Archives for March 2012


Hello pretties!

Hope you are enjoying your Saturday!!

If you follow us on you might have seen that we can no longer do giveaways online for the products that we sell. That said the giveaway we hosted this last week is now closed and winners have been chosen. We have taken down the post according to the company’s policies. We didn’t want to just leave you hanging on it, so the winners will still receive their prizes!

We are disappointed we can no longer offer such giveaways, but no worries! Kayli and I have other talents… Or at least we like to think so… 😉 So that means fun new giveaways will happen here at Truly Lovely as always. They just won’t be for those specific products!

By the way, the winners are SapphireGyrl and Mandi! So if that’s you, check your email and please respond by Monday. :)

Have a lovely rest of your weekend!!!

Fancy This Fridays 69

Hello there friends!
A couple reminders for you this happy Friday!

You have until tomorrow night to use the {TRLYLVLY} to ! I placed my order yesterday! 😉 They seriously have pretty much any crafting supply you would ever or COULD ever need!

Also, did you say hello to Nina? She’s … And we just LOVE her! So… You should stop by and say hello… You know, if you wanna.  😉

If you’re interested in , our spots are nearly all filled up!!!
There are some medium and small ads left… so hurry, hurry! 😉  OR if you really want a large ad space you can start reserving your spot for May. :) We’d LOVE to have you!!!

And one last reminder to . It closes at midnight tomorrow night!!! 
So… I was busy posting all over this week. If you have a few minutes, I would love a visit over at Rags to Stitches where I’m sharing a team roping pillow cover. It’s a tutorial on painting a pillow cover by the way. 😉
Or, I also posted my latest sewing project over at Momma Go Round!
I gave you a sneak peak on Facebook a week or two ago… :)
Speaking of Facebook, ??? Did you know we formerly welcome EVERY NEW like?? We DO!
You can also find us on twitter – * . 
But most of all… We would love if you would add us to your Reader through the .
OR you can subscribe to our feed through email. :) Thanks dolls! 

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Thanks for linking lovelies! Have a wonderful weekend!!!

OH and P.S. Just wanted to let you know that one of our features from this last week… HAS ALREADY been REPINNED 23 times… SO… If you’d like, here’s our . 😉



Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap with Nina of Momma Go Round!

Happy Thursday pretties. Real quick I want to remind you to . :)

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nina of Momma Go Round!!
She is a huge source of fashion inspiration for me, and I’m positive she will be for you too!!!

Here’s Nina!

Hello there Truly Lovely lovers! I’m so excited to be here at Kassi and Kayli’s place today. These two are always so sweet and positive…they just make me smile!
I’m Nina from Momma Go Round, where I experiment with real style, for real women, on a real budget.

I didn’t always use to be fashion conscious. In fact, after my son was born in 2009 I looked like a frumpy mess most days. One day, simply decided enough was a enough, that I matter too, and vowed to spend just a few minutes each day making myself feel great too.

While not every outfit is a winner, and there are still days I go out in sweats and a baseball hat, I’m working on it. And that is all that matters!
Today, I would love to share with you a little about my process of picking out a killer outfit.

Step 1: Pick Your Statement Piece

Your statement piece doesn’t necessarily mean the loudest/brightest/colorful piece in your outfit, it simply means the piece that is speaking to you at that moment.
In this outfit, most people would think that my statement piece was the blouse, but it was actually the skirt. It was a beautiful day and that gorgeous red skirt was just calling to me. Your statement piece can be whatever, a ring, blouse, necklace, shoes…. it will just be what you build your outfit around.

Step 2: Build The Base

Depending on what your statement piece was, fill in the basics next. In this outfit, my statement piece was the necklace and apparently wearing just a necklace out in public isn’t acceptable, so pants and top it was.

Step 3: Make It YOU!

As a mom, I have to make every outfit work for that day. Sometimes I can get away with my favorite wedges, others it’s TOMS and capris for the park. Whatever you wear, you have to make sure you are comfortable. I’m notorious for changing my entire outfit cause I have to wear flats that day. Don’t settle, you can have great style for every situation.

