year I shared a festive cake on Instagram (@Kassarie)… Whether you’re celebrating just on the fourth or all weekend long, here are several 4th of July CAKES to whip up for a yummy and impressive looking dessert! Even though they are all SUPER easy to recreate!!!

First up, my fourth of July cake from last year… A red, white and blue Patriotic Firework cake! A cake mix, sprinkles and icing. SUPER easy!

Firework cake

Next, Jen of The Arizona Russums just shared a yummy recipe for a 4th of July Flag Cake! The bottom layer of this is more than just a cake… It’s a yummy shortbread/sugar cookie recipe!

Flag cake

Here’s a simple red, white and blue layered cake from Shannon of Rumbly in my Jumbly. So festive!!!


Just the other day Laura of The Pink Cake Plate, a fellow Arizona blogger, shared all kinds of fun 4th of July ideas on Sonoran Living, a local Arizona TV show. Included were her Red, White and Blue Cupcake cups! SO fun!!!

patriotic cupcakes

And another take on the patriotic cupcake cup idea comes from Katie of Dip it in Chocolate with her Patriotic Firework Cake Push Pops! The kiddos would love these I’m sure!!!

firework push pops

Then there’s my 4th of July cake for this year! It’s so easy it doesn’t even need a full post…. A cherry chip cake mix, blueberries in the middle, white whipped cream frosting, and red and blue sprinkles! So festive and so yummy!!! Just be sure to store it in the fridge!


So tell me friends… what is your go to 4th of July dessert? Do you have a patriotic cake or cupcake recipe? I’d love to see links if you do!!!

Hope you all have a happy and safe 4th of July!!!!

P.S. Hope you enjoyed this post! If so, we’d love if !

Secret Santa and 12 Days of Christmas

I love blogger gift exchanges… It’s so fun to pick out something to send to a new blogger friend and then receive a little something from them in return. For just about any holiday you can find a blog gift exchange to join so of course, Christmas is no different!

This year I joined two, Secret Santa for Bloggers and the 12 Days of Christmas Blogger Exchange.

For the Secret Santa Exchange I received a gift from Miss Karen of .

My gift included a set of yummy smelling lotions, a foot spa kit and a delicious Frosted Cookies Glade candle!
Thank you so much Karen! I love it all!!!

She also sent a sweet Christmas card with pictures of her little man! Such a cutie!!!

For the 12 Days of Christmas Exchange I was partnered with Miss Alyssa of Sincerely Truly Scrumptious. This was a fun one because you got to choose TWELVE little gifts to send and then open on each of the 12 days before Christmas.
Once MY 12 gifts arrived from Alyssa they got a special place under my Christmas tree until they could be opened one at a time. 😉

Alyssa did such a good job! Each of the 12 gifts she sent were so fun to open and receive!
They were all marked with a little tag to be opened on their designated day.

Day 1: CUTE To Do List Notepads
Day 2: ELF Eye Shadow
Day 3: Little apple and orange juice glasses
Day 4: Nail Polish

Day 5: Soft socks
Day 6: Funny mustache notepad
Day 7: Yummy smelling candle
Day 8: Snowman mug and hot chocolate

Day 9: Kiss and Make Up Bag (Fun, right? 😉
Day 10: ELF lip gloss
Day 11: Candy ornament
Day 12: 2013 planner (perfect timing!!)

Thanks SO much Alyssa!!! I had such a fun time opening and using each of my gifts so far! :)
And peeps, if you’re looking for fun inexpensive gifts to give these were all great ideas!!!
Alyssa has a FUN fashion blog if you’re interested in checking it out. I’ve enjoyed seeing her fun outfits since becoming her 12 Days partner.

Thanks to Jessica and Britney for planning two fun blogger gift exchanges!

My Home for the Holidays

The halls have been decked and the stockings are hung so here’s a look at what the inside of my home looks like this Christmas!
I’m linking up with Jen, Caroline and Natalie for their Home for the Holidays link up.

If you were to walk in my front door the first thing you’d see would be the tree. It’s a fake, pre-lit Christmas tree that my parents gifted to me the first Christmas I had my own home. It’s just a little guy, but I love it.

The angel on the right was a gift from my aunt many years ago. My sister, Kayli, has a matching one.

The tree is decorated in red and silver balls. The gold star matches the gold and red tree skirt that belonged to my mother in law. There are also a few random ornaments the hubs and I have collected over the last couple of years. A couple of handmade beaded snowflakes from a past coworker friend, stockings I made for Penny and Pandy (our dogs) and my favorite, our wedding ornament. I received it as .

If you were to look to your left you’d see the other little Christmas tree. It was my very first tree when I went off to college. Back then I decorated it in pink ornaments, but now I have red ornaments and red chile peppers (nod to NM, where I’m from!) that my nana gave me to dress up my little tree.

chile pepper Christmas tree

To your right is my Christmas mantel. It includes my Santa count down to Christmas, the , a few little Christmas nick knacks like this and my Precious Moments nativity set. The as well.

Did you know that I’m a Scentsy Consultant?! That might help explain the various Christmas themed Scentsy warmers you’ll find around my house. One in the living room and a couple in the kitchen. Those don’t include the ones that stay out year round…

You’ll find a few more nods to the Christmas holiday if you were to keep glancing about including on the coffee table, side table and TV.

Since you’re still standing in the front door…. my apologies, where are my manners!?! Won’t you sit down? 😉 But before you do, a quick turn back to the front door shows a fabric wreath that my mom made, a pink Santa hat and the I made two years ago.

Shout out to my blog girl, Nicole! Thanks for the Christmas card two years running! 😉 Hoping to get a few more up there in the coming weeks.

Now if you’d like, you can take the Christmas tour from last year, but you’d have dejavu… They’re basically the same plus a fresh coat of paint on all the walls. 😉 Maybe it’s time for a few new Christmas crafts and decorations.

Do you stick to a single theme with your Christmas decorations? Do you have a favorite decoration???