Step 4: Balance
Everyday, I try to keep a few things in mind as I pick out my outfit.

Does it have color?
Does it have texture?
Have I accessorized?
Does it work for my day?
Am I pushing myself, or am I pushing too far?
Do I feel like me?

The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to simply give it a try. You would never know now that just over a year ago I had never belted anything, ever. Now, I have to remind myself that not every outfit needs a belt.
Sometimes you will knock it out of the park, other times you will wish you had stayed home. In the end, it’s just fashion, not world peace, HAVE FUN!!!
I loved sharing my outfit creating process and hope you’ll stop by Momma Go Round for more fashion and tutorials including my newest tutorial on How To Photograph Sun Flare, and my all-time most popular Flutter Flower Shirt.
Thanks so much for having me today Kassi and Kayli!

Our thanks to Nina for being the Bloggie Bestie at Truly Lovely this week! I’m over at her place today sharing a post on a brand new accessory I just made… :) Hope to see you there!!!

Places I Love: Ten Weeks of Thanks Wk #7

I would say I’m sorry I missed last week, but if I’m being honest, when I left for spring break I happily left my computer behind.

Not that it was super easy. I missed the full version of Pinterest and YouTube is slower on my phone. Real world problems, you know. (: BUT I learned a couple songs on piano, and I made a cake, and I slept, it was awesome. And I feel like this would be the perfect place to start the talk about places that I’m grateful for. Just three. Not that I’m only thankful for these three places, I have more than I could count. And I could talk for days about each. But these are the ones I feel like are the most important. So, three valleys. No names, no pictures. Just what I want to share. Cause that’s how this works. (:

Valley #1: The valley closest to my heart. It’s home.

Where I spent most of my break. I spent my whole life, up until college, living in one house, in that one valley. It’s quiet and beautiful. It’s deathly cold in the winter and warm and rainy in the summer. It smells like fresh cut grass and wild sunflowers. I love everything about it, which is why I don’t have tons to write about it. Because it’s too special. It’s a pretty legit place to be.

Valley #2: The valley I wanted to run off to every weekend once I could drive. (:

It was “town” and even though it’s probably the rest of the world’s idea of a small town, it was huge compared to home. We’d go and eat Chinese and go to the park. And then a lot of our youth group activities for church were there, and I made all of these amazing friends and did all of this crazy fun stuff like Dance Festivals and going to the golf course and the occasional carnival, hanging out in the parking lot and cruising around. I have nothing but happy memories there. And every time I go back to that place it just makes me smile and makes me think about strawberry blizzards and starry nights and Izze and pickups. It’s as magical as it sounds. (:

And then Valley #3: I don’t know why, but I’ve always loved it.

And now Kassi lives there. And I get to go all of the time. (: I think I really fell in love with the place when we went to the temple there. The town sits in the desert but it’s somehow still green. It’s bigger but it feels small and it’s comfortable. Probably because Kassi’s there, more than anything. I spent the end of my break there. (: I went and spent the weekend and we took the kiddos (not HER kiddos, by the way, but a niece and nephew) to the carnival. Which pretty much made my whole life because I LOVE carnivals. I love that valley. I love that it’s like a bajillion degrees but the mountains have snow on them, and that summer is the longest season there. I love who it keeps, and I love that it’s welcomed me, too.

So there’s that. :) I’m so blessed y’all. It’s crazy.

Next week’s topic is inventions. Think technology. What are you grateful for? Why?

I hope you’re having a beautiful Wednesday! By the way, there’s a linky below if you’d like to share the places YOU’RE thankful for. :)



WIWW – Spring Dresses from Old Navy

Hello lovelies!
I’ve mentioned or that I’m a member of CrowdTap… For more details . But for now, if you’re not a member… run, don’t walk over to this link and sign up!!


Why? Because it’s CrowdTap and Old Navy that we get to thank for our fun NEW Spring dresses!

Oh the white legs!?! Block your eyes! ;)

This time around I wasn’t able to make it into an Old Navy store… SO I looked and looked online, chose my fave dresses and sent Kayli and her friend, Whitney, to Old Navy to make the final decision. :)

While at work one afternoon I received a cell phone video of every dress in the store…  Kayli and Whitney toured around showing me all the dresses I had to choose from! I’m so sad it turned out way too grainy to post, cause that would’ve been fun… But thanks to my sister and her friend we narrowed it down to these two for my dress.

You can see the one I chose. :) I love it! This Floral Chiffon dress in Blue Oracle is fitted in the waste at just the right spot!
The fluttery fabric around the neckline and sleeves adds a fun feminine and whimsical touch.
Plus… It’s SO comfy! Everything a dress should be!

 For Kayli’s dress… She narrowed her choice down to this Crepe Tie-Belt Dress in Sea Salt. Then of course sent me a phone picture… Cause you always need a sister’s opinion. :)
That’s Kayli’s friend Whitney by the way. Not some random girl watching her in Old Navy… haha.

And yes, she’s wearing her boots… Girl sports them everywhere. :) Love it!

There’s a family wedding coming up in April that I can’t wait to wear my new dress to!!! I’m thinking I need a cute cardigan and a wide belt… Then I’ll have myself the perfect spring outfit!
So, what do you think? Are you in the market for a spring dress? 

Happy shopping lovelies!!!

 We received dresses from Old Navy and CrowdTap as part of their Get Dolled Up In Old Navy Dresses Campaign.
The opinions in this post are our own.

Linking this to these fun parties! You should stop by!

pleated poppy

P.S. I’m guest posting over at Rags to Stitches today with a brand new tutorial!
Hope you’ll come visit! 😉

Guest Bedroom Reveal

I’ll just go ahead and apologize for skipping around with my projects… 😉
Like Mandi says, don’t judge me! haha. Life gets busy and you move on from one thing to another and before you know it, you haven’t blogged about what you said um…. that you would blog about… Oops.

SO here it is…

The Guest Bedroom Reveal!!

Before (view from the door) and After!

I still feel like it’s a work in progress. Aren’t our homes just one big continual project anyway… :) You know, someday I’ll get a new bed frame, someday I’ll add a headboard… That kind of thing. But regardless, right now, as it is, I’m happy with it.

So… I would LOVE to know what you lovelies think???

You can see we got rid of that entertainment center and replaced it with a small dresser that belonged to my .
The first TV was a hand me down, so we just handed it down again and put the one that used to be in our bedroom in there.

Don’t mind those weird off color spots in the corner of the photo below… That was just my camera picking up the glare I guess…
The painting in this photo was in the hub’s childhood bedroom. It really plays up the gray color of the wall!  The two photos on the right are of my husband (as a kiddo) with his mom and grandpa and then of us with my Granny.
I spray painted the frames as decorations for our wedding, then they found a permanent home in here.
The Scentsy Plug-In is Santa Fe… It has a turquoise center which matches the bedding.

This was the first room I ever painted at all really. The first room I painted entirely by myself.
I talked more about . Sure, there were some painting newbie mistakes, like how the mirror in the corner leaves scratches in the paint…

Probably should’ve done another coat. Or used primer or something… But oh well. You live you learn, right!?! :)

 I talked about . The wall hanging in this photo was a Christmas gift from my friend Meghan.
It’s that Mother Teresa poem, ‘Do It Anyway’ with a photo of a daisy. It was the MOST thoughtful gift… The poem was a favorite of my Mother in Law, and I love gerbera daisies.

The tutorial for the . I bought the teal colored sheets on sale at Wal-Mart for $12! The white pillowcases came from there as well. The comforter was on sale + a wedding gift card from JCPenney netted me that white pretty for $17!!! Originally priced at $110!!!

I won the horse photo print in a blog giveaway from  and spray painted the frame an off white. The mirror in the corner also belonged to my mother in law (as well as the small dresser).

I’m not sure of the overall cost since I worked on this for short spurts at a time over several months. But it wasn’t much! We only bought paint, the curtains and the bedding! Everything else is hand me down, gifted or won! Now that’s MY kind of room makeover!!!
Thanks for checking out our guest bedroom! I would love to know your thoughts!

Linking this here and here and .
My entry into Strut Your Stuff sponsored by Appliances Online and the Bosch Washing Machines


Fancy This Features 68 and a NEW Pinterest Board

Hello lovelies!! So I’ve had a thought…
How about from now on, we pin every feature to our , !?!
I’ve made  so when she does the featured post hers will go there as well.
We actually have a LOT of followers there… I guess we got in right as it was getting popular…
So most things we pin get liked and repinned like crazy. That means, your featured project will hopefully get liked and repinned like crazy from now on! :)

So here we go… Featured from Fancy This Features 68!!!

I adore this pretty pleated bag  from Esther at Happy in Red!! :)
We’ve been doing some sewing lately and this fun bag is on our to do list!

Covering your ugly old mouse pad and wrist rest with fabric!?! GENIUS thanks to Carmie of The Single Nester!

Just being honest here… I can’t even drink coffee without disguising it completely in coffee creamer… :) But I LOVE my creamer with a little coffee… :) This Irish Cream Coffee recipe from Rosie at A Rosie Sweet Home sounds scrumptious!!!

All of these fun features have been pinned to our ! :)
Hope you’ll pop over and follow us there if you haven’t already!

Here’s a featured button for you dolls mentioned above! :) It links right to this post so your friends will know where to find you!

Oh, by the way, have you yet?

Have a happy week friends!!!

Sponsor Spotlight – March Group Feature Part 2

Happy Saturday pretty friends!!! :)

Have we got some lovelies for you to check out today! Remember it’s and our sponsors have put together a little something from their site/blog/shop that they thought she might like?

Well first up, we have a TREAT for you!
Ami of AliLilly put together an ENTIRE post of recipes she thought Kayli might like…
She knows her so well, Kayli LOVES to bake! Her ideas include these scrumptious looking Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies.

Click on over to see the rest of the recipes… They all sound AMAZING!

ALSO Ami is offering a SPECIAL DISCOUNT code in her shop, just for Kayli’s Birthday!!!

Take 30% OFF anything in Ami’s shop with code KAYLILOVLEY!!!

You could use the discount code to get this pretty bracelet... ;)

AND… a special surprise for Miss Kayli herself… Ami has offered Kayli the choice of ANYTHING she’d like from the as her birthday present!!!!! Now, do we have some ROCKING sponsors or what!?!


Speaking of our ROCKING Sponsors… Check out what Aleks of Aleks Handmade SENT KAYLI for her birthday!!!

Here’s a few words from Miss Kayli on her birthday surprise from Aleks!!! :)

I’m so blessed, I’ve had tons of birthday wishes and love sent my way and I couldn’t thank everyone enough!! You’re all beautiful and awesome and such amazing examples to me. But today I want to give a HUGE shout out and HUGE thank you to . Kassi told me to be watching for something in the mail, but wouldn’t tell me who it was from. So I checked the mail EVERY day and when I opened up the box and saw the cute little polka dot package, I knew it was my surprise! I opened it and found tons of goodies! A bow, a cute cowboy journal, a cuff, tons of fun stuff! And a sweet card from Aleks. It made my whole month!! I’m so grateful for sweet people like Aleks who give and think about others when they don’t have to. Wouldn’t the world be awesome if we were all more like Aleks? It made me feel special, and who doesn’t love that?! So thank you Aleks! You’re amazing and I’m SO grateful!! I can’t wait to use and wear all of my new goodies!”

Kassi here again… I just want to say a SPECIAL thank you to ALL of our AMAZING sponsors.
When I approached them about doing something special for Kayli’s birthday month, they all jumped at the chance!!
We are truly blessed to have the BEST sponsors here at Truly Lovely. Each of these ladies is more than that to us… Each of them is our friend. Thanks again lovelies!!!

You can see the other March Spotlights featuring Kayli’s Birthday here; , , , .
We would love if you would pop over and check them out. Sharing a hello would be even more awesome! 😉

Have a lovely weekend sweet friends!

Fancy This 68 and… THE HUNGER GAMES!!!

It’s here!!! It’s HERE!!! Oh my goodness you guys… So excited!

Source: via on


Kayli and I are both self proclaimed Hunger Games nerds. Absolutely.
We may or may not have named one of my dad’s logging skidders Katniss because it was painted red at one point, then orange over the top… Now the orange is peeling and so it’s this reddish-orangish jumble of painted machine…
Get it… The girl on fire. Yep, Katniss it is.  😉

If you haven’t read the books, do. They are so good. Well written, captivating. You’ll like them. Promise.

Until then, hopefully we’ll get into a showing over the weekend. At least that’s the plan. And while we wait… patiently… sort of…. We’d love to see what you fancied up this week!!!

Fancy This Fridays Rules:

1. Please link directly to the project post on your blog.
Not the blog itself.
2. Please link only your OWN posts.
We prefer to see what YOU have been up to… not someone random.
3. Please grab a button and display it somewhere on your blog. On your sidebar, on your posts, on your linky party page. We aren’t picky!
4. We would LOVE if you would comment on at least one other link.
Just pop over and say “Hello, coming by from Truly Lovely”, or something more clever… You know. 😉

Thanks for linking lovelies! Have a fun weekend… And may the odds be ever in your favor! 😉


Bloggie Bestie Swap with Kim of A Girl and A Glue Gun

Hey lovelies! We have a treat for you today!
Do you know Kim of A Girl and a Glue Gun??? She’s this week’s Bloggie Bestie here at Truly Lovely!
So WELCOME Kimbo! 😉 She’s been on my blog reading list since… Well, since I started reading blogs!
SO I am super excited to have her here today!

And as always, it would be super awesome of you to come visit me over at her place today… If you wanna… 😉

wazzup! i’m kim.

i usually glue crap together. today i’m sewing. don’t worry though.. it’s a straight basic stitch that anyone can do! i’m super excited to be blog swapping with kassi today! (make sure to check out the yummy thing she’s cooking up over at my blog!)

so while patrolling through blog land…
i came across this tutorial….
and immediatly decided that lace is one of my favortiest things. like chevron. ruffles. pink. chocolate. hot glue. polka dots. just somethings that makes me instantly happy…
and i thought i have got to make me one. and justsohappens i had this blue shirt in my take back to the store pile. i just couldn’t justify spending $8 on a plain shirt..when i literally have a drawer full….so i was going to take it back. instead i want to joanns and bought a yard and half of pretty lace….

since it was straight on one side i decided to do two strips…(and that 1 1/2 was perfect. i literally had like 2 inches left)
(so i guess it wasn’t perfect. 1 yard and 16 inches would have been perfect.)

lined them up..

pinned them on..

(the ends were tucked underneath and sewed so no raw edges were visible from the front!)

and sewed. i sewed along the stright and the curved side (4 times total)

another reason to love lace…you can’t see your mistakes (aka stitches)

that t is on a very uncomfortable part of my bum.

anyways..thanks mucho to the cute k sisters for having me!!!!

:) She’s AWESOME right!?! Lace!?! Yep, we kinda love lace too… You know… In case you didn’t notice… i.e. look either left or right on our blog design. 😉 THANKS so much to KIM for swapping with us this week! :) AND for being the Bloggie Bestie at Truly Lovely!
You know… we want to be your Bloggie Bestie too! 😉 Just hit us up!

Happy sewing lovelies!